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Everything posted by rob

  1. rob

    FU Obama

  2. Don't worry folks, there is no population problem, more guns will mean less crime, and the planet is SUPPOSED to be getting warmer. Also, there is plenty of oil still in the ground. STAY THE COURSE!
  4. dead giveaway
  5. rob


  6. Gift them? fuck that shit, they're gonna have to hand back some bonds
  7. rob


    you should hear his guitar playing
  8. 1) Best not to think of avalanches as having a "season" 2) Stevens pass is a great place to practice self-arrest.
  9. it costs everyone a lot to get married
  10. It's really nice of them to make iPhones and stuff for us.
  11. rob

    friday friday

    OMG, you almost sound happy. I'm sure there was at least something to complain about, though?
  12. rob

    Yay Guns!

    W T F I hope this woman dies of aids.
  13. rob

    Yay Guns!

    One of these things is not like the other.
  14. 0% of cardiovascular-related deaths are homicides, though.
  15. I slept at longmire once on the ground behind the ranger station, and nobody seemed to care. if it were me, I'd just do it. Seems unlikely they're going to patrol the parking lot looking for sleeping climbers in their cars.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeCFE_Cy_-Q 43:54 best I could do
  17. It's surprisingly hard to find a still from that scene of the movie on the internet.
  18. "You tell them if they don't want the money we agreed upon, I'll burn it all. You tell them that!"
  19. Stay away from our lines, bitch
  20. I think your comparisons between this and the Italian Mafia are 100% non-bombastic. It's basically identical.
  21. I don't think there have been clinical studies on humans. And even studies on primates are conflicting -- one recent study on monkeys showed some health benefits, but not an increase in median longevity But, they probably did not try juice fasting, so there's that....
  22. Knock it off, Bob doesn't want to hear about that shit.
  23. You'd fit right in with the republican inquisitors. "Why would you waste time questioning a suspect? They're obviously guilty or they wouldn't be accused!"
  24. next you're gonna tell us that juice fasting "alkalizes" the body
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