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Everything posted by pink

  1. i enjoyed keeping up with ur adventure scott, beats sitting on my couch watching TV all the time congrats on hitting ur goal
  2. pink

    Big Walls

    The mythical Illinois bigwall? this sucker's twice as tall as the beacon-wand! doesn't JH have the first ascent
  3. ur gonna need a longer cheater stick now
  4. Fukin-a dude!
  5. .
  6. pink

    Big Walls

    i was talkin to the wookie, rookie
  7. this looks like one of those carabiners that dork's hang their keys from.... does it happen to have "not for climbing printed on the side" ?
  8. pink

    Big Walls

    (1) quit ur job (2) go to yosemite
  9. ur just too hard core dude and i mean it
  10. go kill it fuzzy! take lots of pics mister
  11. You mean the bitch season? no we have been saved from eternal bitch damnation, rejoice! http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/topic/79178
  12. nahhhh, no way he climbed this thing or he'd still have the poison oak scars to show for it! never had a reaction to that stuff, but hey i bet those scars are sexy as hell
  13. bill, love you too stud muffin
  14. instead of bitching, i'm going to climb "stone soup" yer turning into a 1-trick wonder son! need to finish my other line on that side so you at least haven't somethign else to be a passive-aggressive whiner about. i'm just pokin fun strawberry short cake, u seriously shouldn't take me so seriously
  15. instead of bitching, i'm going to climb "stone soup"
  16. Ivan didn't trash the place with party balloons. I don't know what he was talking about. I plan on getting the rope. Ivan can speak for Ivan but I left out the rope information on purpose because I plan on retrieving it. I don't leave trash and if there was any I would have picked it up. And I do take offense. ignore a shit streak and it eventually flakes off "stone soup" being the ultimate shit streak those bolts will eventually rust away, quite the legacy you shit steaks left behind.... JUST SAYIN
  17. pink

    Big Walls

    fuck aid climbing! lets go jam sum fuckin cracks in the desert i'm gonna need a recent photo first
  18. pink

    Really now!???

  19. pink

    Really now!???

    No one notices because America is not a police state. People who live in a police state tend to notice. America has laws and police but is certainly not a police state. The police locked down the area to catch a deadly psychopath, whom was far more dangerous to the lives of Americans than a short lockdown of a mountain lodge. other than driving, i rarely experience un-polite americans. but then again it doesn't rain every fucking day where i live
  20. OMG! if i was ghey i'd have a total hard-on right now
  21. in GENERAL and GENERALLY are the key words here not that i'm offended by ur GENERAL statements... but then again i don't belong to the SUPER BEST FRIEND CLUB either
  22. it's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart yada yada! give a monkey a power drill and it will summit anything
  23. Its pretty funny, and well ironic too, how you promote yourself as such a champion of diversity and defender of the persecuted. But when you actually encounter anyone from outside of your sheltered socio-economic bubble the arrogant judgemental white man comes out. tvash is the guru from the second.... i don't know third season of "californication" showtime series. i'm guessin not the kind of guy u want as ur wing man if ur lookin to get laid, JUST SAYIN
  24. pink


  25. pink


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