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Everything posted by ericb

  1. Worse - he could not climb on Saturdays! Or if you can't put the boot on their neck, pack you car full of explosives and drive it into their market and blow a bunch of their wives and children to bits.
  2. Wonder why this and many other books got excluded from the modern protestant bible.....hmmmmm
  3. A quote from ~400 AD - and 1522....you are state of the art! What about the witch trials Mr. Historian? At least Jay's references are from this century.
  4. Last I checked, Ecclesiastes only had 12 books
  5. Yep - this guy is clearly a mainstream influence in our Judicial system. Fantastic parallel!
  6. I'm trying to imagine how long it would take to get to the base this time of year......
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/2071612.stm How about number two - young woman in a Hindu country
  8. ericb

    Gustav's -Leavenworth

    Los Camperos Mexican
  9. I have never weighed my pack, but given your description it seems like 20-25lbs on climb is a lot? eg: Pack: 1 lb 2 quarts water: 4 lb Sleeping bag: 1 lb Sleeping pad: 0.5 lb Ice axe: 1 lb Food: 1-2 lbs Puffy jacket: <1 lb Headlamp, sunscreen, and other misc stuff: 1 lb This adds up to ~11 pounds. You forgot the MLU - 0.75 lb
  10. ericb

    Give up yr DNA!

    Everything is a transitional form, wingnut, at least until something better suited to that particular environment comes along. Even if it already exists, it may take longer than your lifetime for it to become predominant. Notice how he uses "wingnut" - apparently for the purposes of discouraging anyone arguing with his flacid, unsubstantiated logic for fear that his namecalling will escalate, thus embarrasing said opponent.
  11. ericb

    Gustav's -Leavenworth

    Gustavs is overpriced for very average burgers. There are some far better options in Leavenworth for post climb big food.
  12. Don't have permission yet....information gathering stage at this point
  13. How long a drive is it (hours) from Seattle to Marble Mtn Sno Park....assuming avg. 5 - 10 mph over posted speed.
  14. ericb

    Third Strike

    where would he go during the workweek?
  15. ericb

    Third Strike

    because im here to torment you. Where would he go?
  16. and what does any of this have to do with TB in Africa?
  17. From the always reliable and unbiased crooksandliars.com
  18. This is a joke right.....you've just disqualified 25% of the posters here
  19. thoughts on the compass....I always carry a back-up compass even though my GPS has a magnetic compass. It weighs nothing, and I get a little nervous being wholly dependant on anything that is battery powered, and can be dropped/stepped on, etc.
  20. ericb

    Who took it?

    I know who took it, but if you want it back, you are going to have to tell me where your parking spot is.
  21. Interesting......House did Cho Oyu in a day sans oxygen, just for fun. He doesn't seem to have any desire to join the 12 - 14 ner bandwagon, so we might never know how they stack up. He seems to much prefer more technical climbs at lower altitude, so it's a tough comp. He does some pretty technical stuff though. The impressive thing about Messner is he did his climbing before a lot of the newer lighter warmer gear.
  22. Great Idea...I'm headed to Costa Rica in 5 weeks, and my whiteness is going to be enough of a shock to the natives
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