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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. I thought spray is when you tell the world how great you are? Spray is for people like DC to think they are someone important.
  2. How's your lack of brain matter?
  3. What is funny is you and your arrogance.
  4. everyone else does on here to so kiss someone elses ass, dick head. Your such a prick. Fuck off. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_Armstrong#Cancer See? Was that so difficult? You, too, can cite sources defeating the chance that your readers think you plagiaristic - although, there's little chance of that, in your case, as your sources usually supply cogent and literate sentences. Po witto Seahawks. He doan wike being toyed wit.
  5. everyone else does on here to so kiss someone elses ass, dick head. Your such a prick. Fuck off. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_Armstrong#Cancer
  6. All top cyclists have excellent physical attributes. Armstrong is no exception, although in one way, he may be unusual even for an elite athlete. He is near but not at the top aerobically, having a VO2 Max of 83.8 mL/kg/min — much higher than the average person (40-50) but not as high as that of some other elite cyclists, such as Miguel Indurain (88.0, although reports exist that Indurain tested at 92-94) or Greg LeMond (92.5).[2] His heart is 30% larger than average; however, an enlarged heart is a common trait for many other athletes. He has a resting heart rate of 32-34 beats per minute with a max heart rate at 201 bpm.[3] Armstrong's most unusual attribute may be his low lactate levels. During intense training, the levels of most racers range from 12 μL/kg to as much as 20 μL/kg; Armstrong is below 6 μL/kg. The result is that less lactic acid accumulates in Armstrong's system, therefore it is possible that he feels less fatigue from severe efforts, and this may contribute to his ability to sustain the same level of physical effort as other elite racers with less fatigue and faster recovery times. Some theorize that his high pedaling cadence is designed to take advantage of this low lactate level. In contrast, other cyclists — like Jan Ullrich — rely on their anaerobic capacity, pushing a larger gear at a lower rate. Further improvements in Armstrong's physical attributes and performance have been attributed to training-induced increases in his muscular efficiency indicating changes in muscle myosin type
  7. Like, literacy? coming from a num nut like you. LOL
  8. Nearly 90 percent of the cyclists -- 35 out of 40 -- demonstrated abnormalities in their scrotums compared with 26 percent -- 9 out of 35 -- of the non-cyclists. Mountain-biking men had more cysts and blood vessel abnormalities than the non-mountain bikers
  9. He had cancer dumb shit. What do you think gave him cancer stupid? Dumb shit alot people get cancer and they don't take roids. Testicular cancer is very high among people that bike competively. It bad for the nuts. That why they freeze sperm. Read little you might learn something.
  10. hitler had drive.....w has drive...lance was as juiced as humanly possible..... Ever watch him go up the mountain all alone?? The guy is the worlds best bike climber combined with one of the top time trailers, which having both skills is unheard of. Nobody could keep up. Hell even when the isolated him from his team he did it all on his own.
  11. He had cancer dumb shit.
  12. Don't beleive it. Someone would have talked. Too many people involved and too much money for the story.
  13. Testicular cancer like Lance "Who me I don't use roids" Armstrong much more common than this hypothetical shink and grow you speak of. Lance is a machine. How many times has this guy been tested??? Hell they still test his blood from years ago with new methods to see and the come up negative. The Europeans are jealous that he kicked there ass so many years in a row. Hell just last week they offered his X teammate the reduction of his sentance for Roid use if he gave up Lance. Nada. If he did it they would have caught him. His blood from years ago before synthetic steriods would have shown. The guy is a machine and someone wants a reason why. Hell I read in one book they thought the chemo did something to his body that helped him. The guy was just made to ride a bike.
  14. Is this thread still getting mileage???
  15. They will get a double dose of judgement when they die. Idiots most of them. A few good ones like Billy Graham. Rest are just money grubbers.
  16. Good roids do the trick everytime. Suprised he not dead already.
  17. There will be no more peace till they kill us or we kill them. Sad but true. Just hope one of those freaks doesn't get a nukes becuase I don't think America has the nuts to stand up to them. When someone is ready to blow themselves up for a cause they aren't going to stop becuase we are now nice to them. They hate us and our culture. They want everyone of you dead. Wake up.
  18. What a politically motivated piece of shit article. No doubt he lives in San Fran. No mention of the history between these two countries. Just Bush taking over the world for oil shit. Same libby crap over and over again. It gets old. Of course the US support the effort, hell the warlords where threating Ethiopia. They just decided they wouldn't be bunch of lefty pussies like us.
  19. Spanking time. lol The guy had a few peanuts loose and a big mouth.
  20. Yoda blinking his eyes at her. The dark side is Enticing.
  21. His efforts have set back basic human rights in this country. That is a real, concrete effect, not mere politicing in a vacuum. If he had preached love and tolerance for all, I might shed a tear at his passing, but this guy represents everything unchristian and evil about American evangelical "christianity". Becuase he beleives in a principle different than you, you hate him. Your no different. Hypocrit.
  22. Whom do you blame? Muslims? Arabs? America? Western Values? Religion in general? Who do you hate? And should I celebrate when you and Alpinfox one day both fall to your deaths? well said. See everyone else's shit but can't see there own.
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