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Everything posted by pink

  1. it's what i've heard jim always call the ledge at the top of p3 on young warriors...it might be possible that he calls every ledge at beacon that though every ledge is a summit
  2. pink

    Advice sought

    billcoe + regards = = a diatribe = more regards and more
  3. many?
  4. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN, you may be the biggest climbing nerd (and havn't really climbed jack shit/and i really havn't climbed jack squat either) i've ever met in my short climbing existence but holy fuck.......... u r one funny mother fucker. cheers
  5. i lived in the NW for 9 years and got tons of shit stolen( including two racks) i've traveled all over the west coast leaving shit at the base of climbs, in my car, ropes fixed u name it. been in colorado for 12 years and never had anything stolen. can u really blame meth heads??? why are there so many thieves in the NW???
  6. pink

    Real Question

    kevbone starts the best threads, keep em coming!
  7. pink

    Real Question

    Hmmm, now where have I heard this before? Don't you whackjobs ever come up with new material? so can "the end" start playing now, and roll out closing credits
  8. pink

    Real Question

    over-population is a social problem, think of the el cap routes eric would have sent if he knew the value of a cumshot
  9. i demand this be moved to the rock-hard-man forum sickie does cc.com get anymore fucking ghey than this????????? seriously !!!!!!!!!!!!!! just kidding! great post rudy...... i'm actually surprised that john does not have an avatar on cc.com guess he never got a chance to climb at beacon ;
  10. it's croft
  11. pink

    Real Question

    [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  12. glad ur friend is okay mister, glad u guy got out there and had a kickass adventure on ur own. hope u don't let this get u down and u go out and experience many more. fuck ur gear dude, u guys got off easy. if u do get it back, COOL IN THE GANG! but be thankful for a lifetime worth of?????? i hope u gained something
  13. [video:youtube]
  14. or "stone soup"
  15. how can butter leave a grease stain? it's butter.... parkay butter
  16. wd-40 works great for removing sap and should not harm your rope...
  17. polish bob has a good book for you or go the charlie porter/ john bachar route...
  18. Making mountains out of chosspiles is sort of what we do here in the PNW. Ivan does the same with life and we are the constant beneficiaries of his 'labors'. And in the case of his TRs I'd say a picture is not worth a thousand words, but rather the reverse. i think kevin is just pokin fun joseph.....
  19. thanks for the heads up u were in colorado negro
  20. The everlasting gobstopper good job, and great partner Brad is a fit solid dude...
  21. dude! now ur just rubbing it in! the crux move on that thing feels so good! again, well done!
  22. well done! favorite place to free climb by far. i think don juan is on my top 5 list, the exit move around that roof is just plain cool! good job!
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