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Everything posted by rob

  1. sent you a PM
  2. Guy at Pika told me they no longer have ropes in stock
  3. Yeah, we need another kid's rope-up. I was bummed I missed the last one.
  4. No, Washington would never do something that backwards and stupid.
  5. haha, I'm just realizing most of my friends have gone to graduate school. so, just kidding
  6. Have you ever noticed that the more education a candidate has, the less competent he is? It's weird. I interviewed one guy with a Masters who kept walking off the end of his string and couldn't figure out where all the garbage was coming from. He was genuinely shocked when I explain the null character to him -- like everything had finally just come together in his mind. Scarey. I think all that schoolin' must be bad for the brain.
  7. sweet, thx!
  8. My crack technique needs work! I'm looking for some good moderate (5.6 - 5.8) jamming in Leavenworth. Ideas? TIA!
  9. For lack of anything better, "Weekend Rock" has a smallish vantage section in it, I think.
  10. YOu should find a place right next to a bar, and then you can complain about how loud it is.
  11. Great idea, 'cause that's the nice thing about corporate IT -- they always give us the time we need for fixes, and never force shitty stuff out the door. But yeah, it was just a rant. At least I'm nt flippin' burgers.
  12. Beal Joker 9.1mm X 70M Dry -- $149.95
  13. My little girl -- she wants to be steph davis. She turned 4 this year and we're gonna spend lots of time this summer at the worth. My son. He thinks climbing is too dangerous; he prefers to jump off roofs.
  14. rob

    starting my rack

    And don't forget to write your name on your helmet.
  15. So, my boss's boss comes into my office today and tells me that he wants me to "help out" on a feature that one of my colleagues is struggling on. This feature is a pile of shit, and I tried to back away, saying that I really didn't want to take ownership on this feature, etc. Everyone avoids this feature like the plague. "Oh, don't worry, it's just temporary. I just want a second pair of eyes on this, it will be a joint effort, blah blah blah" he says. However, I happen to know the owner of the feature is planning on leaving the company soon, but my boss's boss still thinks that nobody knows (including me). So, basically, he's giving me this huge snow job, saying "oh, this is just temporary; we just need a little extra help." Of course, when this guy ends up leaving in a month or so, guess who is going to inherit the crap? That's right - me. After all, I'll have been (conveniently) "helping out" on the feature and so logically, I will be a natural choice to inherit it. And, of course, when reviews come around, guess who gets the blame for the stink? And of course, I can't say anything, 'cause I'm not supposed to know my buddy is leaving in the first place. I picked up the PM spec today - 103 pages double-sided. Holy shit, what kind of lobotomy do you need to become a PM? Hopefully all this fucking rain will stop so I can get the flu.
  16. rob


    In soviet russia, the cc.com elite joins YOU.
  17. Alain Robert won't go to jail Alain was arrested last week for trying to climb the Petronas Twin Towers. Looks like they're not gonna charge him with a crime. It's a good thing he didn't try to climb delicate arch or something, 'cause then people would have really been up in his shit.
  18. Funny, most adults can handle this without much ado. I thought we were talkin' 'bout climbers
  19. Cilogear
  20. Sweet, my wife and I are heading there next winter. Thanks for the stoke
  21. rob

    BS or real???

    What?? He didn't shoot him three times in the chest? I guess 2-year olds don't have as tight patterns as 57 yo retired school teachers.
  22. And they won't be russian, either
  23. Cool, I get it. Thanks, guys!
  24. Hmm...I'm confused. Wouldn't twins have this same problem? Or not so much because they are smaller diameter? Am I being stupid?
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