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Everything posted by pink_chalk

  1. welcome~~
  2. Or to theirs..... Thanks for pointing out the obvious I thought it was all about me, myself and I.
  3. Dunno. There's nobody I'd rather be in the mountains with. My spouse = my best friend = good times on trips. If someone's having problems climbing with their SO, I suspect there are other problems unrelated to climbing. Bingo. Like honesty. But first, if you are a female posting on this site, you are disqualified. You heard me. You are now a "climber". You want to climb. You will climb. You will climb no matter what the SO does. That takes you out of the "normal" category. You are now a "T-type". 98.7% of the rest of the female persuasion will have no freakin idea who you are, why your fingernails are short, nor what you do on weekends. Get over it. They will not. You are cooler. So we have established that you are a minority and you are not one of the SO's being discussed in this thread so shut up with your phyco-babble. If the girls I dated and "climbed" with in highschool, college and beyond would have been honest about the fact that they really wanted to lounge in the sun by a big rock, I would not be involved in this thread. If I had one share of Microsoft stock for every time I carried a fucking rack and rope to a damn picnic, I would be in Patagonia right now. Thank you for listening. I feel better. *LOL*
  4. it shouldnt be a big deal nor should it be a big deal if they want to climb w/o them... some of us mountain men/women need space. for me, dating a climber has not worked to my advantage. small disclaimer
  5. Still slow for you too eh? I just kinda stopped working as much but now is the time to pick it up for the selling season. busy but on a lower scale. I expected March would have picked up more by now. at least the phone is ringing- when that stops then we have a problem.
  6. have fun at the zone! try and forget about this $hitty market while you are out there
  7. Stuck? I love hanging out with my son. Yeah, stuck at home. I love my kids but get a bit couped up, especially during nap time when I can't go outside but for a few minutes before I need to come back in and make sure they are still napping. We did have a great hike up Beacon this morning and a nice pic-a-nic lunch on top. we do that routine at least once or twice a week. They also love to go play on the docks down at the boat launch. Sure wish I could get a few pitches in now that it's nap time though. Guess I'll go shovel dog shit instead so I can get the lawn mowed later today. Maybe even do some work, on second thought, it's way to nice outside to work from my computer. Dave, you are a good man for taking on this responsibility considering in general men are not wired to stay at home with the kiddies. Just my two pennies* Thanks PC, but it's really a matter of logistics more than anything. I work from home a lot and my wife works full time. That leaves me playing mr. mom on most weekdays. I work from home too, but try to mix it up by going the office so I dont go stir crazy. (I believe we are in the same market) Add kids to this.... I couldn't do it
  8. oohhhh, missed that one
  9. Stuck? I love hanging out with my son. Yeah, stuck at home. I love my kids but get a bit couped up, especially during nap time when I can't go outside but for a few minutes before I need to come back in and make sure they are still napping. We did have a great hike up Beacon this morning and a nice pic-a-nic lunch on top. we do that routine at least once or twice a week. They also love to go play on the docks down at the boat launch. Sure wish I could get a few pitches in now that it's nap time though. Guess I'll go shovel dog shit instead so I can get the lawn mowed later today. Maybe even do some work, on second thought, it's way to nice outside to work from my computer. Dave, you are a good man for taking on this responsibility considering in general men are not wired to stay at home with the kiddies. Just my two pennies*
  10. but being "stuck"? sounds sticky. Player.
  11. excuses....excuses...
  12. Highly recommended: Tony Rocklin MSPT, COMT 110 SW Yamhill, Suite 130 Portland, OR 97204 503-450-0591 Works with climbers, myself included although it was a kayak related injury. He is the best IMO. If downtown is too far, call him and ask for a referral. Good luck Jennifer K.
  13. Yes. My schedule is flexible, but not for tomorrow. Mandatory sales meeting mid-day. Kevbone: I climb harder than you.
  14. We ended up taking the scenic route to Hood. It was around 4pm by the time we ascended high enough to hot dog it back down. Two words: Yard Sale. Not the freshness we were looking for, but better than nothing Team photo:
  15. Stewart!* your little sissy told me you were healed and climbing again. nice. she also called you a punk.
  16. uh, yeah- no fun. There was a horde of Snowmobilers. None willing to drag us for 50 bucks cash. one group said yes, then made us wait 30 minutes before rescinding. all dressed up with no where to go one of the climbers/skiers on our team suggested we all get naked, dump our water and start blowing a whistle. "Lost hiker" for time wasting amusement.
  17. Half your brain is missing. You must love being retarded.
  18. Actually if you study much of the history of NW climbing you'd find that a very high percentage of climbers skied in the backcountry. In the modern age some people solely focus on crag climbing, but that does not represent all climbers. Yup, skiing is a part of climbing, and climbing a part of skiing, especially in the Cascades. They are integral to each other; skiing plays a huge role in the Cascades mountaineering history. Not sure how a true Cascades climber can be ignorant of the importance of skiing in regard to climbing and simply being in the Cascades. That said, there are certainly some alpine and ice climbers who don't ski, and even more rock climbers who don't. Kevbone, here's one site that may help the awareness of a Cascades ignoramus: Alpenglow And a BIG THANKS, Lowell, to you and your family for all you've done and continue to do. Oh, and AND thanks Hafilax and Porter for making this change. Agreed with 'pindude'. I welcome the change. Thanks!! Easier to find what I am looking for whether it be climbing, skiing, weather, access issues, etc. Weeding through loads of SPAY gets annoying.... Just my two pennies. Besides, it's still one click away
  19. Ummm.... I didn't get the memo. Our attempt to summit St. Helens yesterday failed... Not because of our lack of stamina or hard work. Merely because the 7 mile road to the start of the climb was not plowed. I guess Washington ran out of money to plow the roads.
  20. I have several email accounts one of which is hotmail + instant messenger. Both are working just fine. Good luck--
  21. espressomap.com Just give him your home address.
  22. Ozone is the best place to climb assuming you can avoid rush hour traffic. My schedule is flexible during the weekday. Best coffee shop (IMO) is *kinda* close to PSU.... Albina Press in North Portland, five minutes North of downtown. sip-sip Ping-me for services. I give better belay than Bill C.
  23. I am sorry for your loss Mike. We put down our yellow lab years ago and I still think back on what I could have done differently. She suffered from severe seizures. Tried everything and poor girl just wasnt meant to have a long life. I think about her all the time. My heart is with you.
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