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Everything posted by pink_chalk

  1. Wow... This is heavy and very interesting to read.
  2. Kevin: how about a Miles pic? Thanks for calling me, loser.
  3. Hilarious! I should steal a sledge hammer from CrossFit for when that special occasion occurs. Kevbone: what's up your avatar?! By the way, call me later.
  4. pink_chalk


    Thanks minx. It wasn't just for personal reasons but professional as well. Words are one thing- but pics are a different story.
  5. pink_chalk


    I have a pretty little pic of her but was yanked off the site..... GET OVER IT CRY BABY!
  6. pink_chalk


    sorry, that's not in the offering. you lose. fucker. :kisss:
  7. pink_chalk


    wow- what love we have today! anyone want a *hug*? sickie
  8. Add 'beaconben' (Ben) to the list: There’s now one more climber in this fair world~ Asher Benjamin Priestley was born last night (Sunday 3/16/08) around 10:30. He’s a big guy, 9.5 lbs. Everything went smooth, Beth and baby are resting well and expected home today. - from Uncle Isaac
  9. *bump* Anyone know if the ~7 mile access has been plowed? Thanks.
  10. Keep us posted with baby news too
  11. I drink Kool-Aid for breakfast. Oh Yeah!
  12. Thanks Chris. For in control/mellow that was a fairly good pace Did you guys camp just the first night? Jennifer
  13. cute
  14. Poor Marcus.... I was his nightmare partner in Cody. Day one, hiked for 1 1/2 hours, geared up, realized that my "borrowed" crampons did not fit my boots. Luckily they stayed on until it came time to repel. Thank god for straps. I'm pretty sure I dropped a piece of his gear too, managed to get both ropes in a cluster fuck nest that took me 15 minutes to untangle while he hung out on lead. That night one of our team members used a tool to adjust the crampon to size. Day 2 was better except for when the rope got stuck when pulling the rope after repel. (Sorry BJ) Day 3, I could barely hold my own on the brutal 2 hour hike that allowed only one pitch of ice climbing. SUCKED - best ice route ever. (Sorry Nate) I could not keep up with these animals... Now I say "thank you baby Jesus" almost every morning at CrossFit.
  15. Kevin Grove: Not to put you on the spot, but how long did it take to skate in w/ gear? Approx. 2000 V/F, correct? Thanks for posting!!
  16. The search engine on this website rocks: :[] Now that's "sexy time". :kisss:
  17. Bold.
  18. Little bit? Will you fuckers quit poaching my posts!*
  19. Has Multnomah Falls ever formed within the last century?! Maybe once in the 70's? Any wiz-kids out there??? Frieh?
  20. Sorry Bill.... we're getting off track here.
  21. i doubt it - i got the whole 2nd degree oozing blisters thing too - what really pisses me off is that i actually had sunblock, i just didn't think about putting it on until far, far too late - i can't ever remember getting burned in the winter! Oh no! oozing blisters... I had that the first time I summited Hood. I looked like a total FREAK SHOW! ha ha.... I remember a co-worker asking me if I had fallen on my face. Rx for healing: Alovera plant and lots of sex.
  22. I bet my face is more red than yours! Forgot the sun block. *zoinks* People keep staring at me asking, what did you to do your face?! We skinned up Hood yesterday too. Beautiful sunshine weather sickie
  23. I'm a "maybe".....
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