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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Go eat some more SeaWeed, SeaBaby. LOL sorry. Had too. Should put DC in there.
  2. Oh my God your a fricking moron.
  3. Hey dumb fuck this is spray, get a life. Go fluff with rodent. carabiners
  4. Who's mom??? I slapped your mom's ankles a rode the waves in.
  5. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/503/dinner.jpg[/img
  6. God a match made in heaven, Fluff and Rodent.
  7. Chip Douglas: [bursts out laughing] I'm just jerking your chain! Ha ha ha. The look on your face! Ha ha, you are too easy!
  8. Chip Douglas: This concludes our broadcast day. Click.
  9. I'd put Pat robertson in that category. Last year he predicted that a Tsunami was going happen to the west coast. Freak.
  10. How ducks have sex Troll
  11. Seahawks


    No, post it one more time please. Shit.
  12. Seahawks

    Mary Jane

    Can I borrow your bong?? Dude.
  13. Seahawks

    Mary Jane

    LOL another DC out there. Boy alot of haters when it comes to someone not seeing the world the way they do. Take another hit, we aren't too much different.
  14. Seahawks

    Mary Jane

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070501/ap_on_he_me/marijuana_mental_health What funny is that any one that smokes knows this.
  15. Seahawks

    Petit Verdot

    They only know about the $2 kind here at Trader Joes.
  16. Seahawks


    DC bought a Rape alarm to keep himself from his ass. Hee hee. does it go off when it detects lube? Goes off when it hears the words "My precious"
  17. Seahawks


    DC bought a Rape alarm to keep himself from his ass.
  18. Yes. What will happen here is that we will sell the roads, Everything will go to Hell. We (tax payers) will have to buy them back at 4 times what we got and then we will be taxed more to fix them.
  19. What the fuck do you think Bush has been doing for the last 3 years? Do you really think its any different? You annoy me with your distorted views. K-fed, you can really compare Iraq to killing an unborn baby?? If your serious you need help. You’re joking right? I always thought killing was killing. My bad…..guess I was wrong. Okay. I can agree with that. where we might disagree is the reason but I agree on the killing part.
  20. What the fuck do you think Bush has been doing for the last 3 years? Do you really think its any different? You annoy me with your distorted views. K-fed, you can really compare Iraq to killing an unborn baby?? If your serious you need help.
  21. what annoys me is these brainless democrats that want to save the world but when it comes to a baby they will fucking butcher it as it comes out the birth canal. This is the most ludricrous thing I've seen posted here yet. There's no way anyone would butcher a baby as it comes out of the birth canal. You'd want to fatten it up first for a few weeks until it's big enough to fill the Weber, marinate, then...bon appetite, mon ami! Do you know what partial birth abortion is??? Doubt it. Look into it buddy frickin sick. Good old Hilliary loves it. They deliver a baby feet first. Leave the head in the birth canal, insert a scissors in the back of the head and scramble the brains and suck them out. Basically its murder. But he lets call it a choice. Dumb ass people.
  22. Are you saying you wouldn't comply with the Law of the Land were it made so? Couple of the guns are so old they wouldn't ever know I had them. So I would keep them. Then I would vote the fool out who did it.
  23. Seahawks


    They probably bought the rape alarm for you, to keep you away from your own ass.
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