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Everything posted by pink_chalk

  1. Red Foxx also once said, "Beauty is only skin deep, but UGLY goes clear to the BONE." Something said a couple pages back reminded me of a woman I climbed with a couple times a few years back. She was really enthusiastic about climbing. She bought the best gear, trained hard. She aspired to climb K2. Then I never saw her around any more. I asked someone who knew her well what happened to her. "Oh, she met some guy and fell in love with him. He doesn't climb. They moved to L.A." K2, huh? this woman will be on the Oprah Winfrey show fourteen years from now having an epiphany.
  2. I was joking about being jealous. Pam would be a great training partner... I could do pull-ups on her rack.
  3. Kev... how many time are you going to KEEP posting Pam?! Me jealous, maybe.
  4. Jeez, dont you get enough of the person to have something that you do on your own...why does it have to be every goddam thing together. ITs nice to meet women who do their own shit and continue to do so after you meet them....not my last bf was a pro kayaker so I stopped climbing...to be with him Sorry, maybe I should clarify. I meant that *we* climbed together ~ twice. *I* climbed with other people during the relationship. Most of my friends are married climbers = me third wheel unless S/O can even things out ... although I did climb less b/c I learned to kayak. Anyone want to know my blood type? O-
  5. You make a very good point.
  6. TMI Kev!
  7. I disagree. I think it works out just fine for your partner to have a similar hobby/passion (biking, kayaking, skiing, etc.) that requires weekend trips, training, etc. Of course it can work out in all different ways. From my female perspective, I find it much better when the S/O is a climber. My last relationship involved a pro kayaker. In the year we were together, we climbed outside maybe twice. Climbing took a back seat. But thats not to say the relationship failed because of that. So, yes you are right. Point? Don't date someone who hates camping
  8. *highly*
  9. Ah, good point. I just climb with other people. Then again, I'm involved in other sports so its easy to mix things up. Gotta have my space
  10. I guess it all depends on how you run your business.
  11. IMHO: if you're passionate about climbing, day dream at work about your next climbing trip, watch climbing video while making-out, who else will "get" you but another climber? I sell real estate for a living. My job is highly professional and I wear suites every day. Some nights I wear my tightest jeans and the taller the heel the better. But most of the time I'd rather be dirt baggin' with a fellow climber. A guy climbing with his shirt off, chalk on his face, greasy hands from the rope, full rack across his chest? Beats any swanker wearing a suite. Words of advice sister: he's gotta climb. Just makes it so much better... especially if you have a solid group of mutual climber friends. sickie
  12. "Risin' up, straight to the top Have the guts, got the glory Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop..." -Survivor! sickie
  13. softball chics are the ones you gotta look out for... *Boink!*
  14. Just saw this film Saturday at the Bagdad. Alec was awesome. Between him and Marky-Mark, they stole the film. Alec's character reminds me of a guy at work. Double type-A and loves to say "fu$k you". Good times.
  15. Bingo.
  16. whateva! Nickelback rocks!
  17. pink_chalk

    Dog on Hood

    This dog did not think it was good time. Kev, are you implying before or after the fall, maybe both? When I heard there was a dog on Hood, I knew it had to be Velvet girl. She is an amazing dog... a true warrior. I know the owner as well and hold high respect for him. I guess miss Velvet was returing the favor from her days in the Black Velvet Canyon... I also remember when they brought her back how involved she became with kids at the school. Great story. Glad everyone is safe. *hugs* sickie
  18. where do you all find the time?! anyone work around here? Geez, if your manager only knew!
  19. I'm all the way in!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Yeah- it was brilliant!
  21. Kevbone inspires me!! where's that pic Bro??
  22. it's okay... i cooked a potato wrapped in foil by mistake once. *zoinks!*
  23. How sad...
  24. pink_chalk


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