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Everything posted by JBo6

  1. Kick ass trip report! This was awesome while I was drinking my coffee. Just as an FYI to anyone who may be interested Kelly Cordes has released his book The Tower as a free audiobook. It's kinda a pain to download the individual episodes but well worth the listen. https://kellycordes.com/book/audio-book-sort-of/
  2. Congrats nonbasketless on the dumbest post of COVID-19. May no one surpass it.
  3. I'm sure you are keeping an eye on it, but the weather forecast is looking pretty abysmal for this weekend with 8-15 inches of snow forecasted at 9K feet Saturday night to Sunday as well as winds into the 40s.
  4. Like a moth to flame I'm drawn to the Beacon thread every time you post Ivan. Thanks for the verbose TRs and I'm glad the fickle finger of fate(gravity) didn't get you the other day.
  5. Good lord. Congrats on the climb and that sucks about the car. What a series of highs and lows.
  6. Awesome photos and nice work carrying someone else's shit out of the woods. I once found an empty bottle of 12 year scotch with the tube that I carried out of Nooksack Cirque. Talk about a let down when I figured out it was empty.
  7. Be aware that there currently is a fire in Pine creek, one drainage north from Cutthroat Lake/Creek. If the Wine Spires area is not currently closed, it is possible that it will be soon. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF's Facebook page seems to have the most up to date information from them. There is currently nothing on their website. Here is a link to the Inciweb report for the Cutthroat Fire. https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6054/ This will likely be kept up to date.
  8. I saw a post on the Turns All Year facebook page about found crampons. Hopefully they are yours.
  9. Driving down 20 coming into Mazama I did not see any on the main body of Goat, a smidge on the hill to the north of Goat Peak.
  10. Holy shit. CC.com has a photo viewer now! Whoever added that nice work!
  11. Great, more conspiracy BS. Also included in your list were grants focused on other parts of the wilderness area, 250K for trail maintenance, 150K for campground maintenance, 100K for mountain bike trails. Maybe the headline should have been "Grant money to build trails and reduce human impacts" or maybe that wouldn't have the same ring to it.
  12. Looks like a great family adventure. Congrats.
  13. As usual it depends. If the south side is super firm then skinning up to Pikers can be challenging, let alone without practice with skinning technique. I'd say you'd be much better served with some practice before. Many AT boots/bindings can be difficult to figure out without experience with them, plus the potential issues of poorly maintained rental gear and boots that do not fit well. All in all I don't think I'd recommend it. Adams in a day is pretty big day for a lot of people(myself included) and if you guys are planning on breaking it up with a night at the Lunch Counter then you're committed to carrying up and over to the SW chutes. Skiing with a large overnight pack is also a lot different than at the resort with no pack or a tiny day pack.
  14. I'd take them if you're willing to ship them. I'll shoot you a message.
  15. I may have been one of the bikers that passed you. Did the loop on Sunday. What a cool area and your photos do it justice!
  16. ONe of a kind guy. I was lucky enough to fly with him for 3-4 years when I worked for the NPS. He truly had an amazing amount of knowledge and life experiences.
  17. What did you end up paying for it? Those are super cool and I've been intrigued by them for a while.
  18. How was the temperature on Saturday night? Myself and some friends rode mountain bikes up to the pass and back to the TH Saturday evening and it seemed pretty chilly when we hopped into the car. It looked like a decent amount of people camping up there that night.
  19. I'm in Winthrop, shoot me a PM with your email address and feel free to pester me for a conditions update in later Novemeber. I'm a skier, not a climber so all I'll really be able to tell you is snow amounts and temps. Usually WSDOT is looking for 2-3 feet of snow in the avalanche paths that threaten the road to close it. Good resources would be the NWAC weather station at WA Pass if it's working and also sign up for the WSDOT North Cascades emails. They usually do a good job of sending out status reports on what's happening up there. edit: Alternatively if there is enough snow you might be able to snag a snowmobile tow up with me or others.
  20. Sent PM. Don't have the pack, but I could take a look for it.
  21. Sounds like 20 is now unmaintained past Early Winters. Hope you got your ski in.
  22. DOT has been plowing to Silver Star this winter so the standard approach would not require road skinning or a snow machine.
  23. Questions/issues for me for mountaineering/snow camping would be: Windproof/resistance Capabilities of snow melting Able to deal with sitting onto of a shovel or hanging for snow melting Backpacking questions: Heat control(simmering?) Size/shape I'll be curious to see what you come up with.
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