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Everything posted by ericb

  1. I'm a big fan of smearing
  2. please take note of the thread subject. conservative bashing is not permitted on this website.
  3. Not a bumper sticker but on the back of a biker shirt in a bar near Kettle Falls Washington "If you can read this, the bitch fell off"
  4. Ketch....sounds like you understand this a bit. From what I was told when I bought a Verizon Tri-mode recently, one of the main reasons for the Feds push to digital is safety.....for some reason they can trace the location of digital phones/digital signal more accurately than analog (think 911 call). Unfortunately, digital signals do not travel as far, so there will be some time period after which the towers are all converted to digital, and before more towers are added to effectively make up the coverage delta. I'm anticipating a big problem in that carriers may not have economic incentive to add towers that provide coverage to predominantly wilderness areas.....Thoughts?
  5. You should be able to get your hand on the policy from your employer that will explicitly state the exclusions. Suicide was mentioned on mine.....climbing was not.
  6. Sobo.....55/month for $250 of life is not necessarily that great....$750 can be had for ~ 70$/month for someone with good medical history and no "risky" activities.
  7. Jay, Thanks for your thoughts....couple of my own. The reason I'm looking at life insurance vs. ADD/Disability is that in my line of work, standard benefit packages include both. The reason I'd like to lock in a term-life policy now is that premiums will go up with age, and in the event of an illness (cancer) or family event that increases my perceived risk (sibling dying of heart disease) the cost of a private policy will skyrocket, and I could be yoked to my job for the sake of insurance. I'm fine relying on my employers for ADD/Disability as my risk profile can't really increase over time. I have a climber friend that had just this problem. Got cancer at while at his last employer, recovered, and then took a new job. His new employer would not even give him their base (free) level of life insurance because of his medical history. That said, looks like I have some good options to look into. I need to check my work ADD/Disability policies, but I don't recall seeing exclusions for said activities. I saw a comment in my online search that I thought was pretty insightful along the life insurance lines.....Mortgage insurance for those with risky hobbies can be a good bit cheaper than the equivalent coverage would be for life insurance.
  8. Thanks for the input, and please pass this along your learnings on Disability insurance. Also, if anyone can find any of these earlier threads, i'd appreciate it. I'm a little slow figuring out how to search the archives.
  9. So I'm taking advantage of a quiet fall, trying to take care of some personal administrative/financial stuff. I recently met with a financial planner and realized that my current life insurance policy (work benefit.... X times salary) was probably inadequate to protect my family in the event of my untimely death, and have been doing some research on term life insurance. I've been very loyal to my current insurance company, but admitting to 1) "Climbing a mountain" or 2) "rock climbing" in the past 3 years or planning to in the next year jacked my premium from ~ $68/month to almost $232/month....Ouch. I'm just curious if any of you have found companies that are sophisticated enough to understand the risk profile of a recreational climber in his/her home range, and didn't overly penalize you. A couple of my friends that I've talked to have just maxed out there work benefit for this reason, but the danger here is that if you leave the company you lose your life insurance and bear the risk of higher premiums. I want to be able to work with a company that I can be honest with, so a climbing accident wouldn't leave my family unprotected (i.e. don't want to lie on the application).....any thoughts, ideas, or contacts would be appreciated.
  10. DH - probably a bit of a presumptuous statement given nobody knows what happened up there. Sounds like they were planning on being down Friday/Saturday - before the weather turned, and someone got hurt...hence the call from an injured climber in a snow-cave on Sunday. Probably should stick to your sheep until more is known.
  11. The movie Slapshot.....not sure what the link is here
  12. Or perhaps the conservatives are actually working
  13. ericb

    Only for men.

    There needs to be a point?....pretty ironic statement coming from you
  14. ericb

    Only for men.

    Where do you work, Kevbone?....don't you have another mouth to feed these days?
  15. Have you tried SPIZ....it's a carbo drink + protein & vitamins....it's like a cytomax/meal replacement hybrid. It's worked for me for really long days, but haven't tried it in the 30+ mile range. Steve House used it on NP.
  16. Ironic statement....your signature line "If Heaven is full of Christians, who needs a Hell?" doesn't seem to make a distinction
  17. "legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" The "separation of church and state" you refer to is Jefferson's position that there should not be neither state sanctioned religion nor restrictions on its practice. At issue here is whether our Judeo/Christian influenced collective morality should impact our country's law-making.
  18. In your opinion, correct? My point is that it's not necessariliy about hate and intolerance.
  19. Ru! So glad to see you here. How's it going?.... wait I forgot. Im going to go play in the street. Kev - this reminds me of a scene in "The Holy Grail"....how many more extremities do you need to lose before you give up?
  20. Jay, I think you make a great point about misunderstandings amongst the two sides in the gay marriage debate, but I actually think you've got it backwards. I think Christians know full well what the other side is seeking, although they might not understand why. On the other hand I don't think gay marriage proponents understand all of the reasons that Christians take the stand that they do.....the assumption is that it is purely intolerance, hate, and judgementalism. There is a lot of material on the subject floating around evangelical circles, and while the subject of Biblical truth and morality is certainly major element, there are many other reasons. They believe that the optimal environment for raising a child is one in which there is both mother and father...that the emotional makeup of male and female is unique, and that this diversity (adventure vs. nuturing for example) is in the best interest of the child. Probably a reason why most of the Churches I've attended are far more focused on preventing divorce than they are same-sex marriage. Material points to correlations between societal economics/stability and that society's attititude toward the sexual ethic of marriage. Now I'm not saying that all of the information I've seen out there is correct, or that the average Christian goes to the bibliography, pulls the studies that are cited, and questions the selection bias therein. Their time is limited, just like everyone else. Many of us, myself included, are misled by misinformation because we don't take the time to be fully educated on the issue. My point is that, in my opinion, and based on my personal experience as a Christian, there are many Christians that are opposed to gay marriage because they truly believe that traditional marriage is in the emotional interest of our nation's children. Christians, as you Jay put it, that are "kinder, more forgiving, more generous, and more selfless"....Christians that are more defined by the characteristics above than by judgementalism, dogmatism, etc. I think if there was more understanding, the left would realize that people may oppose gay marriage for reasons other than their "hatred" of homosexuals. To the extent that gay marriage has gone to the voters, the hard numbers have spoken that the majority of Americans are opposed to same-sex marriage....I think the recent elections yet reconfirm this. Unless over 50% of our citizens are gay-haters, this should lead one to believe that there are other plausible explanations behind an anti same-sex marriage stance. All I can say is that, based on my experience, this is true within the church as well.
  21. Wow.....I was chestbeating....I think the detective work Kevin is doing on this site is extremely valuable. Let's face it....there are some egos on this site...there are, and while it's scary to take a personal inventory, sometimes it's the best thing a person can do. We all need to take a good look in the mirror. "Chestbeating", "stroking"....doesn't matter what label you put on it....it has no place on this site. To the extent that Kevin's brutal honesty can make this site a place of honesty, vulnerability, and transparency, I applaud him. As painful as it is...... Bravo Kevin
  22. It does not piss me off, it just makes you look like a fool. You must have fun stroking yourself. And I know you are a great climber. Just ask yourself. 1) pretty sure it pisses you off (hence why you took time to post two replies) 2) pretty sure most people on this site knew I was a fool long before this particular post 3) Good to see that despite your paternity sabbatical, you have not lost your quick whit - your masturbation talk never gets old 4) I'm not a great climber.....yes I am.....no I'm not....
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