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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. knotzen

    29999 forever

    You can't hide from us, either, Druy.
  2. I gave up dropping the N-Bomb on poor Asian countries. Oh, and Europe, too.
  3. What's that saying? "A ball in the hand is worth two balls in the bush"? Or is it vice versa...
  4. 1. I recognize some of the peeps in the pix, and most of the pix are from the Mounties scrambling course, not the climbing course. Most of those people are getting somewhat vertical for the first time in their lives, fresh off the hiking trail, so whaddya expect? 2. I learned how to climb through the generosity of volunteers in the Mountaineers, and I sure as hayll ain't gonna bite the hand that fed me, so to speak. CC.com didn't exist when I started climbing, besides which, noobs get so much flack on this site, doubt they would get a good start in climbing here. 3. That said, I personally have never enjoyed the structured, virtually militaristic way outdoor clubs like the Mounties run their courses, but it must work for some people--they've been running courses for a long-ass time, and it gets the job done. And aside from the structure, you meet some nice folks and good climbers.
  5. knotzen

    Checkin' $20's !!!!

    They always take my $20s, even the fake ones.
  6. Whew! At first I thought this was about me. Oh, wait...
  7. knotzen


    Oh, I'm just needling ya. "Keep Wilderness Wild--Go Golfing"
  8. knotzen


    Does cheesecake count?
  9. knotzen


    Bragging or confessing?
  10. knotzen


    Is it just me or are "your mom" jokes getting kinda old? Yeah, like my mom.
  11. I know a lot of hikers with compulsive gamboling habits. It's a shame, really.
  12. More importantly, what causes a person to call it quits?!?
  13. OK, speaking of ketchup... http://www.ketchupeffect.com/ketchupeffect.wmv
  14. and she's 5-11 Hey, I'm 5-11! And could someone move this to Spray so we can really let the inanities flow? ("Inanities flow"?? Who speaks like that? )
  15. Speaking of dopamine, I take this drug, Mirapex (designed for Parkinson's Disease, but also works for restless leg syndrome, which is why I take it). Turns out it can cause a gambling addiction. Something to do with triggering dopamine, but not balancing it with seratonin or somesuch shit. Anyway, I'll bet anyone 10 to 1 that it's not affecting me that way, though.
  16. knotzen

    Ha ha suckers

    Woolly creatures from the island of Lesbos?!?
  17. Heh, heh. I always wanted to say that.
  18. knotzen

    Ha ha suckers

    Some peeple are to smart for they're own god. Or mine.
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