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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. For further illumnination, what, exactly, is "work"?
  2. Perhaps the "Borat" flick about to come out, but Mrs Garrison's evolution lesson on last nights "South Park" almost made me wet my PANTS!
  3. That peak's a bit more chossy that the North peak, but there is plenty of potential for some SICK 5.4 FAs.
  4. No they do not! "When tying the climbing rope to your harness, always tie it to the waistbelt tie-in loop and leg loop cross piece correctly."
  5. Didn't Burdo do a route up there somewhere? But, more importantly, who's going to jump on the wall across the highway from Spon Arete?
  6. I just bought a second harness so that I can "Double-Harn" from here on out.
  7. There goes all Mike's gear!!
  8. I've always had good results going below Mirkwood and TRing inside the crevasses near the toe of the glacier. There are some pretty deep ones with lots of vertical.
  9. Strands that broke under load would appear "necked down" vs melted under magnification.
  10. He's on Corazon. Different "Great Roof".
  11. He made everything on the route look like 5.6. I think he grunted once under the Great Roof.
  12. I talked to my BMRC buddy who was part of the rescue. Here's the scoop: 2 Guys from WWU, unroped, on glacier, 3/4 up slope beneath high camp, guy takes fall down slope (no helmet) and into 65-70 foot crevasse. Friend climbs down (dude in hole has rope), gets him on pad, gets him in sleeping bag, heads out, gets help. Longstory short, the guy was AO4 pretty much the whole time, pretty banged up, really, really lucky. He's at harborview in the O.R. this morning(high femur fracture), but he's expected to make a full recovery.
  13. I'm just glad that no rope holds got left behind. House would be PISSED!
  14. The molten Al looked like Huber oozing up 5.13 like it was 5.6.
  15. Other research has shown that psycilosybe 'shrooms give a person a long-lasting (as in months) sense of euphoria and well-being, probably a good thing for someone with Stage IV cancer.
  16. So I was watching a vid of Huber on El Cap off of Google Video, skipped into the middle of it, and watched him make a 5.10 flake look like a 5.6. Then I watched the whole thing and learned he was making 5.13 look like 5.6. Then I burned all my gear.
  17. I wonder when Steve will be going back to Denali to get his stove.
  18. Perhaps Leland can offer forth some suggestions on proper bolting etiquette.
  19. There's a topo?
  20. Or...belay a bit higher in cracks below the 5.9 finger crack, chop the manky bolt belay, and go above and around the corner and belay. Link-a-dinka-DEEE!!!
  21. I shot the Sheriff.
  22. Saddam held his countrymen in an iron grip, regularly employing tools of torture to force his will.
  23. Sheer Terror
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