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Everything posted by ericb

  1. that was along the lines of my next comment. if we have to pay a licensing fee to climb i think the people that eat at Macdonald's should have to pay a licensing fee just in case they have a heart attack. closet republican
  2. Perhaps we should ask Rosie what morbid obesity costs the American tax-payer
  3. after the commercial If you can find a way to bypass the commercial, good on ya
  4. a)...that figure is a bunch of bullshit....I'm guessing the military$ are chalked up as a training exercise. b)...how much did her network make on advertising by stirring it up into a media frenzy?
  5. http://www.cnn.com/video/offbeat/2006/12/20/kidnapped.baby.jesus.returns.wgrz/content.html#
  6. 15. When is it appropriate to wear gaters while bouldering
  7. https://www2.montbell.com/america/asp/products/Spg_shosai.asp?cat=1106&hinban=2321027 Got it at pro-moutain sports
  8. thanks - I'll check this guy as well
  9. You bet...USAA is my current insurance company so this was a great tip!. I'll check into it.
  10. Northeast Couloir of Dragontail ....details escape me, but I remember(snow,rock ~ 2 pitches ~ 5.7). I'll check to book when I get home Memorial day weekend ~ 1999/2000 (can't remember which). ~ 1500 VF of 40 - 50 degree softening snow...not a good freeze and abnormally warm temps. According to Beckey, there could be loose rock in late season on the rock pitches....this year, apparently Memorial Day weekend was late. Got to the top of the snow portion, and continued unroped on the rock as there were no anchor possibilities. Continued gingerly up a dripping wet open book where flakes would break free in your hand easily. Kept going, hoping to get to a decent flat, secure spot to rope up and anchor, and hit an impasse couldn't get enough purchase (hands or feet) to go up, and sure as hell didn't want to go back down what I'd come up. My boots couldn't get any friction, and when I leaned foward, I took a sudden slide back. My buddy right behind me jammed the heels of his hands into the back of my boots to keep me on, and keep me from taking the both of us on a fast ride down. The downclimb of the rock portion was the scariest 10 minutes of my life. When downclimbing a small mixed portion before the continuous couloir, my buddy slipped and had to self arrest on 40 degree rotten snow. We then downclimbed the entire couloir face in. Upon return to camp, we were denied a hot dinner when MSR stove malfunctioned, caught on fire and melted the pump gasket. Last time I will ever attempt as obsure route from the Beckey guide without other beta. It wasn't so much my own fear but a herniated disk that made itself known on the downclimb that prevented me from attempting to climb again until early August.
  11. you are going to be dead a lot longer than you are going to be alive.....better hope you are right So we should believe, just in case? Sounds kind of self serving. No - but it might be worth a little time researching. The claims of Christianity, if true have eternal implications. It's very easy to take note of the state of the world, and observe Jesus' followers here in the US, and want nothing to do with it. There are a lot of questions, that the Bible, and if their honest, Christians can't answer. The difference between Christianity and many other of the world religions is that the founder, Jesus got nothing on this earth....just tortured. Hard to say that he created this wacky school of thought for his own personal gain. It's easy to get hung up on questions about the existence of evil, pain, etc., but ultimately the believability of Christianity doesn't stem from it's ability/inability to answer tough questions.....it hinges on a person, his life, and ultimately his resurrection. There is a body of extrabiblical historical writings and archeological findings, that support the gospels, equal/greater to any other event/person in antiquity. While there are many out there with a blind faith, there are many that have made a very researched and educated decision to have faith in what they can understand rather than focus on what they can't. We've all got more to do than we have time for, and it's understandible to just dismiss the whole thing - to rightly condemn the behavior of folks to try and force their beliefs on other people...."shove it down your throat" if you will. There are a lot of Christians that do things extremely contrary to their professed beliefs, which should rightly cast doubt on their belief system. If their's one thing that most climbers understand, it's weighing risks and managing risks. We plan our gear and invest our research in such a way as to manage risk. Whether it's taking the time to put in GPS waypoints for a hard-to-find descent, taking more food....sacrificing a pound of weight to bring a stove that will maintain hydration, etc. In my opinion, and, in my personal experience, the consequences at stake warranted a closer look. Each person should take the same personal inventory. Yes....you know a lot of stupid Christians. You know a lot that can't articulate what they believe and why they believe it. There are many hypocrites....pumping both anti-gay legislation and their gay prostitute boyfriend in the same week. They have pat answers to really tough questions. They've said shitty unloving things to you, and to others. They've done terrible things to people under the banner of the church. But none of those things changes what Jesus said - the rules are the same today as they were 2000 years ago.
  12. Clavote.....the big question is how you want to trade off livability/durability vs. weight. I have a 2.2-lb North Face Soloist bivy with a pole-domed head area, stake-out mesh vent, etc. I'm generally not a fan of NF stuff, but got it 50% off on a pro deal. It's roomy, and good for winter cause you can change inside of it, keep your boot liners in it, etc. I also have a Montbell UL Sleeping bag cover that is just that....a waterproof sleeve that weighs 7oz and packs down to the size of an orange. I wouldn't want to weather a storm in it as it only has a drawstring, but good for sprinkles, condensation, and a little added warmth. It's barely bigger than the sleeping bag so not much room to store things you want to keep warm/dry.
  13. you are going to be dead a lot longer than you are going to be alive.....better hope you are right
  14. pretty sure the second person on your list is a Republican
  15. I feel the same way, I just phrase it a little differently. When talking about something like this with a person of faith, I can't help but say that my own faith is utterly unaffected by what anyone else says (especially in Spray). And if it were, I would spend my time and effort looking for the reason why; and spend none of my effort on being offended or bothering other people with what is a deeply personal issue. Thanks folks....I was worried that newcomers wouldn't be able to grasp what I meant by echo chamber....nice illustration
  16. And gallows humor that target's the climber's faith isn't disrespectul......the timing is just coincidental I suppose
  17. Unfortunately this right is not equally enforced on this site...IMO
  18. Throughout this whole Hood thing, the moderators and members have been, for the most part very careful in maintaining a deserved respect for the climbers, family members, friends, and rescue personnel. Threads questioning the climbers preparedness, skills, decisions, etc. have been scrubbed of disrespect and rogue comments have been torn apart. Why is it, then that it's seemingly OK on this site to make a mockery of these men's faith, the same faith that their grieving friends and family are no doubt clinging to during this tough time? I see all these stupid "baby jesus" comments and peppering nonsense posts with Christianese, and then you condemn a guy for disrespecting the climber's memory by jabbering about whether or not they should have been carrying PLBs. It should be obvious that there are many of their friends and family still trolling this site, trying to sort this out. Perhaps you guys should step outside your sophmoric little echo chamber and consider that the faith that these people are leaning on is every bit as sacred to them as the memories of their loved ones.
  19. We don't have any classes from December 7th to January 7th. So, not slacking, just in between quarters on winter break. But, don't feel bad. My chinchilla business keeps me sane, working my job on break keeps me busy, and finishing school gives me hope for a retirement! LMAO Chinchillas are aid
  20. Crazy.....any idea what the "Y" stood for?....surely they must have been trying to tell someone something!
  21. careful noob.....this is a climbing community....let's not let this thread drift into the political sphere
  22. I have...buried in the mt hood thread.....looks to me like they looped the rope over a rock horn
  23. The Gospel according to Ricky Bobby?
  24. yes I'm Hindu - my multiple gods think you are a moron. Good going boys.....The eyes of the country are on this site and you are demonstrating to them that prejudice, hatred, and bigotry are not merely right-wing phenomenons!
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