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Everything posted by prole

  1. prole

    Lame Duck Obama

    I know it's like, bad taste or something, to suggest that America might even exist after tomorrow, much less entertain the notion that a politician might have any, you know, plans for governing beyond this farce of a horse race, but it might be good to wonder what BARACKOBAMA might actually do with his MANDATE once elected. At any rate, Romney's probably right, we can't afford 4 more years of the Obama we've seen up to this point.
  2. So no real argument for tax cuts for rich people boosting growth. According to your Party, you'd think it was holy writ. Thanks.
  3. prole


  4. Wow, there's diversity within ethnic and racial categories? Whodathunk?
  5. prole

    No power

    "We have got to start thinking outside the pizza box!" --Herman Cain
  6. prole

    No power

    Don't have power? A. Get some money. B. Buy yourself into a better situation. Take some personal responsibility, people!
  7. prole

    Debunk this.

  8. prole

    Debunk this.

    It cool, Kev. JayB goes to dinner parties with nonbelievers too.
  9. Romney's going to win. I'm calling it.
  10. A. Get some money. B. Buy your way into a better situation. Works for lines at the airport, should be fine when applied across the board. Platinum Class, bitches!
  11. We should start trying to run every aspect of our society like this. Oh, wait, we are...and it's sucking.
  12. Wow, this is amazing! I mean, what you're saying is, we should just use MONEY to BUY our way into better schools! Glad to see you're as much a free-thinker as ever. Always taking a nuanced, ecumenical approach to suit the complexities of any issue under discussion. God, you're a fucking tool.
  13. Real estate tycoon and armchair political analyst Donald Trump pushed his way back into the campaign cycle on Monday, promising to disrupt the election with a "very big" revelation about the President on Wednesday. "Stay tuned for my big Obama announcement," Trump wrote on Twitter, following it up with a later tweet in which he told followers to "just wait and see!" "It's very big. Bigger than anybody would know," he later told "Fox & Friends," hinting it could "possibly" change the election. Michael Cohen, an executive at the Trump Organization who serves as special counsel to "The Apprentice" host, declined to shed any more light on the announcement, reiterating only that it would be "very big."
  14. Here was your first mistake. Dumbass.
  15. prole


    I think "poor little" Laika did just fine for himself...
  16. Yea, we're way to cool for that shit now. Fuckin' Moderns, pfft...
  17. prole

    Solving a Mystery

    ...and corporate America's response.
  18. prole

    Solving a Mystery

    2 Studies Point to Common Pesticide as a Culprit in Declining Bee Colonies
  19. prole

    RIP 9/11

    This film might help.
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