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Everything posted by jon

  1. I think after measuring the response from the first issue you could determine whether there you would want to make it annual or biannual or quarterly, or just when ever the hell you get the thing out the door.
  2. You know, what really pisses me off is someone starts a thread like this one..... http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB1&Number=245868 and I open the shit up and it's the same fucking people every time posting their mindless drivel all over the place. It doesn't matter if you think it's a stupid thread or not. Get a clue.
  3. On a number of occasions in college I had to rap into people's locked rooms that had a window open using a 2x6 in a doorjam as "pro".
  4. Why does everything have to have spin? Beck you seem hell bent on involving these big companies that you name drop all the time thinking that is the way to do it. Read Lowell's post, this has nothing to do with access issues, it has to do with documenting climbing achievements around here. By bringing in sponsors or partners, especially big industry, you have expectations. Not saying you can't limited amount of advertising or whatever but you don't NEED to have this to make something successful. CC.com went for 2 and 1/2 year without any support (and so did Rope Up). It was a lot of work and a lot of money, but it's been worth it. I think cc.com should be involved in this, and I'm not saying this because I started the site or trying to toot my own horn beckstyly. Would there even be this discussion (like this) if it weren't for this place? How hard would it be to gather all this information for something like this without cc.com? Would the majority of people even know about these ascents if there wasn't stories about them here? Not saying this would be an impossible task without cc.com but it would be much harder to solicite for stories and reports without it. For the reason's I stated earlier this should be done online unless somebody wants to front a whole lot of money and not expect any kind of return on it, essentially play money like the Redhat dude. There isn't anything about the web, especially a PDF, that would prohibit anybody from getting a copy. Old crusty hardman who has never heard of the internet can ask junior to print a copy for him. If things work out then you can think about the next step and print something. Start simple, then progress as resources allow....not the other way around.
  5. JayB Dru you have this problem of complaining about stuff and spinning it in a way that isn't even true. Nobody is saying "ban dwayner because he doens't like clipping bolts." Read the thread, does someone suggest that? The problem is purposely turning every damn thread you possilby can into a bitch about bolts arguement. How is it your decision whether a thread is worthy of being sprayed on or not? Should everyone be able to start a serious thread and not have you guys trash all over it. Look you even did to YOUR OWN THREAD.
  6. You can turn this option off in your preferences, but don't tell Drul, that could make him a more efficient sprayer.
  7. jon

    Enjoy life

    Sorry Sisu, I'm with ya. Found out yesterday during half time of the Husky that one of my good friends was killed in a motorcycle accident Sat morning. Puts things in perspective.
  8. Yes same concept. They keep it afloat with $12.95 an issue. Got #4 today and it is very nice.
  9. Dru I'm saying test the idea with the cheap PDF option and then move it to the print form if you get enough support to do it. If I were to personally do this, I would solicate reports and stories with picture from people both on and off the site. I would ask a couple people to review stuff, put together a nice PDF, and put it on the site for free for anyone to download. People could email it or print it out for their friends. If people appreciated my work and wanted to contribute something there is a pay pal link on the site. This is the cheapest and simplest way to do it.
  10. A printed version would be nice, but when you take into account having to fund it, get it printed and dealing with a printer, and then distributing it then you are talking some serious work that might not pay off. With an online PDF version to start, your costs would be nonexistant if you don't include time involved, and you would be able to establish some legitimacy. If people want to sit in their rocker and read it, they can print it out. Then your only risk is your time and your pride and not your money. Keep things simple to test the idea and go from there.
  11. Finding advertisers is a pain in the ass. I spent a lot of time working out a good advertising model and emailed every local retailer in Washington and Oregon and got maybe 6 responses. For what we were offering retailers it was an amazing deal and they bawked at the price. I think a printed version would be great, but someone will have to front the money and take the risk of it not going over that well. I think a PDF format would be a good start because it still looks good and then you could move to a print format, and there is nothing keeping you from printing the back one.
  12. I wouldn't go from Source Lake unless you have to. It's not too bad to the thumbtack from what I remember but there was a lot of tree tunneling.
  13. First thing you need to figure out is what you want to accomplish, like improving on a weakness. Then you have to set some goals. I'm spending the next four months increasing my leg strength with weights. My goal is to get my squat to 400. Heading into March of next year I want to be about 10 to 13 pounds lighter then I am right now. Because I'm lifting I need to make sure I'm eating enough to get maximal muscle gain so I am only maintaining my weight until December when I stop weights and start working on aerobic capacity. One thing I'll say that I never see said anywhere, and while this is a personal opinion of mine I think it is rather important and overlooked. I would not head into the weight room with little to no aerobic development in the areas you are planning on lifting on. I have become a proponent of maximal amount of gain for the least amount of work. There are certain training techniques and muscle development and recovery tricks that can cut your training in at least half, and I think having an aerobic base is one of the key foundations to a lifting program. To put it cryptically what is the point of lifting if you can't deliver oxygen and nutrients to those tissues.
  14. jon

    1337 h4x

    Maybe it's a bunch of pirates matey, and not that Traskian Butt Pirate Kind either. ARRRRRRRRR.
  15. The quality of slide film and negative film has closed greatly. The one thing nice about negative film is that you have a greater exposure range, with the disadvantage of typically not having the color saturation and accuracy. I bought a Canon G2 digital earlier this summer and it has been the best photographic investment I've ever made. The obvious part is that I don't have to develop film, I more or less see the pictures instantly and can make adjustments. I bought a 512 MB card with mine which allows me to take about 250 4 megapixel non-compressed images. With that many pictures I don't hesitate to take a shot and it allows me to play with composition. I have been doing a lot of exposure bracketing which has been a godsend. My friend is a pro and he shoots almost exclusively digital now, and he brackets his exposures like crazy. Weight and size of the camera is much less then a SLR. I can easily make prints of any picture either using my printer or I can order them online which is pretty cheap. Disadvantages of digital. Obviously you don't get the color accuracy and saturation of a slide film. Unless you have a really high end digital they can be sluggish for shooting action type stuff and can be frusterating to use especially if you are used to a SLR. Battery life on a digital isn't great, but with mine for instance I can bang off 400 shots before I need a recharge. The last disadvantage of digital is the technology is still in it's infancy. Soon they will be using a whole new type of layed CCD that will significantly raise the bar. My suggestion is to buy something that has been out for a while because you will save a lot of money and can get something that is time tested. The G2 you can find for $400 now and it is a very popular choice, there are even some pros who use this one from what I've read.
  16. jon

    Everyone hate everyone!

    Another reason to vote for Clark in 2004. I have always believed that the president should have had a long service record. Only people in his shoes know the true ugliness of war. He was top in his class at West Point and a Rhodes Scholar. I don't think anyone will have to ask him about his cocaine use.
  17. jon

    you know who you are

  18. I get tired of your ugly ass... I tear off your peg leg.. ram it up your ass... pour hot carmel over your head.... and turn you into a fucking candy apple. ARRRRRRRRRRRRR.
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