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Everything posted by jon

  1. There is nothing minor about this. The CIA has had to pull all of it's field agents and assets involved with this person, because first they will do no good now and also because their lives are at risk. In the intelligence business most of the work is just getting your foot in the door, it takes years to start making contacts and working them and developing assets and their trust.
  2. I think we could start slides around 7:30 to 8 or so, I need to work that angle out with the owner, but people should show up around 6 to chat, eat, and drink. We have the place til about 12. As far as if you are bringing digital, try to bring it on CD. We will most likely have two laptops, I know on my PowerBook I can import the picts into iPhoto and do the slideshow from there. I'll most likely post a list of beers we might want on tap, and we can choose what we want for the evening.
  3. I do believe that some leaks are planned. In the case of Ron Jeremy it would have been hard to hide it because it was in broad daylight with the Pakistanies. They probably had no choice. I just think it's better not to let them know we hit one of them with a missle from a Predator, see what info we can find, or at least trace the chatter involving it. Our government can keep secrets, I'll tell you that, from BBDs to the Aurora to Roswell, but when beurocrats are involved it will no longer be a secret.
  4. I think the leaking of information and our government's official general disregard for keeping secrets is one of the biggest cancers in our country. Everyday I read articles where a source at such and such says this is going on or whatever. While the stuff about Al Qeada is fun to read, I can't imagine what damage it might have caused or what things that we could have gotten if it weren't for leaks or going public. Case in point, some of these guys like Zwahari (the Ron Jeremy look alike), we should have never let them know we got him. Or the deal with this Army minister. Don't let them know we found out, take the information and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Also, nothing like showing on TV where the invading Army is on it's way to Bahgdad or letting them know how the fight is going after we knocked out their communications. I hope they find Bush had knowledge of this, I've grown tired of the guy.
  5. Ok so what do you want, three seperate forums for Yos, Sierra, and Shasta area, or make it just one forum. Wayne, you are the man, you tell me.
  6. jon

    Dwayner Now!

    Hey Pope I meant you being a good friend to Dwayner.
  7. I'll create it if Minx stops erasing her posts.
  8. jon

    Dwayner Now!

    Holy Crap Trask is winning this one. So Pope, if your logic is correct, shouldn't this say are you bolt or anti-bolt? Here's to being a good friend Pope
  9. http://www.velonews.com/race/int/articles/5040.0.html Congrats to Roberto! I think it is amazing that someone can race in the TDF and still have enough in the tank to win the Vuelta. Hats off as well to Petacchi, who did what he said and finished, and amassed multiple stage wins in all three tours. This guy makes Cipo look like a chump.
  10. jon

    Dark Ages

    I promised myself that I wouldn't post anymore about this but I just can't help myself. 1) The thing I found the most abnoxious about Dwayner was Jumping the Shark. If you don't like it here go away. Search for the "Dwayner the Prophet" thread and read it, nothing like a tribute to a fallen hero. 2) About two years ago I stopped sport climbing because I was having a change of heart about bolts, mostly with my concern of bolting of unsafe rock (like Winterlock Wall at FC). I changed my view of things again, in part because of you guys. 3) A number of people agreed with what we did. 4) Any decision we will make will look entirely arbitrary to the person or persons who have been a subject to them. You comment about how you were climbing well I was wetting my pants shows how arrogant and self absorbed you are. Did you just instantly become an old crusty climber?
  11. jon

    Dark Ages

    Matt, I am also no longer going to argue with these guys about this. I think I've been pretty clear in my statements, and all they can do is spin it, avoid the obvious, and make falsities. I know I'm right and they are wrong.
  12. jon

    Dark Ages

    None taken. Maybe I should add that to the application for becoming a moderator.
  13. jon

    Dark Ages

    Pope and Dwayner. Educated Idiots. Seriously get real. If everything all you guys said was true, would there be threads littering this message board from the past three weeks, the last three years, saying how much I suck or we suck or how the mods suck or how cc.com suck. We obviously have the power to remove those. We have the power to remove the people posting those things. Are the people who say the above still posting here? Yes they are, some even posted in this thread. So if I think this place rocks I disagree with them, I should ban them, yes? So as I argued with Dru, yes some people were banned because we didn't agree with them, but the issue wasn't bolts or whatever it was what we disagree about what is appropriate around here and what isn't.
  14. Is unrelenting verbal abuse considered attacking someone?
  15. jon

    Can you help Ropeup?

    Sorry Sean I've had to be on the defensive a little lately. I'm sure it will be a good time.
  16. I've seen Ray riding to work!!!! He has one of those enclosed aero bicycle deals, smokin a big fatty with smoke streaming out the vent, he's not only laughing at every incident, he is a laughing the whole way.
  17. jon

    Can you help Ropeup?

    And who is this? Me?
  18. jon

    Dark Ages

    Listen...... Do you hear it? It's a violin....playing a song for you and your friend. It's a sad tune, but I'm sure you'll get over it before you get over yourselves.
  19. It looks like I've got the projector nailed down thanks to a user. We will have two laptops probably, one Windows and one Mac (CD/DVD only).
  20. Carolyn, Muscle tender points are not caused by the lactic acid. In fact post exercise muscle soreness is not caused by lactic acid but muscle damage. Lactic Acid is removed from the muscle 60 minutes post exercise but can stay accumulated in the blood until the heart and other organ remove it from the blood stream. From what I know you want to heat the area pretty good and then have someone apply pressure for about 20 seconds to break up the fibers. That is just what I was taught by trainers. I would send glassgowkiss a PM and ask him, I believe he is a message therapist.
  21. Dru didn't someone tell you that drinking Zima makes you look like.....well......a little bitch.
  22. Yes being your new and all you must come, I'll even buy you a beer.
  23. This is pretty much whomever wants to show some slides gets to show some slides, even if they have only a few to show, so each people will do their own, which is what I think your asking. Depending on how many people want to do this will dictate how much time everyone will get. This will be pretty laid back so don't be afraid to show slides people.
  24. Dru you got fucked! Beck stole Rope Up and he got one
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