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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Biggest prick in U.S. political history.
  2. The number one reason why I strongly support cancer and heart disease.
  3. What's a smuck?
  4. The shear number of movies that have hoofed it out of New Zealand's paddock in recent yearlings is astounding. I think audiences flock to them because and the ungulating plots don't ram the it down your chops. Despite racking up profits that wool certainly give Hollywood a run for their money, their directors don't seem to bleet their own horns too much. Ewe'd think that, at some point, they'd just start grazing, like so many of their Hollywood counterparts who should really be put out to pasture.
  5. For some guys, this would simply be a matter of seperating the command module from the life support system.
  6. This thread has been taken over by the Manitou.
  7. Walmart has a screamin' deal on that combo BBQ/smoker I've been itching to buy.
  8. Walmart increases automobile CO2 emissions by locating it's stores outside urban cores where land is cheap.
  9. Walmart systematically abuses it's employees by breaking overtime laws.
  10. Walmart parking lot runnoff kills salmon.
  11. Walmart parking lots increase average global temperatures.
  12. Oye! You can almost smell the tamarindo and feel the crumbling concrete under your feet. Yet another example of JayB's hardhitting, investigative journalism. Almost as compelling as his uncited, keyless bar graphs. How does he continue to smash the clueless left with blow after decisive blow?
  13. Keep the tip.
  14. Quote of the month.
  15. A quote from the GodTube video: "Just when you look at things logically around us, it makes no sense" For a God's chosen few, no truer words were ever spoken.
  16. Sounds like how I met my wife.
  17. Land a white trash teen couple on Mars and in 100 years the place will be terraformed and fully population for you...but you won't want to go there anymore.
  18. This happened to a young woman who used to work in the document control department at Fluke up in Everett when I was still an employee of that establishment. She was overweight, for sure, but not exactly the great fat pie wagon depicted in the article above. Apparently, surprise births are more common that one might think. That very same year, one of our IT engineers broadcast an email that he was going to become a woman. He dressed like a woman (a requirement for the surgery) for a year before taking the plunge. The company built a 'special needs' bathroom for him due to complaints from several women who didn't want to share the loo with a still biological man. For those of you contemplating this change of life; men's size 12 pumps are extremely difficult to find. It was just one of those great years at the office where everything seems to happen at once.
  19. Paraphrased: "It's all just a theory. You can't prove anything." This is the kind of safe haven a moron always keeps close at hand. Seahawk was actually Shakespeare's ghost writer.
  20. Shakespeare also alludes to the slight variations in day length due to the natural movement of snaffles back and forth across the Earth's surface.
  21. Have any of you noticed that it seems to be getting warmer and warmer every day?
  22. I think Shakespeare is saying here that Al Gore should get rid of his hot tub.
  23. You're now whining about our whining about your whining. Whining to the third power.
  24. Yes, it's called conservation of energy and momentum, and, in fact, I did learn it in high school. You're throwing out a lot of chaff here. Your are correct in saying that the earth's fundamental climatic drivers are cyclical pertebations in its axial tilt, precession, and orbital ellipse...before we got here, that is. You neglected to mention that these well known cycles predict that we should be heading back into an ice age. Clearly, we are going rapidly in the other direction, and that's solely because of human kind. You also neglected to mention that the sun's warming is so slow that it will take anywhere from 250 million to 1 billion years to render the earth uninhabitable. This warming is many orders of magnitude smaller in scale than the current warming causes by atmospheric carbon. You lump irrelevant factors (day length), and climatic drivers that are orders of magnitude apart in scale without presenting them as such. I'd stay away from scientific arguments in the future if I were you. It's just not your thing.
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