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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I telied primarily with boarders. Terrain parks used to rock...now I'm so out of practice they just kick my sorry ass.
  2. Another closet female outed. I think there are actually ten confirmed chic's on Spray at this point. You must know different men than I do. Most guys are pretty self depricating in that category.
  3. I'm not an AT person, but nearly every telier I know has switched to AT gear using Dynafit bindings because they're the simplest, lightest weight AT solution; about the same weight as good, light tely gear. You can't use regular boots with Dynafit bindings (like you can with Silverettas), however. Call up ProSki and chat with them a while. They'll fill you in on all the grooviness. I tely with Scarpa T2s and old school but light weight Riva bindings, BTW.
  4. I think you've just captured the essence of this fascinating creature.
  5. Jesus, I hear you on that one. How the hell does one rewire the brain for left rolls? Can someone please chime in on this one?
  6. Cafeteria trays are the fastest way down...to the ER.
  7. tvashtarkatena


    What about with your tongue? I was wondering how long it would take for my troll to produce the inevitable 'tongue' comment. Geh.
  8. Shootout at the Not OK Corral.
  9. I'm at your Kate Beckinsale.
  10. There are only eight women who post on Spray, assuming that Cindy666 is human and female. A selection matrix consisting of a like number of important criteria for hotness (willingness to drink enough beer to agree to sleep with the researchers, inability to gauge relative penis size on the low end, and ownership of a running and reliable high clearance four wheel drive vehicle, for example) filled in by a statistically relevant sample size of desperate, masturbatory males (new fathers, newly ex't boyfriends, complete fucking losers like Seahawk) should quickly result in a repeatable conclusion to this important question. The problem with this approach, of course, is that it is more likely to produce an all male circle jerk than a any conclusive result, given the nature of the research team. Querying the females under study may result in an accurate model of their self esteem hierarchy and mutual esteem network, but it will not bring the serious researcher any closer to a supportable conclusion. Thinly masked self referential compliments projected towards others under study, coded double negatives, and playful "Oh, stop!" verbal love slaps can only serve to muddle the data. An enigmologist might be required.
  11. That hurt.
  12. "Like, WOAH!!! First peace in the Middle East, now this! That is SOOO kewl!!!"
  13. "Wow! Like, it's RUHLLY WARM down here! Everyone is SOOOO tan and friendly! WOAH!!! What was that RUHLLY BIG bang?!!!"
  14. Why don't you just go to Hell in a hen basket.
  15. I'm confused. Hey, how much you want for those Silverettas, altar boy?
  16. Is this some kind of sadomasochistic prOn thread? Told you to go Dynafit. If it's any consolation, I'm a telier, because I can't parallel worth a damn for some reason. The first time I bought a lift ticket, I counted: 200 falls. My whole body looked like your leg. Any way; AT, snowboard, cafeteria tray, glissading on your back head first, is an easier way down the mountain.
  17. I bragged about what I did for the troops today on a forum full of people I'll never meet and who I actually despise.
  18. My rig is fine. These aren't the white trash, lowland Canadian porcupines that hang around parking lots we're talking about, these Cascadian monsters are the real deal. I can't even look at a chia pet now without shuddering.
  19. Either log onto match.com or buy yourself a big tube of KY and a Seventeen magazine. Christ.
  20. It seems like this post is advocating vigilanteism using the most charged example possible. There's a society somewhat east of ours that operates on that very principle; you can read about it every day on the front page. As tough as it is for a victim to go through a criminal trial, (and state sanctions against child molestation are substantial), most citizens apparently prefer that to anarchy. If we didn't, we'd stop funding the criminal justice system altogether.
  21. Now a weta; that CAN eat the soft parts of your face.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    Crystal methanol: the anti-anti-drug.
  23. Sorry, I just cleaned out my rocket box last night At least I got the sour milk smell out of the back cargo area. There was a little pool of milk in a plastic retainer all curdled up and nasty looking. You'll have to burn the whole vehicle. See previous posting for tinder.
  24. That's where an attack stoat comes into its own.
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