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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. Thanks, TREETOAD!
  2. Oh man, my beer shot out 2 fast just now.
  3. But if you're *too* sensitive?
  4. knotzen

    top this

    three what? three circles or three parts? I mowed the foot-long lawn--top THAT. It actually sorta looked like that there figger above, come to think of it.
  5. No, I think it's "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover--And Finish Solo"
  6. Just curious...I assume you are trying to quantify the effects of chalk dust on the respiratory system? Looking for a correlation of chalk dust to exercise-induced asthma?
  7. knotzen


    Be kind to sheep, and they'll be kind to ewe?
  8. knotzen


    I'll have what he's having.
  9. knotzen


    free-range maggots?
  10. knotzen

    trader joes

  11. no offense, of course
  12. More like a 2-bit post.
  13. Squid actually exists? I thought he was, like, a cartoon character.
  14. The kind that conduct sexual experiments? No fair!
  15. Why? Why?!? Because I'm NOT a young woman. I'm turning 40--FORTY!!--next month. Heck, I've got one foot in the grave, already. I'm hangin' onto 39 by a thread, but I'm hangin' on tight, dagnabbit. a.k.a. Kris
  16. knotzen

    Poor Archie

  17. knotzen

    Poor Archie

    You were missing?
  18. Then whatever you do today, don't fall down a set of stairs or sit on a pincushion.
  19. knotzen


    Upon becoming stoked by huffing a kitten or two, try your hand at cat juggling! http://www.uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Cat_Juggling
  20. knotzen


    Yes, you have to be careful with those things. Cactii, you know.
  21. Kewl! I want one of those. And I want to go to the ocean!
  22. knotzen


    This just has to be added, in the interest of the nonboobaphiliac pirate wenches (and the cabinboyaphiliac mateys, as the case may be) on the list. And I assure you, the model is over the age of consent.
  23. The How Will I Die quiz I, happily, will die at the age of 102. Sadly, I will be poisoned by my ex from my 7th (ahem) marriage.
  24. knotzen


    That belongs in the Boobs! thread.
  25. knotzen


    Aiiiiiiyyyy! My eyes! My eyes!
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