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Everything posted by pink

  1. pink


  2. got an entire rack swiped from the base of beacon rock, i got some shit stolen from me when i lived in the NW. hopefully the tweeker population has dwindled
  3. pink


    the stone soup march???
  4. Good point, nice loophole. Who's gonna put this to the test? i actually tried that.... and climbing the mystery route on the east face back when i was working for greenpeace.... we were going to hang a huge sign up that read "save the lichen"
  5. pink

    Wake up slaves

    perhaps it might be something like this or this?
  6. pink

    joined the darkside

    happy birthday minx
  7. pink

    Wake up slaves

    I wish... nonsense - gotta love those guys! its good to see the 1st amendment as an emergency thermostat on the radiator of insanity that is the american republic. you have to choose between psycho religious types who strap on bombs vs those who strap on billboards, dig? which do you prefer? word!
  8. i love climbing in the splatte!
  9. I smoke crack
  10. obama is not a republican! why would u think this?
  11. oh! so ur gonna vote for romney?
  12. Ron Paul fully supports this bill! Of course he does, he's a republican! obama! is a republican? like RUSH Limbaugh?
  13. OH MY GHEY! there are many colors in the homo rainbow, that's fer shers
  14. cool, you have a headcam?
  15. pink


    let's just divvy up all the money in this country, my bet it all ends up in the same place eventually.
  16. pink


    i've been operating on the assumption you're the wookie princes (or her brother) for awhile now i couldn't fake the p-wook if i tried baa
  17. pink


    i wasn't implyi g that mister, i know ur a kind dude
  18. That sums up my personal experience of getting an occasional spanking. NEVER, was it in a moment of rage. But that was just in my family. YRMV. In fact, I'm surprised my parents did not beat the hell out of me in my rebellious years. I certainly deserved more than I got. i figure when they get old i'll just throw them in to a lame-O old folks home, payback is a bitch
  19. pink


    i bet p-wookie is way hotter than that, perhaps the hottest chick on the board to date
  20. how did his hair not get messed up?
  21. pink


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