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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Not everyday, but he brings me breakfast in bed most days if I'm working early in the morning and he's getting the kids ready for school. No on the grape feeding, however. Maybe I should mention that LOL do you also work? That be different.
  2. Unfortunately, I'm already married to the perfect woman, and I will always be married to her through the end of time. I really don't understand dad's who don't like to play with their kids. The best parts of my day are waking up early to make breakfast with my son (my wife gets breakfast in bed each morning), and then the hours of 6-10pm when I play with the kids and put them to bed while my wife gets a chance to relax. What it the world is more fun than playing with kids? you have to be kidding me. this has to be some kind of troll or something no its not...this is very similar to my home... dads! You guys This is how it is at our house, too. My hubby does so much with the kids and around the house I don't know what I'd do without him since I work from home. We're a team. I couldn't imagine it any other way. Does he make you breakfast in bed and feed you grapes every day??? If this is real then I must be on another planet. Flame you fricking idiots, K-fed, RUMR, DC, TV, CHAPS, Counterfreak.
  3. How is that different than 600,000 people dead from our occupaion? Good to see you agree, hypocrite.
  4. Code word Nanny=prostitute Prositute sells her body for sex.....nanny sells her child care/time for pay.....how do you see them the same? . oh my God. It was fricking joke. Maybe its just Tonya Harding you hired, beat you over the head.
  5. The irony of this statement is astounding! Yes it is since it also been said of you a million times. Hey Sea....what do you say about our power hungry president now? Talk about an idiot…..does he really think he will get everything he wants all the time? If the democrats are smart…..they will keep sending the same bill back to him to veto until the money runs out, then they will have to end the occupation due to lack of funds. What do you think of your Hillary's Freedom of choice act that makes it legal for partial birth abortions which really is just plain old murder. How compasionate.
  6. Code word Nanny=prostitute
  7. The irony of this statement is astounding! Yes it is since it also been said of you a million times.
  8. TV are you DC gay lover?
  9. There you go again, speaking for everyone. Just ignore him he's an idiot.
  10. Just an angry little minded liberal.
  11. Sure, soon as random people come up to me and start thanking me for making computer shit work. I have the same issue with Tips too. I don't get tips for doing my job. Why do so many people expect them???
  12. Now we know you're lying. Okay so what your problem??? Where is my battle?
  13. Unfortunately, I'm already married to the perfect woman, and I will always be married to her through the end of time. I really don't understand dad's who don't like to play with their kids. The best parts of my day are waking up early to make breakfast with my son (my wife gets breakfast in bed each morning), and then the hours of 6-10pm when I play with the kids and put them to bed while my wife gets a chance to relax. What it the world is more fun than playing with kids? you have to be kidding me. this has to be some kind of troll or something Glad you said it. I was thinking the same thing.
  14. Don't know if my wife would describe it this way and we have a 5 and 3 year old. When I get home she is spent. Then again most of that is her fault becuase she is a perfectionist.
  15. Huh??? I never knocked on a mother. I said the person that wrote the article was. Which is true. Most people who want to draw attention to what they do are attention- seekers. Being a stay at home Mom is fricking hard. I couldn't do it.
  16. Its a dam ass hard job and I couldn't do it. Hats off if you do.
  17. Article was probable written by a stay at home mom that needs to be patted on the back for good work.
  18. Here is some you might like.
  19. Something about Lohan I like. Thats it, Wild child.
  20. A stool pigeon and a seahawks. boyds of a feather. Read please, this was directed to G-spot.
  21. :lmao: Now that is funny.
  22. Oh my God your a fricking moron. Moderators, Seahawks is clearly in violation of all rules of good taste. Please remove him from my thread. Thanks, and have a great evening. If good Taste was the criteria for spray, K-bone would been gone long ago.
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