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Everything posted by rob

  1. rob

    hard drive crash

    what do you mean it can't detect your operating system? When you boot your machine, what happens?
  2. "My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing." -- Aldous Huxley
  3. I keep my nails short. otherwise they get in the way when I'm fighting ninjas.
  4. Colorado
  5. Looks like you're getting a little frisky with that hand You didn't find a green rag on the trail by any chance, did you?
  6. If I had insurance, I'd see a doc right away. If not, I'd wait a few days and see if it was getting better, and then see a doc if it wasn't.
  7. Sweet -- Cashmere is one of my favorite places to go and sit and be alone. Great views! Plus, it's a bit of a leg burner. I bet the lakes don't have as many bugs in the winter (!)
  8. Thanks for the tips, guys
  9. On steep snow, my alp wings self-belay pretty well, but I've never actually tried to self-arrest with them. I'm guessing that it would pretty much be teh suck. For easier/moderate stuff, I see people sometimes bring an ice axe and only 1 tool. But for harder stuff where you might want 2 tools, I was wondering what most people do: bring along an axe for self-arresting on the steeps and sling it on the pack when the tools come out, or leave the axe at home and cross yer fingers? TIA
  10. rob

    I fondeld my gear

    My wife says I'm not allowed to play with my rope in front of guests. She says it freaks them out cause most people don't have doubles. She lets me flake it out in private though.
  11. Fell off my pack after unloading a nosefull of goobers.
  12. My daughter took a header into the wall a few months ago at home and split her forehead open. Docs at the ER used dermabond, which is basically like a "medical-grade" super-glue. Doc said that most regular super glues have methyl alcohol in them, which can burn tissue. Medical grade glues are more expensive, but do not damage tissue and I guess are supposed to break down harmlessly. They are very expensive though, so I just use super-glue to close flappers. Echoing scheissami, I would not put it IN the wound, but would use it just to seal the flap (assuming it didn't rip off).
  13. What if I you've got no arch?
  14. rob

    Create-A-Poster Site!

    Do you believe the moon landing was faked? Those fake 36 story rockets they built and launched were incredibly realistic. I'll admit, I was fooled. Yes, they did a really good job faking the radio telemetry, too. Even fooled the russians and all of the third-party observers triangulating radio broadcasts.
  15. rob

    Death Of A President

  16. Beer in water bottles, that'd be a nice sight "No officer, it's not beer, it's piss."
  17. Sweet, me and my clan will be there
  18. I was up there on Friday with Tvash checking out the NE Slabs -- looked really thin, we bailed.
  19. I sure hope you guys remember to wear your MLUs on Hood. We wouldn't want to break any rules now, would we?
  20. on concrete sidewalks? I dunno about this whole barefoot running thing. I guess it works for some people, but it makes my ITBs hurt just thinking about it Anyway, weird shoes, I'd love to try a pair
  21. rob

    Create-A-Poster Site!

  22. rob

    Nemo Tents

    interesting. I'd love to see one, thanks for the link I'm not sure I like the idea of an infalted system. What happens when the pump craps out on me in the winter? And how easy is it (really) to repair holes in the field, in the cold, in a blizzard....
  23. I dunno, I have pretty serious over-pronating feet. Also, it doesn't look like there is a lot of cushioning, I wonder how they'd run on concrete/asphalt? Sounds like a specious claim to me.... Back it up? Anyway, I'd love to try a pair out.
  24. I wonder if they climb well
  25. weirdest.shoe.ever.
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