There are only eight women who post on Spray, assuming that Cindy666 is human and female. A selection matrix consisting of a like number of important criteria for hotness (willingness to drink enough beer to agree to sleep with the researchers, inability to gauge relative penis size on the low end, and ownership of a running and reliable high clearance four wheel drive vehicle, for example) filled in by a statistically relevant sample size of desperate, masturbatory males (new fathers, newly ex't boyfriends, complete fucking losers like Seahawk) should quickly result in a repeatable conclusion to this important question.
The problem with this approach, of course, is that it is more likely to produce an all male circle jerk than a any conclusive result, given the nature of the research team.
Querying the females under study may result in an accurate model of their self esteem hierarchy and mutual esteem network, but it will not bring the serious researcher any closer to a supportable conclusion. Thinly masked self referential compliments projected towards others under study, coded double negatives, and playful "Oh, stop!" verbal love slaps can only serve to muddle the data. An enigmologist might be required.