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Everything posted by rob

  1. rob

    IRS "scandal"

    which is nothing less then political money laundering. I would not be surprised also if it is a real money laundering for drug cartels and foreign intelligence services. Along with unsupervised "just meta-data" gathering it makes me feel like I am back in Poland 30 years ago. it's not like the political organizations don't have to report their expenditures. In fact, non-profit organizations are under *even-more* scrutiny when it comes to documenting income and expenditures, in order to maintain non-profit status. Whether the list of donors the money came from is anonymous or not has nothing to do with money-laundering if the money still has to be accounted for. It sounds to me like you're looking for reasons to hate these organizations. You may not like what they stand for but they have a right to use the political system to lobby for legislation. There are plenty of 501©(4) liberal organizations, are they all money laundering, too?
  2. 12 months is plenty of time to thrash the shit out of gear and return it
  3. rob

    IRS "scandal"

    Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion that politically-based social organizations should not be granted non-profit status. (This would include most, if not all, labor unions, btw.) But, I'm not sure how you think the tea-party groups are "abusing" anything by seeking the same non-profit status that many liberal social-welfare groups also enjoy. I would refuse to support a political organization of any kind that did not maintain a non-profit tax-filing status. Would you rather that political organizations kept surplus revenues and distributed them as dividends to their members, rather than using the excess money to support their charter goals? Who would support such an organization? And why would anybody agree to give up profit equity in an organization if the government didn't give anything back in exchange? That's the whole point of a non-profit company. If you have info that these tea-party organizations are actually operating as for-profit corporations disguised as non-profits, you should contact the authorities with your evidence. I think the IRS has a hotline, and I think you're even entitled to a percentage of money recovered by the government.
  4. rob

    IRS "scandal"

    I think you mean 501©(3). 501©(3) organizations are absolutely forbidden from supporting or even intervening on behalf of political candidates or elections at all, and have severe restrictions on lobbying. The tea party groups in question were applying for 501©(4) status, which allows for certain political activities. Donations to 501©(4) non-profit corporations are generally not tax-deductible (unlike 501©(3) donations). The important takeaway here is that non-profit does not necessarily mean "charitable," and the IRS code maintains something like 30 different types of non-profit categories, only one type of which is generally considered to contain "charitable" organizations.
  5. +1, except that I stopped shopping there because REI are a bunch of dickholes pretending to be a co-op
  6. At least they put pics in that TR
  7. If only you libturds could use prose like the Onion does, you'd be not only funny but likable. ;-) That's what we have The Onion for, duh
  8. rob

    Trip Reports

  9. God wants Michele Bachmann to earn 7 figures for a while
  10. rob

    Memorial Day story

  11. rob

    Memorial Day story

    Could you please copy/paste the entire Wikipedia article into a small little quote window for me? Thanks!
  12. rob

    Memorial Day story

    Just saying!
  13. rob

    Memorial Day story

    Do you have something against hyperlinks, buddy? Interesting story, but Damn that's a long "quote," it would be a much more enjoyable experience to read that content on the original site rather than a tiny little quote window. Did you copy and paste the entire article?
  14. Lol make sure you ball-whackers send your detailed analysis to WADOT, they're probably totally stumped.
  15. rob

    One for the Bone

    jeez, she needs to be rocking out a lot more when she plays that, she looks bored
  16. Rush Limbaugh Revealed to Be 30 Year Long Andy Kaufman Prank
  17. rob

    Fucking thievs

  18. [video:youtube]
  19. Let me guess, you're one of these "GMO's are bad" people, too
  20. [video:youtube]
  21. GO RON PAUL!
  22. I believe it is up to the parents to teach their children about brushing their teeth. Not the governement. Yes! Additionally, I believe it's up to the parents to ensure their children are drinking healthy water, that's why we should also abolish water treatment plants. Let parents boil their own water, GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY KITCHEN!!!!
  23. I dont think it is up for an aurguement that it does or does not prevent tooth decay. The question is should the government force it on you? OMG TYRANNY! THEY'RE HARMLESSLY PROTECTING MY TEETH WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!
  24. Kevbone, I wish I could invent a time-machine for you so you could take your family back to live in the 10th century when they didn't have dangerous things like vaccines and fluoride.
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