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Everything posted by ZimZam

  1. ZimZam

    A Nation of Finks

    Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  2. Tired of the morality po-po?
  3. Ah. The ol' Beanie and Cecil gag.
  4. Listen closely as he he tells Brinkley, "I'll call you whatever I want while you sit in..." These representatives of the people have let this power go to there heads. They can't stand it when regular people step to them. Their arrogance and inflated egos are mind boggling. The staffers reaction is funny too. She probably never heard anyone talk to him like that before. Shut up
  5. So are Midwest farms next or is this a completely different animal? Got corn?
  6. In law enforcement, there are three types of force an officer can use. In escalating order: physical force, mechanical force, ending w/ deadly force. I believe there should be four, with the first being mental force. I have witnessed this work to diffuse numerous potentially volatile situations. Like I've said before though, it seems these cops are just bullies who were pussies when they were younger, and now think they have something to prove. They're sick.
  7. The Matanuska glacier outside of Palmer is a decent spot to play around in, and is accessible all year. Several mtneering schools/college class are held there even in July and August.
  8. The Chinese will have the proprietary information tomorrow and will be exporting next week.
  9. My father neither smoked or drank whilst driving but even sitting in the rear facing seat of the Rambler station wagon did not exclude one from corporal punishment. He'd simply pull over, snatch my bro and I from the car, administer the backhand, and then toss us back in. I can imagine the 911 calls today. It was the Knights of Columbus ring we feared the most, so we prayed for the forehand.
  10. Sounds a little uncertain. Was the "civilian" a cat in a box or something? They should ask this guy. He would know... OK. Who's this cat? Hannibal something?
  11. ZimZam


    Wow. Seems the Seattle po-po had a busy night. I mean between macing ol' ladies and raiding dispensaries. Good times. High Times
  12. ZimZam


    Seems the Feds skipped Oaksterdam and went after WA instead. Police open up
  13. He's not the only one though. Repub darling ChubbyGrizzle is down with it too.
  14. Missouri boys wanna get high. Guess the meth lab got shut down. Half-naked climber -- possibly high on mushrooms -- rescued from First Flatiron in Boulder A climber who was half-naked -- and possibly high on mushrooms -- was rescued from the First Flatiron on Friday afternoon, according to the Boulder County Sheriff's Office. At 12:35 p.m., officials received a call from a climber saying his friend was "not acting right" and required assistance as the two were climbing the First Flatiron. Both men were 25 and visiting from Missouri, according to a news release. Emergency crews were able to retrieve the climber, who was treated and released from Boulder Community Hospital. Deputies found psilocybin mushrooms -- a hallucinogenic -- on the climber who called the rescue in and arrested him on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance. Investigators say the rescued climber may have been under the influence of the mushrooms and could face drug charges. Also, deputies say they think a civilian may have been bitten by one of the climbers during the rescue.
  15. to raise taxes? Get out. No way! Oh wait it's on the poor. Cuts for business only.
  16. He's the 1% of the 99% that makes no fucking sense. Bad protoplasm. Holmes needs to do some bong hits. He's helping, like a bumper sticker I saw, "Keep Portland Weird."
  17. ZimZam

    DeChristo's back!!!1

  18. a garbage bag would be cheaper and just as effective
  19. "I have an altitude training mask that I can work out in, sleep in, walk in. It emulates, let’s say, being at 10,000 feet, and there’s a nozzle that you screw on that emulates being at 15,000 and then 20,000, and so on. What is this thing he talks about? I've heard of hyperbaric chambers, but what's an altitude training mask and how does that work?
  20. Pity it happened, but actions have consequences. The consequences being, now the rules of engagement have changed. We aren't Syria. That was a fucking head shot clear and simple. You're a weapons expert, deny that. Hell you'd have violated the UCMJ if that had been a Haji. And what's up with pussy po-po lobbing CS at those helping the wounded. The mayor talked about protesters rushing private business. Fine. Protect them. This is bullshit. Yes actions do have consequences. Here's what happens now. ...and it'll be some innocent cop just doing his job, not the pu-says who had their lunch money jacked in school, and now wear a badge and think they are tough guys.
  21. ZimZam

    Hey Peter...

    Winners!!! Yea Pink!!!
  22. PM sent for the Arcteryx hoody
  23. Fight man Fight. Attitude=Altitude. Hang tough.
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