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Everything posted by pink

  1. Yes I did, other wise I would not post it as an entry. okay sorry! did you notice that i edited my comment when i saw the credits, i was actually complementing u, do you treat all people this way? I am glad you liked it! Drew is a very cool kid. Hope he will stay with it. Looks like he his a pretty good growth spurt recently. yeah you did a great job, and music was great! keep up the good work man
  2. [video:youtube]
  3. Yes I did, other wise I would not post it as an entry. okay sorry! did you notice that i edited my comment when i saw the credits, i was actually complementing u, do you treat all people this way?
  4. bob,did you make this video? i just saw the closing credits, thanks for sharing! what a cool frikin kid!
  5. pink

    A Scout is:

    that is not how all conservatives are!
  6. pink

    A Scout is:

    dude, ur johnny on the fucking spot with your post. are you on house arrest or something?
  7. pink

    A Scout is:

    When you were 7? i was born in '71 strawberry shortcake...
  8. pink

    A Scout is:

    i know what you mean, i tried to join the black panthers
  9. that would be a good thread, who needs to be medicated on this board?
  10. let's just do some drugs!
  11. pink

    Gun Control

    hmmmmm [video:youtube]
  12. pink

    Gun Control

    was just think'n how good it is that none of you boys have got guns and/or how grand it is to be separated from each other by 18 inches of interwebz anyhow, whatevers - would dig on climbing an el cap wall w/ the 4 motley fools heckling on this page as a group - bet it would be me n' pink leading most the pitches n' pat n' dave squabbling over who gets the belay chair and the bong - oughta be able to wought the ensuing epic into ego-stoking trip #100 (oh, how my id feels the horrible pressure of making that one right) jay, i'm not questioning the state gun ownership vs homicide rate graph, just wanna know the source before i show it to real people and am disinterested in doing homework beyond the stack of shit i already have before me i'd never waste a bullet on #trashtalkingtina
  13. pink

    Gun Control

    and now back to our regularly scheduled programming
  14. pink

    Gun Control

    i'm thinkin mudflaps would be more fitting
  15. pink

    Gun Control

    i'd much rather wrap my goat sac around you, sexy little man
  16. pink

    Gun Control

    Ivan, egoless. Now that is funny. why don't we all stop bitching and go climb " stone soup" my route if that and 99 tr's doesn't scream ego i don't know what does. sometimes i wonder if people are climbing for the right reasons sickie
  17. pink

    Gun Control

    didn't you climb El Cap? ;-) yes but i don't think it's a big deal, but i am proud of what i do. that was some stupid shit john "the ego" frieh made it out to be when some chick was asking how u train for climbing and john was in his crossfit stage of life after ya'll gave him a neutrino windshirt complex which worked cause he's doin badass shit now. i am honestly happy to wake up healthy every morning, as far as i'm concerned everyone on this site has silly little "white people problems" but it sure is fun to watch the shit fly
  18. pink

    Gun Control

    Lurking Fear isn't a real el cap route, it's what people do when they realize they can't get up the nose or the zodiac without a guide cause that's what i did I was a really fun fake route, then. el cap is pretty much a giant peg board these days... i'm not trying to take anything away from you cause i think any el cap route is an achievement. shit i think if you go to work everyday and are a good citizen you're good in my book. but all bullshit aside that's sorta how you treat people mister...
  19. pink

    Gun Control

    Lurking Fear isn't a real el cap route, it's what people do when they realize they can't get up the nose or the zodiac without a guide cause that's what i did
  20. pink

    Gun Control

    me too, i ejaculate on fancy light bulbs every chance i get because of you big boy
  21. pink

    Gun Control

    Here's where I see it... I first noticed your great pictures and artistic abilities when I wandered in here around 2006. It did not take long for me to notice what an arrogant bully you are online. I could care less but I've just always had this thing about picking a fight with the bully. Your complete lack of any humility whatsoever, combined with your relentless bullying of whoever may disagree with you just feeds my appetite to flick you shit. I actually thought I might find the real Pat a kind, gentler person but he seems to be just as much of an asshole. I mention a comparison that anyone who uses/used drugs is the same as supporting the narco cartels is the same as you blaming anyone who still owns a gun as a "gun nut". Obviously, neither are correct in the real world. What do you do, take the cheap shot about me being drunk a day after I lost my family. Classy. Kicking a man when he's down, seems more like a Republican tactic instead of a lefty Dem. Just sayin. BTW, you have NO idea how often I resist the urge to call your BS. More often than not. At least when I am wrong, I will admit it and apologize, something I can't even fathom you are capable of. Based on your holier than though attitude and bully tactics you spew here, anyway. I don't think I'm alone in my opinion of you. I'd certainly enjoy seeing you eat a bit of humble pie but you are too smart to ever make a mistake so we all know that won't happen. Yes, the world revolves around Ivan but at least he is funny and self deprecating enough to keep us all pretty entertained. You guys probably make such a cute couple since you both have ego's the size of Texas. I just like his style of arrogance over yours. How many times have you been banned from this site for your relentless assholidness? Maybe you could take a clue and try not to be such a complete dick. I guess your not really trying as it comes so naturally to you, but you know what I mean. you pretty much hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head on that one mister... dave, you're a cool dude!
  22. pink

    Gun Control

    Stricter gun registration and closing the loop holes for private sales would be a start but I think the bigger problem is addressing why our society is so obsessed with senseless killing and violence in general. I'm sure the constant barrage of glamorized killing and violence that permeates our culture has nothing to do with it. It's all because ARs are legal to buy. Personally, I think we need to take a step back and look at our society as a whole, rather than just pigeon hole all our problems on those "gun nuts". As long as we continue to glorify violence, we will continue to reap the consequences of people going postal, with, or without assault rifles and 30 round magazines. How many of these nut jobs committing these attrocities were bullied and humiliated at a very young age? Alienating them from society because they don't "fit in". I think we, as mericans, are the most selfish and self serving people on the planet and we will continue down this destructive path so long as our hearts and minds are bowing to the blood sports that abound. Then again, I'm just another uninformed idiot so maybe Bill can get it right. Perhaps we could all emulate TTK's style of treating people. That would make a much better society, don't you think?
  23. i think that's the coolest thing i've seen on this website to date
  24. sorry to hear about ur dad steve!
  25. pink

    Liberal bullying!

    admit it... ur hott for jan morgan
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