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Everything posted by jon

  1. Ok Will I've found some time. I have played and play a whole bunch of different sports and activities from co-rec volleyball to Div I Football, and as I get older and wiser and my body isn't as forgiving I've changed my philosophies on how to train. This is based on coaching, reading, knowledge from my profession, and most of all experience. I don't claim to know more then someone, I just know what has worked for me. As far as strengthening legs here is what I've learned. First and foremost you have to have a goal. Doesn't make sense to kill your knees doing heavy squats if you are just trying to increase your muscular endurance. So figure out exactly what you want out of it. For instance my goal for my last four months was to get my squat max around 400 and I did that. When you are developing your plan around your goal make sure the exercises you are doing make sense for what you are trying to accomplish, i.e. doing exercises that are close to the movements your would be doing. For instance when I squat my feet are shoulder width apart knees straight forward. Theoretically this is the "harder" way to do it but it is actually easier on your knees and has my legs spaced just like they would be if i was pedaling a bike or hiking. After I develop the strength I will develop the power by doing exercises on the bike and hiking with a heavy pack. Remember that all of this is just my opinion. My big thing I'm into right now, well one of them at least, is recovery, that's why I recommended that book. I won't even loan that book to my friends because I constantly am referencing it. Getting stronger basically boils down to stressing the muscles and letting them recover. If they don't recover they don't get stronger. By maximizing your recovery, like accelerating amino acid intake and glycogen regeneration post workout, you can get either stronger or have to do less to get there, or even both. What's great about recovery is that you can incorporate it into your daily life, literally maximizing your potential by just making simple changes like hitting your peak insulin response right after your workout. Another thing which kind of falls in the recover thing is if I feel like crap, either with a cold or my body is just really worn down, or I haven't eaten properly during the day, I don't do my workout because it's not damaging my body more then it can repair itself. Something I am big into is going into your lifting with a fairly developed cardio capacity. There are many reasons for this; ligament strengthening, mitochondria development, muscle cell wall strengthening, and capillary development. By having this you decrease your chance for injury and increase the ability of your muscles to recover and make gains, especially with the capillary development because the more developed it is, the easier it is to bring in the nutrients and flush out the toxins. My program for this fall and winter which I'm finished with now went something like this. I spent 4 weeks 3 times per week just preparing my body for the lifting, so I started VERY light and moved up about ten pounds per workout. Here I was doing about 3 sets of 5 with the last set at 10, and about every workout that 10 became less by one, so by the time I reached the end where I was going to do a max strength test I my reps was around 3. The next three weeks I did a thing that supposedly helps with neurological recruitment of muscle fibers. It basically is doing a set of 4 light and then a set of 2 heavy and alternating back and for about 7 sets on each lift, increasing 10 pounds per day, and I think that was three times a week. Then I took a rest week. Then I did two weeks of volume work that was modeled after what the East Germans developed, I did one day where I did like 5 sets of 10 reps pretty damn heavy, and then a light day on a friday. This workouts were excruciatingly hard, like about to cry hard, but the gain from the first to second and second to next first Max week were enormous. Took another rest period and then did Max Strength for 5 weeks, similarly modeled like the first four weeks in sets and reps. The lifts I did, back and front squats, leg curls, sled, straight leg and normal dead lift, and calves. Last but most important, I never did any lower body cardio for longer then 10 minutes on my lifting days. From what I've been told, you want to use your anaerobic energy systems, so your ATP-CP and glycolysis pathways, when you are lifting heavy weights and develop those. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes for your aerobic pathway to become fully functional (reason why you should take warming up in general seriously) so that is why you don't want to go over 10. Hope this helps.
  2. It seems like a great deal... until it breaks.
  3. Will I'll write more when I have time, but I just finished 4 months of serious leg strength training and what I can tell you is if you have a good plan and stick to it, give yourself rest and recover well, you will make remarkable gains, at least I did. The problem though is that when you are lifting heavy you will feel like shit in your cardio, for instance riding your bike. Fuck those Alpine climbing books. If there is one book you should read it's a muscle recovery book by Dr. Ed Burke, search amazon.com. PM me your email addy, I've got a PDF that I think you will enjoy.
  4. It's what's called an adaptogen, grows high in the mountains in the Himal and in Russia, reportedly allows your body to utilize oxygen better. I've used a supplement that has it in it but not individually.
  5. And in case you guys haven't seen the show, that's Trask on the far left.
  6. Thanks Glassgow! For most of my life I've been very inflexible and the last 7 years have had back problems, which has stemmed from some muscle imbalances, just like Bob described.. I've recently started stretching every day and getting massage once a week and it's absolutely amazing how much better my body feels.
  7. Tim you fucked up holmes, you told them before we had the chance to jack up the price on Sprayaderm HC.
  8. jon

