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Everything posted by wetslide

  1. I'd recommend the BD stingers if you were going to buy new ones and are somewhat experienced (which I assume you are). my .02.
  2. These things shred big time. A little bit to get used to but in the pow they completely rock.
  3. The first two shots were take in Lilloet BC last season. The last three were taken at the Big Four Ice Caves.
  4. Cool guys. Really enjoyed the photos. Keep stoke alive.
  5. Yep Keenwash. I agree. And I do. With Permit of course.
  6. ok, Call my stupid but I'm considering buying these. I've been skiing almost my whole life, relatively new to the BC. I just lost a ski in the BC yesterday and need a quick replacement that can tour, ect. I think i could at least somewhat tolerate these in-bounds but we'll see. Anyone have any ideas before I think about pulling the trigger? Edit- bought them.
  7. Long story short, I lost a ski yesterday BC skiing. I need One Fritschi Freeride Pro binding. I know it is a long shot. Lemme know.
  8. Happy b-day Sobo ,you old codger.
  9. pack sold. jacket still available.
  10. I think it is a large. It fits me and I'm 6'3".
  11. I just got the black diamond axis today. Haven't used it yet but quality and features are comparable to any pack I've used.
  12. bump. Lower prices. Who wants a cheap, warm puffy? Backpack available as well.
  13. To be more accurate...I don't know if I led a 5.11d trad. So, I probably didn't. Since I'm not a liar, I'm confused why I wrote that in the first place, since I've onsighted 5.11a trad but definitely not 5.11d. I must have been thinking sport- that is the only explanation.
  14. ak47? No it isn't on private property AFAIK. My dad told me it isn't and he knows a lot about that valley. I really don't remember what 5.11d I led. I need to change that.
  15. Thank you OW. I've always thought you were a good guy. Seriously. I should know better, you are right! *bashes head against keyboard*
  16. Lacking in both areas, admittedly. I did get on some ice yesterday, though. First of the season.
  17. Name the number of times I've sprayed about myself (since being banned as summitchaser). Once, as a joke, and out of neccesity (because I couldn't figure out mountainprojects photo settings). What you guys don't get is that skill in the mountains has nothing to do with skill at the keyboard.
  18. Hey Rob, Why don't you STFU. I've been cool with all your BS in the past but no more. Dude. Please try my mixed routes. I would buy you beer to try them and let me film your ass falling off. Please do it. Please pretty please. Step up to the plate for once in your life.
  19. ya ya ya i could still kick all your asses in real life. But in reality, its all one big joke. Anyone who doesn't get that is a retard.
  20. I erected a mini mixed training wall in my backyard. Too bad you got suckered into going to school (kidding- I'm a grad student).
  21. bump for price reduction.
  22. These two items are for sale. Both have been used but are in good condition. Coat has small patched hole. See picture. Will entertain reasonable offers. Jacket is size large. Price- 35$ Backpack -45$
  23. Duct Tape has been a staple on my climbing rack for years.
  24. Also add Sherpa Glacier and Stuart Glacier Coulior on Stuart.
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