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Everything posted by prole

  1. I did. It's why I haven't been here.
  2. It's "drove" not "drobe". Just so you know.
  3. You're hilarious. Betta act like you know... [video:youtube]
  4. Meteorites are the currency of the future elite. Get in now before it's too late! Where's Billcoe when you need him?
  5. Like a good neighbor, you're in good hands...
  6. Link.
  7. Tanks for the memories! God, you're so fucking corny.
  8. prole

    Christmas Gift Idea

    Like you give a shit about adopted kids. Pfft.
  9. prole

    Where's Prole?

  10. "Brennanesque" Two Moobs!
  11. prole

    Obama & guns

    Fair and Balanced.
  13. political hatreds are hardly unipartisan - jesus, to hear the loudest on your side talk the past 3 years, obama is a leftist extremist socialist who wants all yer guns in addition to yer white girls, despite the overwhelming evidence during htat time that he's a ball-less moderate Better to blame libtards for destroying their candidates while stoking fear of the Red Menace than admit they haven't had a fucking clue since the early 90's. Hey, that's about when Gnewt came along...weird.
  14. Oh, so now you like him?
  15. OMG! LOL!
  16. Reagan/Bush. Clinton.
  17. Gnewt!
  18. Sad day. Time to reflect with friends and family...
  19. The real question here is did they end up getting their essence in the pudding during the process?
  20. The only good thing you can say about him is he isn't named Reince Priebus.
  21. Stephen Harper. WTF?
  22. They'd probably get a long way towards doing that without the warmed over "welfare queens" and "fat-cat" bus driver mafiosi narrative you seem happy to buy into. BTW, I'm not sure if this is considered arm-waving, but that's got to be the single worst political strategy I've ever heard. If I take "earning confidence" to mean taking cuts to pay and benefits.
  23. Why do you think that is, that she'll be lucky to get that through? From the looks of the way the larger frame of the debate has shifted in the last couple months (remember how you said even discussing the revenue side was impossible just a short while ago), perhaps the problem is that people haven't gotten shrill enough.
  24. Alas, poor Herman Cain. He flew so high, so fast, but like Icarus, flew TOO CLOSE TO THAT ASS!!!
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