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Everything posted by rob

  1. I don't think its an argument. I think people are stating whether they would let someone who is high belay them or not. And I don't think anyone has said anything against actually climbing high or any rules. But my climbing code includes that I try to mitigate whatever risks I find unacceptable. In my book, that includes me letting myself be belayed by someone who is high. There is no room to argue there. Furthermore, I would be totally fine with someone who told me that they didn't want me to belay them b/c I was not high. Whatever works for you. That's proud, you gotta know what you want, and then you gotta take it.
  2. Can't we all just get along?
  3. The last thing we need are more rules. Is that in the climbing code yet? "Thou shalt not climb high?" Why are you guys arguing about this? If you want to climb high and with your high buddies, who gives a fuck? If you don't, then don't. As long as everybody is honest, I don't see what the big fucking deal is.
  4. I'm with kevbone and bill -- some people are still "with it" after smoking a bowl. I climb with some guys who smoke, and I would trust my life to them, because I know them and trust them to take care of their shit. If they keep an aggressive and watchful belay, then what do I care? For me, the issue isn't so much whether you climb sober or not, it's whether you need to, and whether or not you know the difference. Me, on the other hand, NEVER climb under the influence. (After is another story). But that's just how my brain works. Everybody's got to find their own way, and if I can't trust a climber to make his own decisions regarding sobriety then I certainly can't trust him roping up with me -- sober or not.
  5. Great TR, CBS, et. al. It sounds like a really, really good trip. I'd love to make that trip one day, maybe next year. I'm glad you weren't hurt in your fall. Sounds like a pucker hucker! Way to go get it.
  6. Jamin, get yourself a copy of Heidi Pesterfield's "Traditional Lead Climbing: Surviving the Learning Years" and read it cover-to-cover.
  7. rob

    De Jesus

    You got a date Wednesday, baby!
  8. Hopefully you guys get a rematch soon -- looks like there's some winter weather in the forecast.
  9. get yourself one of these
  10. Sweet. Thanks for the link, I'm determined to ditch the board and learn to ski this year.
  11. I prefer to utilize the "Mountaineer Ass Pinch." But it's a tricky maneuver and requires finesse to be done successfully.
  12. stick a cork (from a wine bottle) on the end of your nut tool. Slice the cork lengthwise so it sticks on the end, and tape it on real good. Then you can put the cork end in your palm and punch the shit out of the nut.
  13. Trip: Mountaineers Creek 2/16/06 - various Date: 2/16/2007 Trip Report: Tvashtarkatena and I hit up Mountaineers Creek today. Great area! We didn't have a guide book or really any beta, but I think we were climbing in the "shorts over polypro" area -- it was the first main area after the "log scoot." We yo-yo'd a couple of routes and had a blast. Great weather, good climbing, good ice, great day. We managed to find some good ice and great climbing -- but it seems to be wearing down pretty quick. It was getting pretty rotten in some places, but still good in others. Get it while it lasts! By the afternoon, though, the ice really started spontaneously coming down on top of us, so we hit the road. On the hike out, I heard several BOOMS from the drainage area (presumably) from ice coming down. I'm not sure how much longer this stuff will last, but probably not too much longer. great trip, Tvash, lets do it again sometime.
  14. hey, I've never climbed there, but my friends tell me that it's the place to go if you want rocks to fall on your head. But it seems popular. What's up? Good trad routes there? I'm itching to check it out and see what the fuss is about.
  15. So, arch -- what's the diagnosis? Are you broken?
  16. Don't they have a pill for that now?
  17. OK, I'll bite. Working out hard and pushing it is great. Pushing yourself until you break is crazy. Can't you tell the difference? That's what you need to figure out. If you can't tell when you need to throttle down, then you're gonna hurt yourself, and then you won't be able to climb hard. Listen to your body; work it hard, back off when you need to, and keep the calories pouring in. What's your workout schedule? How hard do you work it? When do you rest? You mention "exercise addiction".... I get stir-crazy if I don't exercize every day, too. Pick a light workout routine to do on off-days, even if it's just a few mile jog or something. I always give myself a complete rest at least every 5 days, or when I feel like I need it. If I get restless, I'll go on a light jog for a mile or two. Skip rope and watch a climbing vid. If you feel weak, something in your routine/diet is off. My $0.02
  18. Crap, the snaffle keep getting bigger and bigger OMG, snaffle = new world order??
  19. rob

    Tent Tales

    sure is nodder
  20. rob

    Tent Tales

    Squeal like a pig!
  21. rob

    Climbing site?????

    I'm really not sure how I feel about that.
  22. rob

    Climbing site?????

    no way, he's king fucking marmot, ruler of the meadow. Look at that regal bastard. He OWNS that rock.
  23. rob

    Tent Tales

  24. rob

    Climbing site?????

    one time, on acid, I met the nodder
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