    Open Letter

  9. I've been pretty busy recently so I haven't been following much of what is going on here. There has been some interesting conversation in the Super Secret Moderator Forum as of recent, and I thought it might be time to make a quick public service anoucement. CC.Com is here for your enjoyment and enrichment, but what might be funny to you or your friends might not be funny to others or even offensive. This is something that you will have to take into consideration from now on if you aren't already. Unfortunately life is all about compromises and in this case your being here is more of a privilege then a right. I think there is this common misconception here that the moderators are here to babysit some of you folks, giving you a spanking when you step out of line, and then allow you back into the room with the rest of the kids with a sore butt and mouth still tasting like soap. That simply isn't the case. The moderators are here to move topics in the right forum and help keep topics on track. The are spending entirely too much time editing people's mindless garbage, let alone talking about how to deal with it. They put more thought about dealing with it then the people generating it. They are NOT here to keep deleting your insensitive and stupid posts and ban and unban and ban and unbad. I don't mean to ruffle anybodies feathers but there seems to be a few individuals here that just don't seem to get it. Call it survival of the fittest if you want.
  10. I don't have that problem, which version are you running? I've got 1.0.1 (v85.6).
  11. Trask, get hit by a car riding your bike and then talk. Otherwise put that dick back in your mouth and STFU.
  12. I don't do a one rep max, I have an equation that gives me an estimate. Were you fucking joking, 215 is fucking hard??? I saw this scrawney looking guy at the Pro Club once deadlifting like 350 or something and I couldn't even watch it was so ugly looking, this guys spine was doing things I didn't believe was imaginable.
  13. Fuck you Bronco how much you squat?
  14. It's cool. That was my last set at 5 reps each. My squat max is about 400 and I don't know about the DL. I personally don't like dead lifts that much and so I don't push it too hard on those, it's hard on my back. I always thought you could squat more then deadlift, but maybe I'm wrong.
  15. I ride my bike 3 to 4 days a week for a total of about 9 hours, right now adding about an hour a week as the winter progresses. I lift legs twice a week, pretty heavy on Tuesdays for instance I was squating 300 last night, sled 600, and dead lift at 215. Lift legs on Friday but very very light. Do upper body on Wed and Thur but I do high reps because I'm trying to get leaner upstairs. I swim about 4 times a week about 30 minutes each workout. Doing a lot of stretching right now to increase my flexability.
  16. edog whacha think, should we chuck the cc.com humvee on ebay and be part owners of a climbing gym or she would we continue with the bling bling don't hate the player hate the game?
  17. http://www.awfulplasticsurgery.com/ http://www.anomalies-unlimited.com/Jackson.html
  18. Why would I be reading a thread about a gay ski week? I ski but I'm not gay. My point is I don't read everything here, in fact today is pretty much the first time I've even had a chance to look at the site all week. If you see something that is inappropriate send a email or PM a mod for that forum.
  19. "Moods are for cattle and love play" Why'd Necro get banned? Did it make you hard, when you hit the button and cut him off from the rest of the world?? You like many others here continue to push a line of acceptability, or inacceptability, that I think is more then clear. We tolerate of a lot of crap here, but things along the lines of bashing of gays, racism, and children molestation is not tolerated. You opinion is welcome, your hatred is not. We have said it before and I don't feel like I have to say it again, this is something that I think should be assumed. In your case you have been added to the list of persona non grata.
  20. The reason for banning purely has to do with the mood the moderator. Like for instance if I'm in a good mood I will just send the person to PM politely asking them to knock it off. On the other hand if I am in a mood like I am today, which seems to be a reoccuring theme, I really don't give a shit what you think and will ban people just so I feel better. I don't know what it is about banning people, maybe the sudden rush of endorphines from my pituitary gland, that makes it so fun.
  21. If you are looking for a good boot fitter go to Steve Forsyth, I guess he works at a place called Centerline Ski and Boot Service in Bellevue, he probably owns it. I haven't seen him in years but he used to work in the original Sturtavants store where the Bellevue Art Museum is now and he was the shit for custom ski boot work, in fact I think he was responsible for getting that place the good rep it did.
  22. PV=nRT baby!!! Heat that fucker up!!!!
  23. Neither freezing or heating will work because of the properties of titanium and because of the structure of the cannister, which is designed for hight pressure. If I'm reading this correctly you got this stuck at altitude and the suction of the negative pressure is keeping the canister snug in there. If that is the case I would try heating the bottom of the cup causing the air to expand inside the cup. If you have a suction cup I'd then stick that on the canister and try to rip it out. The other option is to immerse it in water for a while and the deeper down the better. The vaccum and the pressure of the water will force the water in there until it reaches equilibrium and then you should be able to get the canister out.
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