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Everything posted by rob

  1. sweet, thanks for the info guys. I think I'll give the binding freedom inserts a try. I only have one pair of bindings anyway and I'm not a picky enough skier yet to want to match my bindings to my ski or conditions -- that sounds like too much thinking. omg I can't wait for winter!
  2. Mission 14™ The World's Toughest Expedition!
  3. What strikes me as even funnier is he's a very accomplished open ocean sailor with multiple crossings of the Pacific under his belt. And I thought his boat capsized? Rafael's comments about the mishap when it happened referenced a broken paddle and unstable boat, and the news article mentioned the craft capsized after entering rougher water. This is the first I heard someone claim it was because he punctured the raft with his crampons. But, whatever
  4. So I'm cheap and wondering are quiver killers reliable for a BC setup? I've been interested in installing some inserts into my drifters and my shuksans to avoid buying another pair or bindings but I called up Evo in Seattle to ask about it and they told me that they were a "terrible" idea for BC skiing and that "nobody really even uses them anymore." What's the deal? Is that accurate, or do they just want to sell me bindings?
  5. Sure, unfortunate (and sometimes embarrassing) things happen to the very experienced, but that doesn't mean it's the same thing as unfortunate things happening to the inexperienced and naive. There is a difference.
  6. Did they remember to build a giant "Y" ?
  7. Congrats! You guys are lucky, when I did the C-J there was a waterfall halfway through the couloir Ah, doug's direct. Don't you love climbs that are uphill both ways?
  8. +1, and a lot of that rockfall is caused by other people who decided they needed to be roped-up there
  9. fucking lame. I'll keep an eye out for them. Do you have serial numbers? Don't forgot to post on stolenbike registry were these stolen out of North Bend? Out of curiosity -- how did they get into the garage?
  10. Good call, gene http://yellowleaf.org/scramble/g/m/kloke.html
  11. Hmm, I dunno about Tooth NE slab being a "beginner" winter route if conditions are thin, which they seem to always be. I've been up twice and both times that traverse pitch was pretty hairball -- just thin ice over slab. If you're trying to avoid having to waste time bailing, I dunno if I would count on that route because thin conditions seem to be pretty normal Add Colchuck NEC to your list
  12. I'm disappointed there were no photos of the compression shorts.
  13. hey everyone, I'm thinking of moving to Everett and was wondering what kind of handgun you recommend for standing my ground up there? TIA! Rob
  14. You can do the entire traverse without actually climbing any of the peaks if you want, that would basically be like doing it as a backpacking trip -- though most of the peaks have an easy scramble route anyway. You can easily avoid them if they look too tough. There are plenty of places to camp along the ridge, most people do that. When I did it in August a few years ago, I was glad to have an axe.
  15. rob

    Gay Marriage

    I don't think you can file as head of household if you're married, can you? I get to, though. It's pretty sweet.
  16. That's too much to ask for
  17. I will be in Bend from Sunday July 21 to Wednesday July 24, looking for some people to drink beer with and ride mountain bikes, or even some climbing if you're leading Shoot me a PM
  18. good luck!!!
  19. I wanna be an aid climber so bad
  20. rob

    It's official!

    It's true. I was actually a nice guy before I stopped climbing.
  21. rob

    It's official!

    what is "spray?"
  22. rob

    It's official!

    Steven Seagal is the lamest guy, ever
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