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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. don't you mean "archenemy's enemy is my friend" troll? Holy shit don't correct him or he'll shit on you troll.
  2. Kevbone's pic of a troll, troll
  3. Your grammar sucks troll - Initials DC
  4. Last time I ate Gas Station food was last August after stealhead fishing down on the cowlitz at blue creek. That little AM/PM with some Jalepino hot dogs. God I was sick for two days. Reminded me why not to eat that shit.
  5. that's a speculation of a speculation. Let see the title was "Chimpanzees "More Evolved" Than Humans" = Troll
  6. This whole subject belongs on the trolling topics thread.
  7. Seahawks


    TMI dude. kevbeenbonedbypink been having more fantasies, I see... Made me think of chicks with overalls. God I used to love overalls comando style.
  8. Troll=juvenile=spray=whoever has the highest post count wins. Hey your only 4k behind Arch, get going loser.
  9. Seahawks


    My brother used to tell me if anyone ever bought the property next to him he was going to come out of his house with a jock strap and combat boots on to scare them off. He called this going commando. Would it qualify?
  10. The Pittsburg Steelers suck troll
  11. Doesn't the statement "power to lay and collect taxes" Mean anything. Your right you don't have to pay taxes but you will suffer the results.
  12. Evolution/Creation Troll Conservative/Liberal Troll Pamela Anderson Troll
  13. sixteenth amendment.....so where in here does it state that we have to pay taxes? It says the govy can collect. Wow K-bone stop. Making yourself look bad. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
  14. Found this out there, LLC have been pierced in past. although it doesn't look like a tax issue. http://www.firstam.com/content.cfm?id=2906
  15. Found this out there. Most people think that once they have incorporated they have no personal liability .. that is simply not true. Incorporating your business is only one step in protecting your personal assets from the creditors of your corporation. When courts impose liability on individuals for the actions of the corporation, this is called "Piercing the Corporate Veil." In order to avoid personal liability for debts and other acts of the corporation you must run your corporation like the distinct entity that it is. While it is impossible to tell you everything you must do to avoid personal liability for debts and other obligations of the corporation, as different courts may choose to apply varying factors in varying degrees, we can give you a solid foundation of information. First, the corporate veil is always disregarded by courts for criminal acts of the officers, shareholders, or directors of a corporation. Further, federal and state tax laws generally impose personal liability on those individuals responsible for filing sales and income tax returns for the corporation. For most other matters, the corporate veil is most often pierced by courts in situations where the shareholders of a corporation disregard the legal separateness of the corporation and the corporation acts as nothing more than an alter ego for the shareholders' own dealings. Courts often consider many factors in determining whether or not to pierce the corporate veil.
  16. been so long cant remember but it might have been S corp. I just remember being straight out of college and being amazed that they could get around the Viel of the company.
  17. I did taxes for a large Nursery (plants) a while back, they didn't pay taxes. over a couple years this grew into an enourmous amount with penalties and interest. The IRS was going to pierce the corporate veil of the company to go after the owners assets personally since he was the one signing the checks. I know they eventually took the all the property and nursery from him. I never heard if they got his personal assets but they were after them.
  18. K-bone this is true. I still think they will go after the higher income people.
  19. It’s about time, let the folks who support the war and support the bush crime family put their money where their mouth is. That way I don’t have to pay for this non moral war and all the death surrounding it. As far as taxes go. I challenge ANYBODY to find ANY law that’s states any of us have to pay taxes. Don't pay/File then just make sure you don't drop that soap in prison. I never said that is was smart not to pay, just that there is no actual law stating we are required to pay. I got a buddy who files taxes every year, but at the bottom of the form he uses. He writes $0, and this has been going on for over 7 years. Probably not smart but at least he is filing. My quess is that he doesn't owe very much so they let it go. My brother in law makes alot and he get audited almost every year. They pick were they get the highest return on there audit dollars.
  20. It’s about time, let the folks who support the war and support the bush crime family put their money where their mouth is. That way I don’t have to pay for this non moral war and all the death surrounding it. As far as taxes go. I challenge ANYBODY to find ANY law that’s states any of us have to pay taxes. You think we are in a mess now??? Imagine if no one paid taxes. What a mess.
  21. It’s about time, let the folks who support the war and support the bush crime family put their money where their mouth is. That way I don’t have to pay for this non moral war and all the death surrounding it. As far as taxes go. I challenge ANYBODY to find ANY law that’s states any of us have to pay taxes. Don't pay/File then just make sure you don't drop that soap in prison.
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