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Everything posted by Peakpimp

  1. Belay slave for hire! I'd like to get out and climb wednesday or thursday although the weather is supposed to turn wednesday night. I'd gladly drive as far, carry as much gear, buy as much beer as would be necessary to have you do all the leading. Index? Exits? Moderate c2c alpine? I can follow 5.8/9 and am a safe belay. Hit me up and we can discuss options. I can leave tuesday afternoon for alpine. I start classes a week from monday and really want to get out for my last few days of summer.
  2. I got my start skiing with my family at timberline when I was about eight. It wasn't a bad place to learn and the lodge there was especially cool to me as a kid. I took a few lessons at timberline (mainly to occupy me and my sister while our parents skied) but didn't really get the hang of it from the instructors as I was a little nervous. My folks, avid skiers, realized we we're not having the best time on the slopes took me out and showed me how it was done and it was their patient instruction taught me the most. While timberline was great I never really fell in love with skiing until we finally went to meadows. I'll say meadows buttercup beats timberlines bunny slope any day I can't count how many laps I did on that one... hah good times. The beginner/intermediate terrain is great at meadows as well as the snow, well worth the extra drive imho!
  3. Nice pics sps! Nope ivan no beer but maybe I should plan a creep spot to hide some from partners who would bail to raid the beer stash eh?
  4. From a lost and found thread... hope its the same shoe
  5. You guys rock! I can't wait to get on that route
  6. Nice TR. I'm gonna have to check that one out.
  7. Don't forget the postal service too!
  8. Here this might offer some insight... s4iebOTJHTk
  9. I'm pretty much in the same place as you Roos2er. I'm looking to eventually do hard alpine trad but don't really have any friends that are interested in more than backpacking. Unfortunately I can't take the mountaineers course because I'm a full time student and unable to make the time commitment, and I can't afford a guide service for above mentioned reasons. I've read all the books, scrambled a lot of local peaks, met and climbed with more experienced partners and even scraped up enough cash to attend Mountain Gear's U Climb event being hosted at the Exit 38 crags near North Bend at the end of the month. Hopefully that will give me a solid enough foundation to feel confident when answering or posting messages seeking climbing partners. Although I am left to wonder the same thing as you; " How much experience would a newbie like myself need so that climbers(like the ones here) would feel comfortable adding you to there team?" It's the old you need experience to climb but need to climb to get experience cycle.
  10. Georgia proves their as good at weightlifting as they are at war.
  11. Maybe even give you a garbage bag full to keep quiet right?
  12. Nice Job! I really enjoyed that climb, way to go!
  13. Trip: Mt. Buckner - South Side Date: 8/14/2008 Trip Report: This being my first TR please bear with me A couple of weeks ago I received some exciting news that my regular alpine partner Dan was sending his fiancee to Michigan to see her family for a whole week! We quickly made plans to finally head back for another try on Mt. Buckner as we were denied on a previous trip in the summer of 06 on account of poor weather. We planned to leave Tuesday night after I got off work and thankfully the manager was out of the store that day allowing me to switch my standard 11-8 shift to a 10-6:30, score! I promptly arrived at Dan's place at 7pm. He and I were to be accompanied by our friend Randy who had been with us for Three Fingers and Mt. Adams, a fairly competent mountaineer I thought, although that assumption would soon be tested. We quickly loaded the gear while Dan exchanged some sweet parting words with his better half before heading out. Still needing that beloved back-country permit we decided to camp at Marble Creek campground on cascade river road Tuesday night so that I could drive down and grab one as soon as the ranger station opened on Wednesday which I did promptly. We were on the trail to cascade pass around 9am. snaffelicious After the tedious switchbacks up and over Cascade Pass we stopped for some water at the falls coming down from Doubtful Lake. The wildflowers were in full bloom! Still unable to locate Beckey's "miners path" to the upper horseshoe basin we simply scrambled up the falls. We set up camp in the upper basin and settled in for some JB Rye and music from Dan's portable Ipod setup... not a bad way to spend the evening! Morning with Ripsaw Ridge and Mt. Buckner over our camp. After a quick traverse of the upper basin we were soon ascending the snowfield on Buckner's South Side. Randy chose to stay at camp as he felt he lacked the energy to accompany Dan and I to the summit. Obligatory Summit Pics That's one big ass glacier After Dan showed me up with the standing glissades down the snowfields we headed back across the basin to camp. Upon reaching camp we quickly noticed that Randy had packed up his stuff and left! It had been our plan to ascend up to the Sahale Arm to head back to the car although it didn't look optimal to us from the basin so Dan and I had decided to scramble back down the falls the way we came up. Needless to say we were pretty upset when we arrived to find him gone, I mean seriously who leaves their party out in the mountains to head off alone? I had hidden a spare key near the car for an emergency so we hoped that he had headed for the TH to hang out and wait for us there. We quickly packed up the rest of the gear and made our way down the falls to the lower basin. At the bottom we passed a party of two climbers spending the weekend in the Cascade Pass area that said they had passed a lone fellow on the trail headed up the pass around 11am who claimed to have left his party and was headed back to the car, we were very relieved that to hear he had made it down safely. We hustled back up Cascade Pass and did the last few accursed switchbacks down to the TH under headlamps where we found our friend awaiting us in the car as we had suspected. We wearily berated him for leaving us up there although he partially redeemed himself by driving us home while my exhausted ass passed out in the back seat. Gear Notes: Crampons, Ice Ax, Partners that won't bail on ya. Approach Notes: Still couldn't find the miners path to the upper basin. The scramble up the falls was fun though.
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