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Everything posted by prole

  1. Oh, and it practically goes without saying (for some on this board, at least) if you're not doing anything wrong then you have no reason to fear assassination.
  2. If you can't say anything nice about America, don't say anything at all.
  3. prole


    Can't you say anything nice about America?
  4. prole


    I hope the victim has health insurance.
  5. Boring? That's the thanks I get for keeping you entertained at work all day?
  6. "PatrioEjacula" - yeah that starts off the conversation on the right foot. Funny, you didn't have a problem with it to begin with. You started by trying to get all Jay_B on that shit and failed miserably.
  7. Holy shit, it's the day after the day after Memorial Day. Can we post something about the appalling number of American children living in poverty, Captain America?
  8. It's the politically correct police! Whoop-whoop!
  9. Nobody loves a good your-mama joke or atrocity photo more than Kojak.
  10. C'mon Rob, you know these colors don't run. I bleed red, white and blue, support the troops, and pledge allegiance to the flag. What more do you want?
  11. Somebody post a portrait of Steve Jobs rubbing his chin looking all mavericky 'n shit and everything will be cool.
  12. Yep. And let's ignore that Americans are generous, help others, and that here we actually talk about and do things for those less fortunate. But none of that counts in the OP's original chart. Singing Kumbayah and blowing red, white, and blue smoke up each other's asses doesn't show up in the chart? Must be something wrong with the maths.
  13. You'd rather remain ignorant of the state of the nation than have this stuff thrust in your face, I get that.
  14. So if the chart were posted by someone else...?
  15. If guilt is immediately what springs to your mind when social issues are raised, then you've got some soul searching to do.
  16. Which is why it's so interesting that Kojak immediately brings it up whenever a social issue is raised. Personally, I think it's probably a far less effective means of engagement than reason or humor. Or provocation, for that matter. I simply posted the chart, guilt entered the conversation somewhere else down the line...
  17. F.T.F.Y.
  18. Choose bath salts.
  19. It's going good actually. Rob has single-handedly reappropriated America's bloated defense spending and put that money towards education and healthcare priorities.
  20. Yeah, if you give a shit what some moron you went to high school with is having for dinner. Guh, thanks for "sharing"... You're such an Uebermensch, Prole. Uber you, anyway.
  21. That was money well spent.
  22. Then that's your choice.
  24. Impossible. Try again.
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