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Everything posted by Peakpimp

  1. I have mon-fri off this week and next week and I'm looking to climb as much as possible before I go back to work full time. I'll drive anywhere. Shoot me a pm to discuss some possibilites
  2. I was once told that in medieval times one was required to obtain permission from the King to fornicate in his castle. Once the necessary permission was granted one would hang a sign on the door indicating the rooms occupants were in fact, "Fornicating Under Consent of King" or F.U.C.K.ing. looks like it's a fucking myth
  3. Damn it, now where am I going to get my happy ending?
  4. How about Mt Index north face or the Index Peak traverse?
  5. definition: Compete –verb (used without object), -pet⋅ed, -pet⋅ing. to strive to outdo another for acknowledgment, a prize, supremacy, profit, etc.; engage in a contest; vie: to compete in a race; to compete in business. So let me get this straight, to be a functioning member of society it is my duty to work endlessly to prove that not only am I better than you, but my family is more deserving of the basic necessities of life than yours? God Bless America!
  6. Seems I've got Sunday and Monday off anyone want to climb something? I've got ideas, you've got ideas, send me a pm to discuss. -Josh
  7. Never did find a partner. Just went with a friend to check out that Mountaineers climbing wall down at Magnussen.
  8. Unfortunately Wednesday is my one and only day off each week.
  9. Anyone want to climb tomorrow? Alpine? Ice? I'm open to suggestions shoot me PM to discuss options.
  10. Anyone able to confirm the conditions of Drury? Inquiring minds want to know!
  11. Was it fatter than last week Jens? Was there any remnants of my "Hilton" belay ledge?
  12. Blitzburgh rules the world! Steeler Nation baby!
  13. I'd certainly like to go find out!
  14. Believe it or not protest and civil unrest can bring change! Iceland Grab your pots and wooden spoons!
  15. Very cool! I wanna climb that route badly.
  16. Peakpimp

    Boys From Brazil

    I did some research on Mengle for a paper I wrote. Man that guy sure did love twins. They usually received "extra special" attention over other prisoners, which was usually more of a curse than blessing.
  17. Indeed, it would seem that our departure from the extended family, and acceptance of the nuclear family, has resulted in the elderly becoming more of a burden than a valuable cultural resource. With many families opting to place individuals in care facilities where they can be kept conveniently out of the way, often not even remotely offered the care in adulthood they provided their progeny in infancy. In short "you gotta stay young and useful or we'll put ya in a home!"
  18. I wish, but its back to classes for me
  19. It was very nice to meet you and Larry up there MK! How about that weather? Amazing!!
  20. From what I understand Ujjayi breathing is good for lots of things, perhaps climbing too?
  21. I've got the holiday off, anyone want to climb something? Alpine, trad, sport? I'm open to suggestions. I'll drive, pm me and we can discuss options.
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