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Everything posted by pink

  1. I Lived in the NW for 9 years and got all kinds of crap stolen out of my car and at the base of crags. The NW has a serious problem in that regard. Rock Salt seems to be pretty affective
  2. South Face of North Dome 5.7 would be a good outing, some of the best rock in the valley. To get a big wall feel, climb the arches with a light pack perhaps bivy sacs instead of sleeping bags, sleep on top of the royal arches and send north dome in the am. Or just knock the whole thing out in a day just a suggestion cause the rock on north dome is soooooooooo good
  3. scott stowe and eric brand were kinda heavy hookers, NO?
  4. That's cause you climbed it with team molasses in aid climbing you need a fitness level of a truck driver. last time i stopped at flying j plaza it looked like a bunch of wales beached themselves. then i realized they all drove trucks. aid climbing can compete with golf and poker of physical level. no argument here, but a fit aid climber will certainly land at the pizza deck 3-4 days earlier
  5. That's cause you climbed it with team molasses
  6. pink


    are you quoting charles manson?
  7. pink


  8. pink


  9. isn't there a route on the washington column called "southern man"?
  10. dude!
  11. good job guys didn't realize there was a short bus ride down thanks for the stoke
  12. nice slide show! i can smell the granite looking at those pics, thanks
  13. Andrew, thanks for yet another totally illuminating post which pretty much cuts right to the heart of the spirit involved with you guys and how you think and operate. I'm an ambassador for no one but myself but after sixteen years of it I just have low tolerance for relentless bullshit these days, especially after one low slander after another. But do please keep posting up more keen insights from Colorado that show just how petty and low you guys are willing to sink to. A typical Beacon opening, c'est la vie. Anyone else? Feel free as I'm clearly the one who's responsible for the rock closing every year... you are very welcome mister and tell me just how i have slandered you? Have you ever re-read your own posts in this regard? Just sayin... you have the right to "just say" anything you want
  14. Andrew, thanks for yet another totally illuminating post which pretty much cuts right to the heart of the spirit involved with you guys and how you think and operate. I'm an ambassador for no one but myself but after sixteen years of it I just have low tolerance for relentless bullshit these days, especially after one low slander after another. But do please keep posting up more keen insights from Colorado that show just how petty and low you guys are willing to sink to. A typical Beacon opening, c'est la vie. Anyone else? Feel free as I'm clearly the one who's responsible for the rock closing every year... you are very welcome mister and tell me just how i have slandered you?
  15. So to clarify, no one can be out there until 8am on July 13th, yet you are out there replacing things that don't need replacing? At 9pm? On July 12th? By who's authority do you do such things? Nothing was in need of replacing! Slings are fine and I can't imagine there is a bolt in need of attention on any of the trade routes. The Beacon Rock Climbing Association never knew of any of this! What kind of sideshow do you think you are running here? Stay the hell away you mental case and quite screwing with routes!!!! Ah, your endless cluelessness and compulsion to post one basic mistatement of fact after another on rabid display -- always entertaining. Yes, I had 'authority' from the BRSP to be out there on Thursday night to do anchor maintenance and the usual survey for anything big which might be loose and pose a threat to trains. And, in fact (and god knows how those escape you), the anchors on the main rap line were overdue for being replaced. I know, because I bought and did all the anchor replacements out there and have been maintaining the slings on them all ever since and know when set of slings went in and which ones need to be replaced each year - i.e. you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. The only 'sideshow' being run at the moment is the BRCA which was only reconvened for the sole purpose of trying to get the closure amended or lifted, which isn't going to happen. Are you really so clueless as to think that setting up a facebook page somehow instantly gives you a track record or getting stuff done, trusted working relationships, or any 'authority' of any kind whatsoever? Dude, it takes years to build cooperative working relationship built on mutual trust, respect, and understanding. And note the emphasis on "mutual trust and respect", something utterly and hopelessly lost to you and yours - as in you are never going to get it. And do you honestly