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Everything posted by bwrts

  1. Depends on the trail remoteness... Toyota pickups are reliable and there is the cascade cadillac aka slowbaru, I mean Subaru...but if you want to arrive in class and comfort try some type of German made car or I bet Volvo's kick ass too in the snow.... My prefrence: 5-spd Quattro (AWD): This is basically a snow mobile: OF course, if the trail is located off some rutted out or deep snow drifted FS road, then go for the truck...clearance is always better.
  2. Press here for what keeps me tolerating real work.
  3. whoa- ironically I Toasted to Layne last night at my favorite watering hole and then we listened to the entire Dirt cd.
  4. I still think Greg Lemond's comeback was better. for fucking sure!! 8sec and he beats the Frenchman Laurent Fignon-- still the closest in the Tour's history; and he did it on the LAST stage....fuking impressive.
  5. Did anyone give Kohler a call; he has a truck but his back kinda hurts these days...
  6. Typically, pictures are only in their heads. How about a layton style topo? The line looks sick. I have a nice photo of mcClellan in my house, and yes it is mine. I agree RC, less talk and more CYSM.
  7. so.f-w Ken, Peter Smiltons looks fwd to seeing yah...give a shout when you are back in the emerald city. safe travels........
  8. Engineering Quiz A backhoe weighing 8 tons is on top of a flatbed trailer and heading east on Interstate 70 near Hays, Kansas . The extended shovel arm is made of hardened refined steel and the approaching overpass is made of commercial-grade concrete, reinforced with 1 1/2 inch steel rebar spaced at 6 inch intervals in a crisscross pattern layered at 1 foot vertical spacing. Solve: When the shovel arm hits the overpass, how fast do you have to be going to slice the bridge in half? ( Assume no effect for headwind and no braking by the driver...) Extra Credit: Solve for the time and distance required for the entire rig to come to a complete stop after hitting the overpass at the speed calculated above. Check all three photos below. Answer - Who cares, the trucking company just bought themselves a bridge.
  9. any shots of the wall from afar? tia.
  10. I am going to Leavenworth "this" weekend!! YEEEE HAW~!!!
  11. yeah AlpineK! way to step up and come back to reality...Fecking cool..
  12. Congratulations mr luke. hardly a boulder "boy" wonder anymore you are not....perhaps now the boulderman is more appropriate(?)... Salute!
  13. I recall going left...stellar hands to the roof. Then up and over to more money hands. One may bypass the roof by sneaking around to the right and then connecting back with the money hands section.
  14. The Dr topo team writes their own topos after they (typically) visit the crag or bouldering venue. Met them once in Lander area....cool cats just getting shit done and writing down the info for easy access. Probably won't visit Wa unless more local chumps talk it up enuff and get more press coverage to where people hear about this dirty mossy otherwise shitty Cascade Mt area I love to hate... cheers!
  15. rat a tat tat...
  16. Good Fukin Riddance!
  17. gysmastfu is all rat. i recommend making cappellini sleep in the dirt, way more entertainment.
  18. I am fairly sure d&e's route, "deadbaby goat" is moreorless a plumb line to the summit on the N. face.
  19. the dihedral is called recurve dihedral. if that is what you were asking before mr Layton.
  20. I would think Frenchmens main lot needs to be on the list somewhere around snow creek. Based on the amount of broken glass. And the fact that I saw a few windows smashed in on a return from sunshine wall.
  21. He was lighter man. Drugs are good man. I am tired man.
  22. Fixed enough already. If a partner is timid, toss a rope to them and belay them thru.
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