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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Seahawks

    George W.

    Friday, October 11, 2002 Posted: 12:35 PM EDT (1635 GMT) hmm. wonder why we and the world voted for it. Thats is Dr. Evil engineered it all when you say he can't run a backyard clinic. F'ing stupid. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.
  2. Seahawks

    George W.

    guess the whole world (except some arab countries) are retards then. Show how smart you actually are. Do you read?
  3. Seahawks

    George W.

    Becuase they also beleived there was threat. None of our allies would do anything because everyone of them was in Bed with Iraq via Oil for food program or selling arms to them. There motive were econimically motivated. Hell the world thought he was building a bomb, check the resolutions. So don't give me this bunch a bullshit that the wool was pulled over everyone in the worlds eyes. Those are Dem fog glasses.
  4. Seahawks

    George W.

    Carter was and is an idiot. He hoping someone might take his place as the worse president ever.
  5. Seahawks

    George W.

    That's crap. Anybody who was even remotely paying attention, and who bothered to read even the stories in mainstream media all the way through to the extensions on page ten, KNEW the justifications for the war were B.S. Specifically, it was public and clear that (1) we had Iraq surrounded and Saddam posed no current threat to anybody, (2) if he had any weapons program at all, which the inspectors who actually had been on the ground said he did not, it was weak at best, (3) Iraq had no connection with Al Queda, (4) there was no attempt to purchase Uranium in Africa, etc. etc. The vote mostly went as it did not because our representatives in Washington were fooled, but because they didn't dare say what they knew to be true: the case for the war was all lies from the get-go. That authorization wasn't justified even if you thought Saddam was a bad guy we'd have to deal with sooner or later, which some of them may have thought. The authorization was granted because they were afraid to be called "weak on defense." More crap
  6. Seahawks

    George W.

    What about this... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Resolution "it passed the House on October 10, 2002 by a vote of 296-133, and the Senate on October 11 by a vote of 77-23" shhhh.... They don't want hear about that. They might have to accept responsiblity too.
  7. Seahawks

    George W.

    More brainless crap from the micheal moore's.
  8. scary you know that. point was it was written like someone on a binge.
  9. that was beautiful *snif* Snif??? That the crack you needed to read it??
  10. yea micheal, here is you.
  11. Good words from the spray king himself Don't know how good they are, felt like a need a bowl of pot to understand.
  12. Seahawks

    Just awful

    please edit #2 V7 needs to be added I left him off, no more nuts needed.
  13. the nerve! selling oil in euros! making money from their natural resources.! who the hell to these beige folks think they are? oh yeah women's rights! that's why we invaded! yup! you betcha! we're the good guys! defenders of chicks rights! our 800 army bases in 110 countries will help us in our quest. can you say? SAVE THE BABES!!!! Okay Micheal Moore.
  14. I'd be last in line. come to think of it they would just stone me too
  15. Seahawks

    Just awful

    Goal 4 if they don't slap the butt or pull your hair find someone more fun. Goal 5 make sure they don't look like they casted for planet of the apes.
  16. Seahawks

    Just awful

    Goal 3 if they ask you if they are big enough, find someone who is.
  17. Seahawks

    Just awful

    goal 2. make sure avatar initial doesn't start with DC, KB, I11, TV, RUMR, or Champ
  18. Seahawks

    Just awful

    Goal 1. make sure they can find their pecker.
  19. Seahawks

    Just awful

    Are you kidding? I highly doubt I could even get anyone to breed with me. You really think anyone would want my genes passed on? Why inflict that on an innocent human? BTW, I did win the "most likely to eat her own children" award in high school. Just stay here, you'll find someone here, some real numb nuts here. If they can find there peckers with all the roids.
  20. Lets stone them too.
  21. I thought spray is when you tell the world how great you are? Spray is for people like DC to think they are someone important. pot...kettle...black please give your sources.
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