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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Seahawks


    You must have it. Knocking on people every opportunity you have.
  2. Seahawks


    Used to work at company where a guys name Richard Craven,, he went by Dick. When they would page him, it was all I could do not to burst out laughing. another place once worked with a guy Named Gayland, he was from Fruitland, Idaho.
  3. Where did you catch those??? Look nice.
  4. Seahawks


    kevbone will be back momentarily. he's busy at dictionary.com right now. So verbose.
  5. I'm in the mood Jackass. Post a point sometime. Maybe I should put and MLU on your forhead too and you two fools can chase each other around and be lost forever.
  6. I'm in the mood Jackass. Post a point sometime.
  7. I was thinking about leaving early today as its slow and beautiful outside. One person doesn't come back from lunch, car problems and leave becuase grandpa is in hospital, 2 other left for??? and now here I sit only one in my group to answer questions. Next time its 1pm not 3pm.
  8. Don't know if I'm too afraid of Bobcats or bears around here but a Cougar would scare the hell out me. Seen one only once and it was enough for me to get the hell out where I was, as I didn't have a gun. I'll wager a guess that if you weighed about 130lbs and had a trout in your hand, you'd be a little wary of a bobcat or bear giving you the eyeball... Have you ever seen a bobcat??? (wild one)I never have. That be pretty cool. Had a lady I work with once that bred Pixie Bobs, which technically are half Bob cat/ Half domestic cat. Those suckers are the most timid biggest house cat you ever seen. I've seen two already this season. Right in front of me. Well, one was right in front of me and the other was off to my left. I had to grab my 15lb dog before he chased off after it. Love nature Pictures. That be one I'd like to get on my camera to put up and frame.
  9. No I duct tape it to your head so they can find your sorry ass.
  10. Don't know if I'm too afraid of Bobcats or bears around here but a Cougar would scare the hell out me. Seen one only once and it was enough for me to get the hell out where I was, as I didn't have a gun. I'll wager a guess that if you weighed about 130lbs and had a trout in your hand, you'd be a little wary of a bobcat or bear giving you the eyeball... Have you ever seen a bobcat??? (wild one)I never have. That be pretty cool. Had a lady I work with once that bred Pixie Bobs, which technically are half Bob cat/ Half domestic cat. Those suckers are the most timid biggest house cat you ever seen.
  11. Don't know if I'm too afraid of Bobcats or bears around here but a Cougar would scare the hell out me. Seen one only once and it was enough for me to get the hell out where I was, as I didn't have a gun. Take that back a female bear in early summer might. The ones I have seen have been moving the hell fast to get away. I almost hit a black bear on my XR 250. Came around a corner and just missed it. Thought it was someones dog out in the woods, (was looking for the owner) happened so fast didn't have time to be scared.
  12. That's convenient. I do have the stats in front of me and in 2005 368,178 crimes were commited with firearams and 11,351 murders were committed. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/tables/guncrimetab.htm And go back before the gun, people were killing each other there too. Big deal.
  13. You say that like they can rationalize. They go where the food is. "Oops I strayed too far up the river, that gives the humans the right to gun me down" Yeah okay. True not there fault but when there numbers are great and they are destroying the salmon at certian places, action is needed. Said insist becuase they have tried explosives, nets, trucking them to California, buggers are not leaving. They practically destroyed the few Stealhead left on the Cedar river becuase of the Ballard locks.
  14. Nope protected. Even though there numbers are now recovered. I think its the Marine mammal species act. Delimma is the seal are protected and the columbia river salmon are so which goes.
  15. I was camping the Olympic peninsula out by the point of arches and saw 3 of them sea lions washed up on shore with gun shots to there heads. I have a problem with people shooting them on the open sea but when they insist on swimming up locks and at dams eating all the Salmon I say shoot em.
  16. Seahawks

    lighten up

    almost 4:20 PM, where's the cops?
  17. Seahawks

    lighten up

    Here is a laugh for all you crying liberals.
  18. wish it were - about 50% of my kids are gone 2day - course, i'm sure it has nothign to do w/ the beautiful day outside Thinking about playing hooky here at work, dang it's nice outside and rain coming for weekend and sunny Monday. Go figure.
  19. All good points except the above point; in the case of Cho the medical records were not private medical records - they were public district court records. I fail to see how a background check that accesses public records is invasive. Likewise I did not say that gun owners were a small percentage; I said a small percentage of America wants to buy "handguns and hollow point bullets". you call those show stoppers (hollow point). Some freak comes into my house he going to get a show stopper. If He is armed he will be dead if not a leg will do. Guess I'm the small percentage.
  20. Japan also has one of the highest sucide rate in the world for children.
  21. Judged from today's 'enlightened' worldview, this is truly sad and injust. But judged from the values of a different time, then this seemed to be rather the norm than the exception. I have a hard time grasping the idea of genicide. Being that there were no men of fighting age (or very few)in this camp and they attacked at dawn and shot old men, women and children it was more of a extermination campaign against the indians. They even mutilated the bodies which later the indians copied with Custor and were called barbaric sounds like your talking about sand creek, not wounded knee the sandcreek massacre occured before "custer's last stand" which in turn occured before the wounded knee massacre atrocity highlights from sand-creek: - black kettle had his nuts chopped off and turned into a tobacco pouch (he was a venerable and friendly indian chief who'd been given an american flag to fly over his tent to show his "civilian status", he'd brought his people to a local army fort for protection when other tribes had started hostilities - that fort then turned on him) - soldiers placed bets on the gender of fetuses inside slaughtered women and then performed dissections to settle the bet -some soldiers removed the ovaries of dead indians and laid them out on their saddles for souvenirs "bury my heart at wounded knee" is an excellent read on the subject - an early attempt at "revisionist" history Your right, I was. Wounded knee happened after Battle little big horn and the Powder river Campaign. With only their bare hands to fight back, the Indians tried to defend themselves, but the incident deteriorated further into bloody chaos, and the 350 unarmed Indians were outmatched and outnumbered by the nearly 500 U.S. soldiers. The majority of the massacre fatalities occurred during the initial ten to twenty minutes of the incident, but the firing lasted for several hours as the army chased after those who tried to escape into the nearby ravine. According to recollections by some of the Indian survivors, the soldiers cried out "Remember the Little Bighorn" as they sportingly hunted down those who fled -- evidence to them that the massacre was in revenge of Custers demise at Little Bighorn in 1876.and after most all of them had been killed a cry was made that all those who were not killed or wounded should come forth and they would be safe. Little boys...came out of their places of refuge, and as soon as they came in sight a number of soldiers surrounded them and butchered them there." Twenty-three soldiers from the Seventh Calvary were later awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for the slaughter of defenseless Indians at Wounded Knee
  22. Judged from today's 'enlightened' worldview, this is truly sad and injust. But judged from the values of a different time, then this seemed to be rather the norm than the exception. I have a hard time grasping the idea of genicide. Being that there were no men of fighting age (or very few)in this camp and they attacked at dawn and shot old men, women and children it was more of a extermination campaign against the indians. They even mutilated the bodies which later the indians copied with Custor and were called barbaric
  23. http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKIntro.html Did a report on this. Really sad.
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