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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. I just thought that was the noise from your posts.
  2. You and Tonya are amazed huh? Name one good thing this current administration has done for America? Just one….and please to not sidestep the question. That the problem with you fanatical Democrats you live in a pissed off state. Most uptight people I ever met. Take off your Dem glasses and answer your stupid F'ing question. Its hard not to be pissed about what is happening to America under this current administration at this time. And…..I do not live in a pissed off state. I was just asking a simple question. I have asked this too many conservatives/republicans and not one can answer it. Including you! Name one good thing? Just one…..that is all I am asking? I know you will come back with some witty (or poor attempt at being witty) response as to why I am a jerk for wanting to know. Try not to look at it as Dems….or Rep…..just me talking to you. Regular people. Has this president done anything good for this country? You voted for him….there has to be a reason for it? 1. He has strive to protect the unborn. When that bitch Hilliary signs bills just last week to get Partial birth abortion back on the table. Fricking barbaric. There your one item, to protect the unborn. Something the Dems know nothing about.
  3. You and Tonya are amazed huh? Name one good thing this current administration has done for America? Just one….and please to not sidestep the question. That the problem with you fanatical Democrats you live in a pissed off state. Most uptight people I ever met. Take off your Dem glasses and answer your stupid F'ing question.
  4. I guess it will just have to evolve. Did Gore write this story?
  5. You and Tonya are amazed huh?
  6. I saw were they were testing the designs so this doesn't happen. If they can make them with out slicing everything up its a great idea. Otherwise the orcas are done.
  7. Thought this was a good idea. http://www.pugetsoundtidalpower.com/
  8. No offense big D…but what are you doing up at 2:25am? Jerking his Chain.
  9. She wasted her 6k post on you Kevbone.
  10. A new template. Good Job. Crossword template. Please add to the template list.
  11. Seahawks


    Sorry, but does anyone care?
  12. Thought this was interesting on CNN: "Roughly two-thirds of new oil demand is coming from countries that have subsidized oil markets," said Christopher Ruppel, a senior geopolitical analyst with the consulting firm John S. Herold. "So demand is not going to be affected if oil goes from $60 a barrel to $80." http://money.cnn.com/2007/05/04/news/economy/gas_demand/index.htm?postversion=2007050417
  13. My concern is how do they define Terrorist?? Any group could become a terrist group, just needs the label. Little scary.
  14. you could post it 10 times but if he is blind he will never see it.
  15. Seahawks

    banana republic

    I hope they do that. the political backlash will whip there asses. They will fund it. They know better.
  16. I just ate, please.
  17. It's okay sweetie, you are still my favorite Old poster!!! And that is "slut" to you honey Man, everyone is getting a "ride" out of this thread.
  18. Seahawks

    Bumper stickers

    Bumper sticker thread was used two months ago. Please add to thread Template.
  19. I read somewhere biggest Pollutant in Washington state actually is Mt. St. Helens.
  20. They ought to abort anyone who reaches 5k posts.
  21. :lmao: Don't know why I find that funny but it was
  22. My youngest and she is a handful. All woman.
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