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Everything posted by prole

  1. I like how this whole discussion here and in the media at large revolves around demographic shifts and culture wars piffle. I'm sure elites like it that way too... Erskine Bowles for Treasury Sec!!
  2. prole

    Lame Duck Obama

    See, this is a problem. I don't care what these people believe. We need only look at the very recent past to see that deregulation, privatization, austerity, demonizing pubic works, programs, and workers (all Libertarian initiatives) have and continue to be a disaster. How can this possibly be news to anyone?
  3. prole

    Lame Duck Obama

    Yeah, walking down a mud track to WalMart sucks? CleElum's Vision for 21st Century America! Are you kidding me right now?
  4. prole

    Lame Duck Obama

    Libertarianism: Last Refuge for the Doggedly Confused and Historical Amnesiac
  5. prole

    Lame Duck Obama

    Economic Evangelicals: Complex and Considered LULZ
  6. prole

    Lame Duck Obama

    Big "L" libertarianism doesn't have a monopoly over self reliance, personal responsibility, personal liberty, and privacy. These are pretty much universal tropes easily available and repeatable by any political stripe. Just saying them doesn't really count. The problem with Libertarians is that they have no understanding or critique of power relations beyond State power, no analysis of how concentrations of economic wealth relates to the political sphere, an inabilty to wrestle with the social repercussions of raw market outcomes or market failures or externalities, and a dogged unwillingness to address the fallout from unregulated capitalism past, present, or future. Far from complex or considered, their views seem lazy, narrow, and backward. As long as Libertarians are unable to address BIG issues or introduce a kind of social organization to meet them (that isn't "government"), they can remain the Star Trek convention of crackpots theay are on the American political scene.
  7. prole

    Lame Duck Obama

    Most Libertarians give fuck-all about whether the policies they advocate would hurt others. "GM: Let it Burn" LOL
  8. But look on the bright side, it just got alot easier to self-medicate.
  9. Don't worry, Obama and the Democrats will be putting the Right's economic austerity agenda into practice for years to come.
  10. Mm-hm, All those boobies you be watching on TV? Yeah, they live here.
  11. The drugs are so good because we need them so bad.
  12. Being more free to smoke marijuana will be awesome, because the American cultural landscape is becoming pretty much unbearable without it.
  13. Congrats on the weed thing if it passes. We'll be more free now...to smoke marijuana.
  14. Progress? That stuff's for the birds! I'm for the other options!
  15. And if not, why? Billcoe, go!
  16. Hey, where's the experts? What's going on? Are "we" winning?
  17. Or about how much Americans spend on kazoos every year.
  18. Have you heard about the government's War on Sodium?
  19. Florescent lightbulbs? Wake up, people!!!
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