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Everything posted by ericb

  1. Nepal...when I was there, lodges were ~ 1 - 2 bucks a night. with food you could probably get by on ~ 10$-15$ a day....of course that was before the little Maoist issue they have goin on now.
  2. I hope Seahawks marries their daughter
  3. I approve of it Will you approve of it when is happens to you and your family? If they want to listen to my conversations, they are welcome. Who gives a shit? To them, I'm some nameless faceless John Doe who's talkin dirty to his wife. So I'm (in the nameless/faceless i.e. "some dude from seattle" sense) the topic of some lunchroom conversation in a basement pentagon lunchroom - I could give a rat's ass. It's a "civil liberty" I'd happily give up for the greater good and for the safety of my family.
  4. typically cheaper to fly in and out of Ontario in the winter...no "resort" premium....adds some driving time though
  5. ericb


    Rock Bottom Brewery Chicken Fried Chicken Jolly Roger - Ballard's Jagerschnitzel - 2 huge fried pork cutlets on top of buttery herbed noodles smothered in wild mushroom cream sauce the obligatory post-climb Reeses PB cup blizzard at DQ
  6. Question....never been to Rope-Up or any CC.com events for that matter, and planning on coming this year. I reckon I need to post for a rideshare, but how's the climbing shake out. Do I need to arrange for a climbing partner/itinerary ahead of time, or do folks just wander out from the campground and sort out partners/belayers at the crags?
  7. s63.photobucket.com/albums/h140/SVThopeful/Other/?action=view&current=Renault5.flv
  8. ericb

    deepth oughts

    A woman commenting on her romantic options in a local electrical engineering program.... "The odds are good, but the goods are odd"
  9. Somebody pinch me...Dave just posted something other than a link to crooksandliars.com
  10. ericb

    Stone Nudes

    That's a great concept for a book--more along the lines of what I'd consider to be a celebration of the beauty of the human form interfacing with nature, especially in a climbing context. Hell, I'd even pose for that one. If he wants to see the male form interfacing with nature, send him to Enumclaw
  11. ericb

    Stone Nudes

    I believe there is a reason Dean choose to photo only women. Uh…..women’s pluming is on the inside…… Yep...seeing a man's junk from any angle can not be put in the art category
  12. I nominate this pic for a CC.com caption contest. My entry: "Wow, Mommy! Are those both just for me?" How do you know he didn't just catch a glimpse of me getting out of the shower?
  13. here's some pix of the little monkey at ~ 3-months
  14. ericb


    Sorry, Arch. For a very, very small percentage of women/couples your point may hold true. But there are options available when others fail or are ignored. Some of those to the right of me are against even these types of contraception - after all, the pill doesn't prevent conception, only implantation - to whom I say: get a fucking life! Sex is fun. Not just for procreation. People are horny. Accidents happen. Options are available for up to 72 hours that don't involve killing. And even then, there's always...adoption. Hey, I'm with you on this. I keep this on hand even though I have a very reliable birthcontrol method I depend on. But, did you know that this Plan B is $50? And I am sure you have been reading about the lawsuits women have had to bring in order to force pharm. workers to fill it for them. These are fights we shouldn't have, and these are expenses some women don't have $50 laying around for. And, if you do not keep up on current affairs, you may not even know about this. Believe it or not, getting birth control info is not as easy as you'd think for a whole class of folks. I think anyone who volunteers or works at womens shelters can tell you how suprising it is. Furthermore, this also doesn't address young girls who have even less access to money, education, etc. And they are less comfortable going up to a counter and asking for this--just think how tough it is for young boys to buy their first condoms. At least they don't have to ask a pharma. worker for it! And I don't know if they will even give Plan B to kids under 18. And just to keep clear--I am not trying to justify not taking responsibility for one's actions. But the problem of unwanted pregnancy is complicated, and I'd like to see all the issues faced so that some day, there are no more unplanned, unwanted pregnancies. Poor little things....getting embarrassed and out $50 bucks.....probably cheaper and less traumatic to have an abortion Gosh, I wonder why conservatives get a bad rap for not being compassionate. And what about the taking responsibility bullshit for men? I'd like to meet one woman over the age of 30 who expects 100% condom use from partners and has never had to go through 1) requesting that he please use one 2) saying yes, no one likes to use them but quit your fucking whining and put it on. And that conversation is also not comfortable for a young girl (or someone more shy, feminine, or sensitive)--especially the first few times. I realize you don't care, but this is reality. And if your next kid is a daughter, these are the things you are going to have to face with her. AE....I don't think my compassion, or lack thereof is the issue. You seem to imply with your post that a good argument for legalized abortion is that Plan B, is both expensive and embarrassing to request. I was simply pointing out that getting an abortion would be both more expensive, and likely far more emotionally difficult than requesting, and paying for Plan B...pretty much a bullshit argument if you ask me.
  15. Yep for those kinda bux, I'd look at FF.
  16. ericb