think a couple of frigging' web pages filled with shit none of you even actually believe in somehow paves the way for you dictate anything whatsoever out there? Hey, it doesn't. And just what as the BRCA ponied up and done so far? Let's make a list why don't we: * Scheduled and completed any cooperative work of any kind with the BRSP or any of the other Beacon volunteer groups? Nope. * Monitored the Peregrines for the open date (and the log of each session would have made such boss facebook posts)? Nope, never saw a BRCAer with in a miles of the place every time I was out burning climbing good hours sitting there monitoring. * Schedule a pre-open rock survey and anchor work? Clearly not. Call and offer to help the now beleagured (Ben is no longer a ranger as of earlier this month [but then you knew that because of your steady working relationship with the BRSP, right?]) park staff change over the signage solely for our benefit? What's that you say? Nope, of course not. * Surveyed and inventoried all the anchors so you'll know what's what and what needs to be done when? You already answered that one. So the reason I was up there and not your was because I gave a shit enough to establish a now long-standing, trusted working relationship with the BRSP and it's people that's built on mutual trust, respect and understanding (and a bit of empathy) with the park. And you guys? You guys have a web page of demands for 'the man'. So, if the past sixteen years have proven anything it's that - yes indeedy - there are some mental cases about who: * Are constantly and relentlessly working against their own best interests * Intent on jeopardizing early opens by threaten the very people they should be trying to establish relationships with * Generally thrash the place because they can't be bothered to clean up their messes * Can't be bothered invest time to do anything of any real substance * Who still think what happens out there is no one's business but 'ours' * And who still (always) think anyone with an honest relationship with 'the man' is a traitor Yeah, there are some 'mental cases' out there all right and sometimes going climbing out there is like a veritable mental health version of "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king". The diagnosis? Incurable cluelessness, relentless paranoia, disinterest in getting well, severe self-esteem and anger management issues, and a profound and uncontrolled compulsion to publicly self-destruct with pithy internet posts. All-in-all, same as it ever was... P.S. Oh, and the only reason you even know I was out there was a couple of otherwise well-intended BRCAers ignored the signage and broke the closure in order to poach a late night go of the Corner - not really going to build the BRCA any cred if they can't keep their own membership in line. Joseph, you smoke hash on Beacon Rock, which really doesn't give you much CRED as an ambassador out at Beacon. Stop being so full of shit FFS
  16. And post after post of this, is OK? "douchey, can you create your own insults or are you a total total dumb fucking clowpunch incapable of any creative process? so far: reposts: 2, creativity:0. looks like one sided game. I was going to post pic of your mom, but you beat me to it. good job salty breath." i was thinking the same thing!
  17. Hahaha, too funny! Most of you probably didn't even know, that till about a few days ago, people working on fire crews were considered "seasonal employees" and had zero benefits, I mean zero! No health insurance, no retirement, no benefits whatsoever. Obama just signed executive order to change that (he is such a commie), I am sure Romney would try to void that first thing at the office. let's all work for the government
  18. Assintake is most definitely missing them. looks he is suffering from constant period mood swings 365 days a year. feel sorry for his constantly hurting snatch. Real internet tough guy. I will be in Washington next week, just saying... yeah, look me up in whistler or squamish, because now i spend more time there.
  19. no offense mister..... butt [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWVaTX_OzBs
  20. and cedar shake shingles, i always laugh when i see houses in colorado with them.
  21. Colorado Springs was a shit hole before this, i just don't see how 39 more firefighters could have made that big of a difference. Fires kinda do whatever the fuck they wanna do when it's dry, hot, and windy.
  22. sounds like all the meth heads from the NW migrated to colorado
  23. pink

    Is this for real?

    CrAy!!! CrAy!!!
  24. Mmmm whatcha say, Mmm that you only meant well? well of course you did Mmmm whatcha say, Mmmm that it's all for the best? of course it is Mmmm whatcha say? Mmmm that it's just what we need you decided this whatcha say? Mmmm what did she say?
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