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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Found this interesting in the article, I wonder who these 45 numb nuts are. What a mess. Another sign of interest is the introduction of legislation in Congress to allow people opposed to military spending on religious or moral grounds to have their tax dollars go to federal agencies not involved in defense. The legislation, which has been introduced in every congressional session since 1972, is expected to have 45 co-sponsors this year, the largest ever, according to the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, a Washington organization lobbying for the measure.
  2. WTF...I dont want to pay for Bushes war. They don't care what your political beliefs are. At least file even if you don't pay. They will get the tax from you and less pentalties if you at least file. The game can go on for a while but you will pay. Nice article on it. http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis.cgi/web/vortex/display?slug=taxresist17&date=20070417&query=tax
  3. I thought we would put your nasty skanky self on there.
  4. Sea....dont engage her. She is just a spray noob. She gets no respect. Sick of it sorry, she screws with everyone and anyone puts anything back to her she get all bent out of shape. Sorry she got the best of me. There is no best of you. Well you don't think your shit stinks, well it does. I havn't read all your post (Today) 1. You've slammed a guy for posting a pretty girls pic but you post your own. 2. You rip on Kevbone, when your a numnut too 3. you rip on me cause you have had issues with me before. Therefor screw yourself Addition for the rules: If you are that fucking boring and whiney, don't post. Good please obey your own rule.
  5. Sea....dont engage her. She is just a spray noob. She gets no respect. Sick of it sorry, she screws with everyone and anyone puts anything back to her she get all bent out of shape. Sorry she got the best of me. There is no best of you. Well you don't think your shit stinks, well it does. I havn't read all your post (Today) 1. You've slammed a guy for posting a pretty girls pic but you post your own. 2. You rip on Kevbone, when your a numnut too 3. you rip on me cause you have had issues with me before. Therefor screw yourself
  6. Seahawks


    B. Get the experience. Then move.
  7. True, true, but have you seen those flood gates they have put in the ocean to hold back storms and generate electricity. Pretty cool.
  8. Sea....dont engage her. She is just a spray noob. She gets no respect. Sick of it sorry, she screws with everyone and anyone puts anything back to her she get all bent out of shape. Sorry she got the best of me.
  9. He may be a sweede but Lyden is a dutch community. Really should say was as it not as much anymore. Lots of others moving in over last 20 -40 years. What fucking idiot would leave Holland to move to America within the last 20 years? Here we go with your shit again. Do you really want to start this? screwing with everyone on here. Are you the residential bitch? Oh no she's mad again.
  10. He may be a sweede but Lyden is a dutch community. Really should say was as it not as much anymore. Lots of others moving in over last 20 -40 years.
  11. Talk about your Aryan strongholds, we played those fuckers in sate basketball, like playing 12 dolph lundgrens. LOL yep Dutch power
  12. Western Washington. Great grandpa homesteaded in Lyden, WA.
  13. Cho bought his first gun, the 9 mm, on March 13, a source told ABC. The Walther was purchased just last week. Virginia law prohibits buying more than one handgun in a 30-day period. It appears Cho waited the full month before buying the Walther, suggesting he didn't just snap. According to the Virginia State Police, as an alien with a green card, Cho would have been able to buy guns legally as long as he provided proof of his residence.
  14. Is it too hard to press 10 keys and hit enter? google.com [Enter] He's to busy pressing something else while viewing Pamela's pic. Ahhhhhhhhhhh Pamela! Ahhhhhhhhhhh Pamela! Ahhhhhhhhhhh Pamela!
  15. The bill, sponsored by Washington Congressman Rick Larsen, designates 167 square miles of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest of Washington state as wilderness and is the first new wilderness area in Washington state in more than 20 years. The Wild Sky Wilderness proposal would protect 106,000 acres of forests, rivers, valleys and mountains in the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. Permanent protection of this diverse landscape is important to ensure the ecological future of fish and wildlife throughout the region, to safeguard the world-class recreational opportunities and to bolster the economies of local communities. Thousands of visitors come to the Wild Sky and the region's National Forests to enjoy world-class rafting, fishing, rock climbing, and many spectacular miles of hiking trails http://www.wilderness.org/NewsRoom/Release/20070417.cfm
  16. Thought this was cool. House votes in favor of Wild Sky wilderness in Washington 10:06 AM PDT on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 Associated Press Mark Lawler / Washington Wilderness Coalition Merchant Peak, above Eagle Lake, is one of several spectacular peaks that crown the Sky Peaks Wilderness proposal. WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. House voted Tuesday to create the Wild Sky wilderness in Washington state. The bill sponsored by Congressman Rick Larsen creates the first new wilderness area in Washington state in more than 20 years. A companion bill sponsored by Senator Patty Murray has been approved three times in recent years by the Senate, but it never reached a vote before on the House floor. The wilderness vote would ban development in an area that includes habitat for bears, bald eagles and other wildlife, as well as hiking trails. Environmental groups call the House vote a huge victory.
  17. You probably do the same thing the 30 did. Be scared shitless and get shot. Happened to fast and too much blood to think. Just pure fear. Me personally I play dead on floor and hope he doesn't shoot me there and if clips hit floor then think about attacking.
  18. Bike girl is pretty hot.
  19. The shooter had "Ismail Ax" written under his arm. Anyone know what that means?
  20. http://www.komotv.com/news/7051757.html Here is a freak I never agree with but have to here.
  21. For someone who doesn't like it when people speak for him (see Infinite Bliss thread) you certainly took it upon yourself to put words in my mouth. I didn't say to make guns illegal. *Personally* I think this would be excellent but I'm not naive enough to expect it to happen. I just think that something needs to change in terms of gun control laws and availability. There has to be a better way. I asked you for your suggestion? Making guns illegal was my idea and it will not work. I do agree...there has to be another way. What....I have no idea. Seahawk is right....bush is trying to take the world over. Impeach...impeach...impeach. :lmao:
  22. Hope springs eternal. Hopefully it will be you trying. Now there's an interesting implied threat for the moderators to take note of.... LOL only if you try.
  23. Hope springs eternal. Hopefully it will be you trying.
  24. Oops, right, my bad. They changed their ways after the Columbine incident. Gosh thanks for setting me straight. Like I said, ignorance is bliss. Right to bare arms came from a time when Governments tried to control everything with power. Read your history. You Bush bashers should want your guns becuase he taking over the world.
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