    Sorry, Arch. For a very, very small percentage of women/couples your point may hold true. But there are options available when others fail or are ignored. Some of those to the right of me are against even these types of contraception - after all, the pill doesn't prevent conception, only implantation - to whom I say: get a fucking life! Sex is fun. Not just for procreation. People are horny. Accidents happen. Options are available for up to 72 hours that don't involve killing. And even then, there's always...adoption. Hey, I'm with you on this. I keep this on hand even though I have a very reliable birthcontrol method I depend on. But, did you know that this Plan B is $50? And I am sure you have been reading about the lawsuits women have had to bring in order to force pharm. workers to fill it for them. These are fights we shouldn't have, and these are expenses some women don't have $50 laying around for. And, if you do not keep up on current affairs, you may not even know about this. Believe it or not, getting birth control info is not as easy as you'd think for a whole class of folks. I think anyone who volunteers or works at womens shelters can tell you how suprising it is. Furthermore, this also doesn't address young girls who have even less access to money, education, etc. And they are less comfortable going up to a counter and asking for this--just think how tough it is for young boys to buy their first condoms. At least they don't have to ask a pharma. worker for it! And I don't know if they will even give Plan B to kids under 18. And just to keep clear--I am not trying to justify not taking responsibility for one's actions. But the problem of unwanted pregnancy is complicated, and I'd like to see all the issues faced so that some day, there are no more unplanned, unwanted pregnancies. Poor little things....getting embarrassed and out $50 bucks.....probably cheaper and less traumatic to have an abortion
  17. ericb


    Nope…..no vapid comments for you today…..guess I never saw your point with the slavery thing! Sorry. Hows the kid…..mine will be one in two weeks…..crazy. He's awesome....getting fun...I'll post a pic in the next couple days
  18. ericb


    Slavery used to be legal in this country, and accepted in some circles. I think few would now argue that the progression of our country's collective morality in this area was not overwhelmingly positive. Perhaps, at the time, the abolitionists were viewed as "imposing their values" on those that disagreed with them, however I don't see that rhetoric in the modern discussions of the issue. It was a group of people that stood up for the rights of those that couldn't defend themselves. Because the slaveowners at the time were willing to overlook the moral issues of slavery due to the economic repercussions, the government needed to step up. Sounds eerily familiar, doesn't it? KB....no vapid comments for me....where's the love?
  19. ericb


    Slavery used to be legal in this country, and accepted in some circles. I think few would now argue that the progression of our country's collective morality in this area was not overwhelmingly positive. Perhaps, at the time, the abolitionists were viewed as "imposing their values" on those that disagreed with them, however I don't see that rhetoric in the modern discussions of the issue. It was a group of people that stood up for the rights of those that couldn't defend themselves. Because the slaveowners at the time were willing to overlook the moral issues of slavery due to the economic repercussions, the government needed to step up. Sounds eerily familiar, doesn't it?
  20. ericb


    Sorry, Arch. For a very, very small percentage of women/couples your point may hold true. But there are options available when others fail or are ignored. Some of those to the right of me are against even these types of contraception - after all, the pill doesn't prevent conception, only implantation - to whom I say: get a fucking life! Sex is fun. Not just for procreation. People are horny. Accidents happen. Options are available for up to 72 hours that don't involve killing. And even then, there's always...adoption. Here's the odd thing....Plan B is available OTC if you are over 18, but the same hormones taken in smaller regular doses proactively as "the pill" require a prescription....seems a bit inconsistent to me. True, that!...Yet more hypocrisy brought to you by militant activists. Oh...and while were at it, while most retailers get to choose what they stock based on economics, in Washington they are forced by law to stock Plan B.....they have to sue to not carry it.
  21. ericb


    Sorry, Arch. For a very, very small percentage of women/couples your point may hold true. But there are options available when others fail or are ignored. Some of those to the right of me are against even these types of contraception - after all, the pill doesn't prevent conception, only implantation - to whom I say: get a fucking life! Sex is fun. Not just for procreation. People are horny. Accidents happen. Options are available for up to 72 hours that don't involve killing. And even then, there's always...adoption. Here's the odd thing....Plan B is available OTC if you are over 18, but the same hormones taken in smaller regular doses proactively as "the pill" require a prescription....seems a bit inconsistent to me.
  22. ericb


    Of course it would seem the reverse is also true...It's OK to kill innocent babies before there born, but after that, life is sacred - be it terrorist, criminal, etc. I really hate it when you speak with someone and they say they voted republican because they share the “family values” that they believe in. It makes it seem like Dems don’t go to church or believe in family first. Republicans have the hold on “family values”……it makes me sick. Does that same person who voted republican know….its because of the republicans that over 500,000 thousand innocent people have died in Iraq simply because they voted republican? Hypocrisy I tell you. Yes...the war in Iraq is a purely republican invention BnceSIxxOYg Bone...please watch this video, and then explain to me how despite what's here, how it is rational/logical to continue to contend that republicans are solely to blame for going to war in Iraq
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