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Everything posted by bstach

  1. That God allows suffering to exist is an intellectually lazy argument. Did you think of this all by yourself, Nietzsche? Do you think believers have not grappled with this observation? There are volumes of theology and philosphy on this subject that spans recorded history, including the Bible itself. Your assertion greatly oversimplifies the matter.
  2. I don't think praying to Eddie will make you climb better. However if *listening* to Eddie before getting on a climb gives you that extra stoke to send, more power to ya.
  3. On what singularity of truth do atheists get their morality? Otherwise where do these "human rights" come from? What makes these "American values" and better than the Taliban? Seems to me Hitler could have been on the right track? Who's to say? Please accept my apology for my ignorance of this... I have not had the the education, life-stability and ease of life that you all have had.
  4. Best cure is a glass of water and Vitamin B pill before you crash, then again when you get up.
  5. The grease coats the irritated stomach lining and helps it feel better. I say "Yay". Just not too much bacon...then it'll coat the toilet lining.
  6. bstach

    North Face

    What?! No nitro?
  7. I used a sling for small ones, then Bjorn, then frame pack I am not granola, don't buy into the 'sling rearing' thing, but a sling is a convenient, versatile and functional way to carry a young baby around town or into the backcountry. Bjorn is nice, but much more of a pain to get the baby in/out until you get the hang of it. Frame pack is you best option when they get heavy.
  8. bstach


    I carry my pipe in my pack and only smoke when i am at the top. Something about pipe smoke and fresh air. Its a nice tradition.
  9. You are supposed to pose this as a question. Clearly you don't know anything about Jeopardy.
  10. Is that you, Marc?
  11. [video:youtube]
  12. That's what she said.
  13. Aaargh, Matey! I can't find me pirate forum...twas here but a fortnight past.
  14. Great idea Christine. I have a 2.5 year old and my wife and I would love to connect with other families for rock climbing and hiking. We live in Vancouver, Canada, and love to do road trips (think Smith, J-Tree, 11-worth, Red Rocks etc.). My wife doesn't climb so much anymore but still enjoys camping and hiking. We have taken our son with us cragging and on hikes, but without the right partners, it can be hard to get some good climbing in and make sure the kids are safe and happy. PM me if interested.
  15. I agree w MattP....you only see the fundamentalists and kooks in the media because thats what sells. It has been my experience that most main stream religious organizations do tremendous good for their communities as per Tvash experience.
  16. bstach


    I 2nd that. Turf the Bacon Forum, start the Home Brew Forum
  17. bstach

    Best present?

    Keep us posted on how these work out. I swim alot to keep fit through the winter and would be interested if you think they are worth it.
  18. Wow...*hundreds*
  19. bstach

    Pot vrs booze

    If you rephrased the question as "is pot as bad as" then you might be able to qualify marijuana as the lesser of the evils when viewed through the lens of perspective. That is what I intended...I have updated my original post
  20. Ask Fred.
  21. For some reason I sweat this every year. Now that it is done, I am curious what you all came up with (and maybe this will be easier next year if I can return to this thread). For the record, I got my wife theatre tickets and stashed them in a box of her favorite chocolate, plus a stocking full of bath and beauty stuff.
  22. bstach

    Pot vrs booze

    In any discussion about legalizing pot, the argument often comes up that "pot is less harmful" than alcohol or tobacco. Is there any imperical evidence or this is just something some pothead pulled out of his ass? Post up dem links...
  23. bstach

    I have seen God

  24. Now to get you back to your regular programming... [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOUnLiVEddI
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