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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. I'm sure there are a few Texans that wouldn't mind dragging Luke The Fucking Shithead behind a truck right now.
  2. FOTH=Freedom of the Hills
  3. How about "stay the fuck away"?
  4. I would hate to see a tauntaun trail misinterpreted from the air as a boot path. Seriously: Stay away.
  5. I really feel that folks should stay away until the status of the climbers is known. Finding people on a mountain is no easy task. False leads can waste time. You'd just be in the way. Is doing something else for a day or two too much to ask?
  6. Choada_Boy


    Bust one inside inside the "Bare Back-abago"? Bring extra toilet paper.
  7. You're just not awesome enough to undertsand...
  8. What about the duct tape?
  9. The only hot air around here is combing off of your AWESOME pile of XGKs or is inside your AWESOME down suit. And why should anyone respond intelligently to your unintelligence? And how do you judge if a response is "knowledgable"? If it matches your own "knowledge"?
  10. My thoughts exactly!
  11. I just got back from the summit, solo, despite 100mph winds, three feet of new snow, total darkness, and white-out conditions. I simply climbed on the leeward side of the ridge, strapped my pile of XGKs to the arms and legs of my down suit, turned them up to full blast, and melted myself a cozy trail to the top, like real climbers do in Alaska. I left some Ketchikan hard-tack, my slab of AK state-issued back bacon, and an iron skillet on the top, just in case. Didn't see a goddamn thing. Jon: You come off like a tool. Best to keep your fingers still and be thought a fool than to type out your poorly timed and ill- informed drivel and remove all doubt. Try this key sequence in the future before you post: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-X
  12. You guys are right. Forget I mentioned it. Proceed as normal.
  13. I'm suggesting perhaps an extra kind word or a few more minutes of conversation, not "intervention" or "oversight". More like "Hi there. I see that you're from (insert distant location). Did you know that the weather around here has been super shitty, so you may want to change your plans?"
  14. Fine... but what about people who have jobs and thus are forced to only climb when they have pre arranged time off. What about kids, babysitters, your mothers sunday brunch that you can't miss? Would these climbers be considered vacation climbers? What about weekend warriors? I would consider climbers that travel from a different time zone (or drive for greater than 10 hours within a time zone)for a period of time between 5 and 10 days using "vacation time" away from their jobs.
  15. ANAM is an incomplete list of accidents. The question to answer is "What percentage of climbers 'on vacation' are invloved in weather or conditions related accidents or epics?"
  16. Well, perhaps "we're out here for a week from Maine" would send up a red flag.
  17. It seems like there is a significant correlation between "Vacation Alpinism" and weather/conditions epics. I'd be curious to see how many climbers involved in rescues/epics due to poor weather or route conditions were on "vacation" and had time constraints that effected their decision to attempt a climb in less than ideal circumstances. If a strong correlation were found, perhaps parks services and rangers could target this population for increased pre-climb attention of some form.
  18. 10-4 Mods: Please delete
  19. Climbers missing on Hood Anyone have any info? Hope in works out OK...
  20. For real? Sorry to ask, but sarcasm runs pretty rampant around here.
  21. Lincoln was a Republican.
  22. How right you are. I should grow some balls and put up some sick WI2R FAs while the weather is good. But then again, the weather is always good on the Holodeck.
  23. The obvious conclusion is to not only boycott this attrocity against humanity but to also chop every bolt at Smith.
  24. But there's THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS .
  25. What????? You're not willing to eat dirt and grow a thick coat of mold while begging out a sub-subsistence living on the corner of Railroad and Holly?? Can't handle the pressure of trying to beat out 400 applicants for that third interview for a postion as a dishwasher at Diamond Jim's?? And, you might have more climbing partners is you could tell the difference between Baker and Shuksan.
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