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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. knotzen

    Match Point

  2. No, no. I think he meant this: It was on the good ship Venus By Christ, ya shoulda seen us The figurehead was a whore in bed Who liked to shout, "Dear God, let nothing come between us!" Yeah, that's it.
  3. knotzen


    Awww, sweet! This, of course, leads my mind to other places not appropriate for this forum... Come to think of it, I may be more comfortable with the tried and true routes in the wild lands known as Spray.
  4. knotzen


    Hello there, I’ve been given information that sensitive, mature, responsible men who take climbing seriously and who appreciate tall women in heels hang out here at the Café Sensitivisimo. Can anyone confirm this beta? I like to get as much information as I can before heading into unknown territory. Any pictures, TRs, etc., would be helpful and appreciated. TIA!
  5. knotzen

    Masticated Gear

    Absolutely. There's nothing more intransigent than cat pee. This reminds me of my very first alpine climb, Frostbite Ridge on Glacier. One of the more senior fellows on the climb left his pack out at his house overnight, and his cat peed on it. It was so ripe, you had to walk a good 50 feet or more behind him. Hilarious, but sick. I still remember that smell. And losing two toenails on the trek out.
  6. knotzen

    Masticated Gear

    OMG, they're not tied in!! Oh Lord!
  7. knotzen

    Masticated Gear

    Getting back on-topic... My dog chewed up a $100-pair of glacier glasses. I tried to glue 'em back together, but, nah, it didn't really work. And then, of course, there's my down sleeping bag that still smells like cat urine--from my ex's cat, over 6 years ago. But it's sort of a homey smell, in a weird sort of way.
  8. No shit, but that was the best laugh I had all day.
  9. I hate that stuff. It's greasy and it smells funny. Plus, it sounds like a Japanese female body part.
  10. An "anti-gay slug" is a typo. It's supposed to be "slur."
  11. knotzen


    I thought he was talking about Olympia Climber, until that last part, cuz CBS says Oly does climb.
  12. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/532336/page/0/fpart/1/vc/1
  13. My fav is "repelling" (Freudian slip?).
  14. knotzen


    No way! Crying and whimpering on lead are essential tools in any astute and sensitive climber's bag of tricks. I take them with me, and implement them, on many a route.
  15. knotzen


    doods, don't go changin'--give me irreverence, or get the fuck outta my face yeah, that's right
  16. What I was really trying to say was .
  17. Thanks, E-R. I wouldn't of known that if you hadn't of clarified.
  18. I was half drawn into this. But the Moussaoui trial makes me feel confident it was al Qaeda, and not the U.S. government sabotaging its own people: "Moussaoui, 37, a French national of Moroccan descent, admitted last year that he conspired with al Qaeda, the terrorist group responsible for September 11, to hijack and crash planes into prominent U.S. buildings. Until he testified at his trial, Moussaoui insisted he had no role in the plot or advance knowledge of specific plot details. But on the witness stand, Moussaoui said he knew in advance of the plan to crash planes into the World Trade Center and was to pilot a fifth plane into the White House on September 11. Moussaoui's self-incriminating testimony severely damaged the defense case. His attorneys suggest that Moussaoui hopes to become an al Qaeda martyr." http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/06/moussaoui/index.html Obviously he wouldn't admit to all of this if al Qaeda hadn't even been involved--just the opposite.
  19. Yes. I'm going to index my book collection.
  20. Fuh-reaky!
  21. 8...?!?
  22. I have a girlfriend, too! Oh, um, just kidding.
  23. who dat?
  24. They wuz eatin' yogurt?
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