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Everything posted by pink_chalk

  1. Go Amy!* Comin' in hot!! Awesome TR and pictures. Looks to be a very memorable time. Jennifer
  2. Are you kidding me! classic!* maybe REI will take em' back
  4. :tup: If all goes to plan, I will be in Cody next week! Is there really a climbers special at Days Inn?
  5. wow! if only I could wake up every morning to that bit of sunshine....
  6. :tup: :snugtop: Nice T.R. John!* Absolutely amazing...
  7. meet your girlfriends parents for the first time?
  8. way to go boys! winter style
  9. Now that's a junk yard dog!
  10. yeah, ya gotta watch that guilt stuff. remember, those five year olds have a pack mentality. given half a chance they'll eat you alive. you don't have kids do you? have you ever been to a birthday party at chuck-e-cheese?? well, I don't have children.... *yet* .... do boyfriends count? Chucky Cheese?! I don’t believe in self inflicted Chinese torture.
  11. 24. too much guilt.
  12. Sadly, I am going to miss out this evening. Darn!* Stupid company Christmas party starts at 6pm... I will be drunk by 7. Kevbone: Please give Jim a little squeeze and a kiss on the cheek for me
  13. I need to meet climbers who can play during the week. *hmph*
  14. Can you get out during the week?
  15. Here is my Beacon Rock short-story contribution…kind of long, sorry, not as cool as climbing in the pitch dark, but good for time wasting amusement. About 3 years ago I headed out to Beacon Rock with this boy I had a crush on, and of course, wanted to impress. I’d been to Beacon a handful of times and knew enough of the rock and area to feel comfortable following lead. I did see Jim Opdyke that morning which to me was/is a good omen. I had never placed gear before in my life, always playing follow the leader. At the time, I was leading 5.11 only on sport. Whatever inspired me that day to place gear for the first time still boggles my mind. I’ll leave this open for speculation. My climbing partner Bob was the lead dog and knew enough about Beacon’s routes to be dangerous. We wanted to climb multi-pitch and later that day found ourselves at the beginning of P3 of I believe Jill’s Thrill. Bob was convinced that this was an easy 5.6, short and sweet and that I should place gear and take my first gear lead. Feeling like a hot-shot that day and wanting to impress Bobby from the Block, I took the rack with an ego driven confidence, almost falling over from the heavy weight of Bob’s super sized rack, and started my way up. After very slowly and carefully placing 3-4 pieces I came to what is known as the crux of Jills Thrill, I believe rated at 5.9. This section offers slim pickens as you need to place your fingers in a small crack to move past the crux before you can place another piece. I was already 10-15 feet passed my last piece, blue #2 or 3 I think. I must have struggled (and I use the term lightly) at the crux for over 15 minutes before my body started to shake uncontrolably (otherwise known as 'the Elvis') and weaken from the vertical wrestling match. Right in the heart of the fight, here comes the infamous train blaring its horn blocking communication with my partner who was praying and talking me into *not* shitting my pants. I was about to peel off and knew a fall was going to be BIG. Did I trust my gear? How well did I place all the pieces? Were they going to rip out of the rock as I would meet my partner at eye level waving good-bye? Would the fall catch? Should I not let-go or let-do? The anticiation of what to do next lingered heavily in the air. Too many conversasions between Bob, me, myself and I, it was time to make a move. I was stuck. Unable to down climb I said a silent prayer and told Bob my body was giving out, that I had nothing left, and I am going to let-go. Later Bob tells me he was about to shit a twinkie. So here comes the big fall, I let go, take about a 15-20 foot ride, and hit a hard stop which was my dedicated belay partner Bobby. All my pieces held! Bob tells me later that the blue #3 was forever my lucky piece. After the epic event, my body was sore for days from the stressful fight with the glorious champion “Beacon Rock”. I walked away hanging my head and dragging my feet, but not without a newfound respect as we drove off into the sunset looking like wild-eyed mountain men.
  16. Thanks for sharing this well told story... you guys are lucky
  17. AHHHH! it was the 'Scorpions'. This story made my day
  18. Kevbone- isnt this the same guy who would solo with a transitor radio listening to heavy metal? white snake or something? the one who said if you fell he would catch you. Classic! Love these storis Markd- great point about make or break, i can relate
  19. okay, I'll bite!* I have a Beacon Story, but.... I need some time to write it down and gather the facts. Kevbone: I think you know this story with Bob G. What climb was it? Above 'Jills Thrill'? To Be Continued.......
  20. Should we merry the thread or start a new one? .... Is Ben injured too??
  21. all too common playing soccer... feel better soon!
  22. pink: his name is spelled BRYAN
  23. Bryan is Injured???? Happy Birthday!* :brew: sickie
  24. *positive vibes* sickie
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