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Everything posted by justinp

  1. Perhaps more people should realize this. If anything this site gives u some thick skin. I recently had a discussion about this with some other cc climbers.... Oh and YW is my fav, but I am a single cell organism in my evolution as it relates to climbing at Beacon and will likely have a different answer at this time next year
  2. Looks like Ivan has started a trend with the mini bomb box!
  3. close enough to keep the majority of the rest of the good spots relatively traffic free. U going to Smith this weekend
  4. wow I went to the gym and thats all the time it took for this thread to take a nose dive! I'm with u plaidman
  5. u mean aided by fewer linked to Dodd's
  6. Hey Feck, Did they get that reroute on the lower portion of the trail finished?
  7. Fawk it was wet! Thanks to Kenny for bringing the tarp . Ivan rapping through the Arena of Terror Kenny gettin ready for the deluge gettin my jug on
  8. I'll be there too with kenny... already got the rain gear and jugs packed
  9. Yes.. good read IMO No.. don't waste your duckits Bump! Find a few good mentors…. Get out by yourself fix a line and practice mach free and aid climbing!
  10. Oh come on! Atleast one no?
  11. Olive branch to one and a punch in the gut to another! OMG 8D
  12. Suck ass! Thanks for given me another good reason to get renters insurnace.
  13. Any thoughts on kevbone's suggestion of going right to enter the slab. I was looking up at this last time I climbed the corner with LCK and thought it may need a little work but could be fun. As for the horn being loose… WTF? I climb like a drunken monkey at times, but have never felt the urge to yard on that horn simply tension off and get my feet up. Some one was obviously having a "what the fawk have I got myself into" moment
  14. bump! I'm thinking someone out there has given up the dream or perhaps just to many in this size range...
  15. Wow this quickly turned into a spray fest Good luck Kenny!
  16. These are some of the last pieces I need to complete my trad rack. Looking for lightly used or newer pieces. Hook a brother up with a PM! Thanks, Justin
  17. someone should chop down those god dam power lines:argue:
  18. justinp

    high valley, OR

    Never know when you might be able to bag a cougar
  19. justinp

    high valley, OR

    I always climb with a gat to!
  20. Was thinking about climbing at Wolf Rock before heading to Acker on Sunday, but this could be fun to… Tyler you good to go on Pulaski’s, shovels and what not? If I come out I could bring a few utensils complements of my cush gov job. Yep Joseph sometime those cush jobs comes in handy...
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