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Everything posted by ZimZam

  1. ZimZam

    Mitt's M&M's?

    Newt's a modern day Hercules.
  2. This route is so full of controversy...still.
  3. The truth is yesterday's protest only emboldened the gubment's resolve, and today they're spreading the love. Chris Dodd is a Dick, a Thief, and a Liar
  4. ZimZam


    ...and bring in his parent to berate you for your incompetence as a teacher, 'cause it's never Johnny's fault.
  5. Being a non-skier can someone explain to me what this is, how it happens, what to do if your the skier, what to watch out for, etc. I heard the one guy telling him not to move. Does moving bury you further? Danke.
  6. ZimZam


    Driver: "Think for yourself." Kid: "Why? That's what I have Google for." ...this continued until I'd had enough and threw him off the bus into a slush pile...
  7. I'll take all the screamers.
  8. Santorum: The sometimes frothy, usually slimy, amalgam of lubricant, stray fecal matter, and ejaculate that leaks out of the receiving partner's anus after a session of anal intercourse. Named, by popular demand and usage, after legislator Rick Santorum because of his homophobic political statements.
  9. Toe bang? Way to hang tough.
  10. so easy, a monkey can do it...
  11. ZimZam

    Urban Snail Ranching

    Gummi Snails
  12. Allah u Akbar. Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman has welcomed the U.S. Navy's rescue of 13 Iranian fishermen held by pirates. Ramin Mehmanparast was quoted by state TV's Al-Alam Arabic channel as saying the rescue was a "humanitarian" gesture by the American warship and Iran welcomes that. But the hard-line Fars news agency called the rescue operation a Hollywood dramatization of a routine incident. U.S. officials announced Friday that the fishermen had been rescued by a U.S. Navy destroyer the day before, more than 40 days after their boat was commandeered by suspected Somali pirates in the northern Arabian Sea.
  13. You assume I am gungho set on the summit or not coming back. No not really. I'm beginning to think you're a troll, but you are DICK for flaming Sobo for offering his POV. wtf? You need to check yourself. JONG
  14. Necrophilia went out with the 20th century. 8D
  15. You're one funny dude. You remind me of the guy sitting in the West Rib bragging to the tourist girlies how he was going to solo Cassin Ridge. He made it as far as BC and hung out for three weeks and worked on his tan. For what it's worth, the rangers can't deny your request. However, once you're on the mountain and it becomes obvious that you are a hazard to yourself or others your permit can be yanked. You gonna have two outcomes to MP's excellent adventure. Your going to have no problems, summit, and return to a hero's welcome, and all the bimbos throwing vajiji your way or a screamer suit/body bag. Wow! You get to short haul. LOL I'm thinking that once the braggadocio wears out, and you realize the extent of your foolhardiness, you'll see the light. Maybe try a traverse of the Pickets instead. Oh and just in case you want to travel under the the crevasses, find a moulin and glissade away. Happy New Year. Party hardy. Seriously though dude, reconsider.
  16. Who really cares about Trashie's list, I wanna know how to get on MINX'S list? Psst. A lil' secret. For a starter these will help.
  17. I was hoping Santa was gonna leave Archie's # in my stocking.
  18. ZimZam

    Merry Chritmas

    Merry X-mas Kev. I know how you just loves her.
  19. ZimZam

    Merry Chritmas

    hey man sorry to hear that. you'll get yours. gives you time to plot. bwahahahaha. ::
  20. ZimZam

    What's for Dinner?

  21. Ding Ding Ding!!! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
  22. He'll bow out over the weekend. Slow news cycle and all.
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